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Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 3:29 pm
by terminal7
I had my first 2 jabs January and April this year. Both figure on my NHS records/app with bar codes etc. I had my booster in mid October and nothing has yet to appear in my records. Interestingly, the expiry date on jab 2 bar code has been 'pushed back' by 2 months from what it was originally. My wife - who attended different location for her booster - has a similar situation with her expiry date.

Does anyone know whether the booster data is being fed into my GP medical records? Maybe the expiry date change is a result of this?


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 3:51 pm
by mc2fool
It's in mine. Under the NHS App (website version) the booster shows up in Your GP health record both under Medicines and Immunisations, and using Patient Access it shows up under Medical Record both under Medications and Immunisations.

However, in both the NHS COVID Pass and the Patient Access COVID-19 vaccination record it only shows the original two jabs. I think that's been discussed elsewhere in this or other nearby forum....

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 4:09 pm
by XFool

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 4:46 pm
by terminal7
mc2fool wrote:It's in mine. Under the NHS App (website version) the booster shows up in Your GP health record both under Medicines and Immunisations, and using Patient Access it shows up under Medical Record both under Medications and Immunisations.

However, in both the NHS COVID Pass and the Patient Access COVID-19 vaccination record it only shows the original two jabs. I think that's been discussed elsewhere in this or other nearby forum....
Thanks - indeed I note that at the booster inoculation date in October it states 'immunisation course to maintain protection etc....'.

However, there does not appear any bar code update associated with this as per the first and second doses. I need to show in Italy next week evidence of a booster that can be read by a scanner. As mentioned I noticed on the bar code for the second dose the expiry date had 'stretched' 2 months soon following the date of the booster - therefore I was wondering whether the booster data had in fact fed into the system to trigger off this changing expiry date on the second dose bar code.


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 5:02 pm
by mc2fool
terminal7 wrote:As mentioned I noticed on the bar code for the second dose the expiry date had 'stretched' 2 months soon following the date of the booster...
Are you sure? My understanding is that the bar codes simply last for 30 days. Just looked at mine and it says expiry is 14 December 2021. Indeed, if I look at the Domestic one it's even more specific and says 14 December 2021 at 5.02pm.

This looks relevant to you ... -n7l3t69wb

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 12:10 pm
by niord
For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 12:16 pm
by redsturgeon
niord wrote:For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab
Yes, mine too showing all three vaccines now.


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 12:32 pm
by kiloran
niord wrote:For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab
Not in Scotland, it seems. The web page does show my booster appointment, but does not record that I actually had the jab


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 12:50 pm
by niord
kiloran wrote:
niord wrote:For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab
Not in Scotland, it seems. The web page does show my booster appointment, but does not record that I actually had the jab


The Scottish NHS app was developed separately from the English and Welsh app. I found on a recent trip to Scotland that my English COVID-19 track and trace app didn't work up there either !

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 2:28 pm
by XFool
niord wrote:For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab
I heard this announced on the news this morning and immediately checked Patient Access. I don't use the NHS App.

My Booster vaccination was not shown - at least it always has been, in the Immunisations folder, but the vaccination record in the account home was still showing my Second COVID Vaccination from March. I just checked again and it is the same.

So, either still to be updated, or the NHS App doesn't (now?) use this copy of the record.

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 3:06 pm
by tjh290633
Mine is showing now.


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 3:29 pm
by niord
XFool wrote:
niord wrote:For info the NHS app is now showing the booster jab
I heard this announced on the news this morning and immediately checked Patient Access. I don't use the NHS App.

My Booster vaccination was not shown - at least it always has been, in the Immunisations folder, but the vaccination record in the account home was still showing my Second COVID Vaccination from March. I just checked again and it is the same.

So, either still to be updated, or the NHS App doesn't (now?) use this copy of the record.
I have patient access on my phone but tend to use the NHS app now as I need the records for travel. Just checked my patient access records and my booster is not shown under the covid -19 vaccination record, but it is shown under the immunisations section which is in the medical record section. Make of that what you will !

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 19th, 2021, 4:50 pm
by XFool
tjh290633 wrote:Mine is showing now.
In NHS App or Patient Access? Just checked PA again and nothing has changed. Perhaps it now depends on whether you have an NHS App account or not?

Can anyone else confirm the situation in their PA account?

Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: November 20th, 2021, 11:52 pm
by tjh290633
XFool wrote:
tjh290633 wrote:Mine is showing now.
In NHS App or Patient Access? Just checked PA again and nothing has changed. Perhaps it now depends on whether you have an NHS App account or not?

Can anyone else confirm the situation in their PA account?
NHS app. I do not have Patient Access to my records, as I have never bothered to ask for it.


Re: Evidence of Booster in GP medical records and NHS App

Posted: December 1st, 2021, 10:55 pm
by XFool
On the spur of the moment I just logged in to Patient Access for a quick check. Yes, booster is now shown in home directory. No idea for how long this has been the case.

Does this mean that booster status is now generally implemented in NHS App?

I see tjh290633 had confirmed this on 19th, but it was not then in my PA account.