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End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:06 pm
by moorfield
It was a pleasant surprise to be back to normal in my office today - no temperature scans on the entrance, 2m markers, one way arrows, footprint markers in the lifts etc etc, and tables back in the canteen.

So I guess someone has to stick their head over the parapet and ask the obvious:

Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:14 pm
by Padders72
Why? The forum was here before Covid so I don't see the link personally.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:30 pm
by staffordian
Padders72 wrote:Why? The forum was here before Covid so I don't see the link personally.
I'm guessing the reference is just to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) discussion board(s) rather than the entire forum (which is what I imagined when I read the title of the post)

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:32 pm
by moorfield
Padders72 wrote:Why? The forum was here before Covid so I don't see the link personally.
You've misunderstood me, and possibly I've used the wrong language, apologies.

This Coronavirus Discussions board was opened in December 2020, nearly a year after the emergence of Covid.

I've realised I've probably posted the question in the wrong place, so reposting in Room 102 shortly. ... 30#p482830

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:33 pm
by Padders72
Ah. Silly me. Well it would be a step in the right direction if we didn’t need a whole section devoted to Covid but I suspect we’ll be talking about it for quite a while yet.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:37 pm
by moorfield
Padders72 wrote:Ah. Silly me. Well it would be a step in the right direction if we didn’t need a whole section devoted to Covid but I suspect we’ll be talking about it for quite a while yet.
Well we do not have boards to discuss Aids, Flu, or the Plague, which are all now generally accepted to be endemic and drugs are available to treat them.

It's time to follow the Govt and move on, imho.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 10:57 pm
by Steveam
I think it very premature to be closing the coronavirus boards. There is considerable news about coronavirus from other parts of the world and I look forward to hearing about the news here given that we’ve just changed the rules. When there have been no new posts for three or four months it might be sensible to consider closure (although I hope such closure doesn’t mean deletion).

Best wishes,


Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 11:27 pm
by zico
I'd prefer to wait until the Covid virus announces in a press conference it's not going to develop any new variants.
Suggesting closing the Covid boards sounds rather like 'cancel' culture to me.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 25th, 2022, 11:41 pm
by dave559
moorfield wrote: Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
The UK is made up of 4 countries, with separate governments and different perspectives regarding public health matters. Only one of them (yours, I assume) keeps repeatedly making prematurely rash decisions regarding the Covid pandemic which, too often, turn out to have been very foolhardy. Public health protections still remain in force in other countries of the UK: you do not and cannot speak for us.

All of us hope that the worst of Covid is gradually coming to (but not yet at) an end, and that hopefully no further particularly virulent strains with high morbidity and/or mortality will emerge, but I suspect that, once again, any flagwaving at decreasing case levels will again sadly prove to be somewhat premature.

If the infection rate has reduced to a fairly negligible level by autumn/winter, and does not start to significantly increase once again at that time, only then, I feel, can we be more confident that we are over the worst of it. Until then, it makes sense to continue to maintain at least some level of the existing [1] protections, including mask wearing in some circumstances.

While Covid remains a potential significant public health risk, it makes sense to retain this particular board. And in any case, if and when a particular board outlives its usefulness, conversations it in will then decline naturally. There is fairly rarely a need to close a board, and when such a situation does occur there is rarely any need to do so prematurely and in too much of an unseemly hurry. You don't work for the blond buffoon, I trust?

[1] "existing" being in the present tense of course (sadly being weakened only to 'recommended' in the near future) in the less foolhardy nations of the UK. Even more sad is that we have seen that when a legal requirement is reduced to becoming merely advisory, too many sociopathic idiots adopt an "I'm all right, Jack (so far)…" attitude, "…I don't care about the wellbeing of anyone else". Well, as long as neither they nor anyone they care about dies nor suffers long-term serious health effects from Covid (perhaps more's the pity)…

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 12:09 am
by moorfield
dave559 wrote:
moorfield wrote: Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
The UK is made up of 4 countries, with separate governments and different perspectives regarding public health matters. Only one of them (yours, I assume) keeps repeatedly making prematurely rash decisions regarding the Covid pandemic which, too often, turn out to have been very foolhardy. Public health protections still remain in force in other countries of the UK: you do not and cannot speak for us.

All of us hope that the worst of Covid is gradually coming to (but not yet at) an end, and that hopefully no further particularly virulent strains with high morbidity and/or mortality will emerge, but I suspect that, once again, any flagwaving at decreasing case levels will again sadly prove to be somewhat premature.

If the infection rate has reduced to a fairly negligible level by autumn/winter, and does not start to significantly increase once again at that time, only then, I feel, can we be more confident that we are over the worst of it. Until then, it makes sense to continue to maintain at least some level of the existing [1] protections, including mask wearing in some circumstances.

While Covid remains a potential significant public health risk, it makes sense to retain this particular board. And in any case, if and when a particular board outlives its usefulness, conversations it in will then decline naturally. There is fairly rarely a need to close a board, and when such a situation does occur there is rarely any need to do so prematurely and in too much of an unseemly hurry. You don't work for the blond buffoon, I trust?

[1] "existing" being in the present tense of course (sadly being weakened only to 'recommended' in the near future) in the less foolhardy nations of the UK. Even more sad is that we have seen that when a legal requirement is reduced to becoming merely advisory, too many sociopathic idiots adopt an "I'm all right, Jack (so far)…" attitude, "…I don't care about the wellbeing of anyone else". Well, as long as neither they nor anyone they care about dies nor suffers long-term serious health effects from Covid (perhaps more's the pity)…

I have rephrased the question on R102 as "Will the Coronavirus Discussions Board be closed? which invites a Yes/No response and gives the mods scope to inform on what the "exit criteria" for closing might be.
I would suggest that if we are still here having Coronavirus Discussions in 10 years' time that would be nonsense, so between now and then one expects it must happen ...

(Lemonfool Ltd incidentally is registered in England and Wales, so I would assume those are the applicable jurisdictions here, ie not Scotland :) )

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 12:12 am
by moorfield
zico wrote:I'd prefer to wait until the Covid virus announces in a press conference it's not going to develop any new variants.
Suggesting closing the Covid boards sounds rather like 'cancel' culture to me.
There will always be variants! It's a virus, that's what viruses do...

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 12:19 am
by jfgw
That is something I have wondered myself. This is still an active section and I think that it will be for some time, and we cannot be certain that the remaining nine Greek letters will not be needed (although I don't think they will be).

Eventually, this section will lose relevance. One option would be to move the threads to, say, the Health and Wellbeing board where the Covid threads will gradually drift down the list.

Julian F. G. W.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 1:41 am
by mc2fool
moorfield wrote:I would suggest that if we are still here having Coronavirus Discussions in 10 years' time that would be nonsense...
I would suggest that if we are still here having Coronavirus Discussions in 10 years' time that it would most likely be far from nonsense but because covid is still a salient issue. Let's hope not.

I see no reason to even consider closing the board at this point. Just let it carry on until it (hopefully) fizzles out naturally, as we hope covid will.

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 5:06 am
by servodude
mc2fool wrote: Just let it carry on until it (hopefully) fizzles out naturally, as we hope covid will.
That seems like a sensible approach.
Perhaps it will end up just being kept alive by folk posting to complain that people are still posting

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 9:22 am
by pje16
moorfield wrote: So I guess someone has to stick their head over the parapet and ask the obvious:
Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
Are you on the same wavelength as Boris...
News for those who may think otherwise, it is NOT over yet

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 9:33 am
by Padders72
dave559 wrote:
moorfield wrote: Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
The UK is made up of 4 countries, with separate governments and different perspectives regarding public health matters. Only one of them (yours, I assume) keeps repeatedly making prematurely rash decisions regarding the Covid pandemic which, too often, turn out to have been very foolhardy. Public health protections still remain in force in other countries of the UK: you do not and cannot speak for us.

All of us hope that the worst of Covid is gradually coming to (but not yet at) an end, and that hopefully no further particularly virulent strains with high morbidity and/or mortality will emerge, but I suspect that, once again, any flagwaving at decreasing case levels will again sadly prove to be somewhat premature.

If the infection rate has reduced to a fairly negligible level by autumn/winter, and does not start to significantly increase once again at that time, only then, I feel, can we be more confident that we are over the worst of it. Until then, it makes sense to continue to maintain at least some level of the existing [1] protections, including mask wearing in some circumstances.

While Covid remains a potential significant public health risk, it makes sense to retain this particular board. And in any case, if and when a particular board outlives its usefulness, conversations it in will then decline naturally. There is fairly rarely a need to close a board, and when such a situation does occur there is rarely any need to do so prematurely and in too much of an unseemly hurry. You don't work for the blond buffoon, I trust?

[1] "existing" being in the present tense of course (sadly being weakened only to 'recommended' in the near future) in the less foolhardy nations of the UK. Even more sad is that we have seen that when a legal requirement is reduced to becoming merely advisory, too many sociopathic idiots adopt an "I'm all right, Jack (so far)…" attitude, "…I don't care about the wellbeing of anyone else". Well, as long as neither they nor anyone they care about dies nor suffers long-term serious health effects from Covid (perhaps more's the pity)…
I think you may have missed the big rider in red at the top of the page that forbids bringing politics into it mate...

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 10:24 am
by moorfield
pje16 wrote:
moorfield wrote: So I guess someone has to stick their head over the parapet and ask the obvious:
Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
Are you on the same wavelength as Boris...
News for those who may think otherwise, it is NOT over yet
Yes, one of the few things I agree with Boris on actually.

As I wrote, shouldn't come as a surprise that someone has stuck their head over the parapet and asked the obvious question about this board, should it?

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 10:30 am
by 88V8
moorfield wrote:Now that covid restrictions have been dropped, will this forum be following suit and duly be closed?
Come winter, we'll all be back on here again.


Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 10:56 am
by pje16
The forum is TLF
this is a post :roll:

Re: End of Forum?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 10:58 am
by pje16
moorfield wrote:
pje16 wrote: Are you on the same wavelength as Boris...
News for those who may think otherwise, it is NOT over yet
Yes, one of the few things I agree with Boris on actually.
Amazing .... really
32 thousand new cases in the UK yesterday, so it is over then ?