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Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 9:47 pm
by Stompa
Does anybody know what's the procedure when a second Covid jab has been missed?

I know a chap who had his first Astrazeneca jab 9 months ago, then decided that that would be sufficient and didn't bother with his second jab. He's now having second thoughts.

He thinks he can just go and get a booster jab, whereas I'm wondering if he has to get a second jab and then wait 6 months for the booster. Of course I guess it may be neither of those options?

Re: Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 9:59 pm
by servodude
Stompa wrote:Does anybody know what's the procedure when a second Covid jab has been missed?
Sit back up straight and don't move next time? ;)

..but otherwise it's going to vary depending on where it's been booked. I'd suggest your pal contact their GP's surgery as you'd expect them to be up to date with the protocols for the area.

I know my sister-in-law's first jab "aged out" and she had to start over again (NHS Greater Glasgow)


Re: Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 10:40 pm
by swill453
Surely a second jab and a booster are basically the same thing anyway. The important thing is to go and get it ASAP.


Re: Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 10:44 pm
by Mike4
swill453 wrote:Surely a second jab and a booster are basically the same thing anyway. The important thing is to go and get it ASAP.

Don't you have to be invited?

Re: Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 10:53 pm
by Stompa
servodude wrote:I'd suggest your pal contact their GP's surgery as you'd expect them to be up to date with the protocols for the area.
This: ... ctitioners

looks like it may be the relevant document, in which case "If an interval longer than that recommended is left between doses, there is no need to restart the course and the second dose should be given as soon as it can be arranged (preferably using the same vaccine to complete the course)".
swill453 wrote:Surely a second jab and a booster are basically the same thing anyway.
Not precisely the same though, as they may be different vaccines and/or different doses.
swill453 wrote:The important thing is to go and get it ASAP.
Agreed - I've been telling him that for months!

Re: Missed Jab Procedure

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 11:54 pm
by scotia
swill453 wrote:Surely a second jab and a booster are basically the same thing anyway. The important thing is to go and get it ASAP.

The booster program seems to be using only Pfizer or Moderna (depending on the vaccinating site). Normally these follow two Astra Zeneca or two Pfizer vaccinations. So if your initial (and only) vaccination was Astra Zeneca, you will have an unusual combination - and if you finally go for a 3rd vaccination, you may get a full house - Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. :)
Joking aside I agree The important thing is to go and get it ASAP.