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Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 4:58 pm
by Sunnypad
Not a lemon fool obvs

Fool me 15 times, shame on me.

Anyone else baffled by those who believe Boris and his unlocking plans?

I had to look at office space today. Asked what happens in lockdowns and they were surprised by the question.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:22 pm
by murraypaul
Shrug. If circumstances change then so should plans.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:27 pm
by 9873210
I am baffled by people who believe "data, not dates" means "dates, not data".

UK now has highest Covid case rate in Europe

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:28 pm
by murraypaul

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:31 pm
by nmdhqbc
i don't really follow this stuff in great detail but even i knew from when he announced it that those dates were never set in stone. just if all goes to plan this it what will happen. well things did not go to plan so as they said upfront the dates change. pretty straight forward.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:39 pm
by Sunnypad
Cases are up

But what happened to % vaccinated?

If cases continue to go up as vaccinated people increase, then what?

And what happens with the next pandemic?

At what point do people on here think it's okay to crack on?

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:41 pm
by murraypaul
Sunnypad wrote:Cases are up

But what happened to % vaccinated?

If cases continue to go up as vaccinated people increase, then what?
The cases are going up in the unvaccinated population, as are hospitalisations.
Which is the argument for delaying further until more people can be vaccinated.
58% of the adult population has been double-vaccinated, which means 42% have not.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:43 pm
by Sunnypad
nmdhqbc wrote:i don't really follow this stuff in great detail but even i knew from when he announced it that those dates were never set in stone. just if all goes to plan this it what will happen. well things did not go to plan so as they said upfront the dates change. pretty straight forward.
I should have been clearer, I wasn't talking about the date. I remember when only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated, how did it become everyone?

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:44 pm
by Sunnypad
murraypaul wrote:
Sunnypad wrote:Cases are up

But what happened to % vaccinated?

If cases continue to go up as vaccinated people increase, then what?
The cases are going up in the unvaccinated population, as are hospitalisations.
Which is the argument for delaying further until more people can be vaccinated.
58% of the adult population has been double-vaccinated, which means 42% have not.
So you believe that when the max number is vaxed twice, they will unlock?

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:47 pm
by nmdhqbc
Sunnypad wrote:
nmdhqbc wrote:i don't really follow this stuff in great detail but even i knew from when he announced it that those dates were never set in stone. just if all goes to plan this it what will happen. well things did not go to plan so as they said upfront the dates change. pretty straight forward.
I should have been clearer, I wasn't talking about the date. I remember when only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated, how did it become everyone?
no idea what you're talking about. i've just blissfully gone through this pandemic without watching any news. the important details got to me somehow but by not following the minutia of it all i can relax and wait it out. i wrote off 2021 in about may 2020. lowered my expectations and everything is a bonus when it happens. you should try it. you'll be happier i'm sure.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:48 pm
by murraypaul
Sunnypad wrote:So you believe that when the max number is vaxed twice, they will unlock?
I believe that when the correct balance between scientific advice and political expediency is reached, they will unlock.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 5:58 pm
by Sunnypad
nmdhqbc wrote:
Sunnypad wrote: I should have been clearer, I wasn't talking about the date. I remember when only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated, how did it become everyone?
no idea what you're talking about. i've just blissfully gone through this pandemic without watching any news. the important details got to me somehow but by not following the minutia of it all i can relax and wait it out. i wrote off 2021 in about may 2020. lowered my expectations and everything is a bonus when it happens. you should try it. you'll be happier i'm sure.
I did the same! Switched off the media, looked at figures. But I still have the problem of being desperately lonely, because people who are scared, then I'm scared out and about because I can't wear a mask and you don't know which nutter will attack you...i have other health problems so it's not easy to get out beyond the local area.

I miss my friends so much. I had no idea they would behave this way. Double vaxxed too.

I am trying to get a gauge on when people will calm down.

Many of you will know my late father specialised in infectious disease. All the pandemic planning he did was never based on such low numbers and was based on how to get life to continue, not stop.

At the moment the only shoulders I have to cry on are proper flat earth conspiracy theorists. I'm sure they are absolute loons and I'm loathe to let men into my home that I don't know, but....what else is there?

Many of us are being driven to dubious things because it's not permitted to say "overreaction".

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 6:01 pm
by Sunnypad
There must be ordinary people who find this insane. Where are they?

Is it that no one dares say it out loud?

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 6:12 pm
by Mike4
Sunnypad wrote:
nmdhqbc wrote:i don't really follow this stuff in great detail but even i knew from when he announced it that those dates were never set in stone. just if all goes to plan this it what will happen. well things did not go to plan so as they said upfront the dates change. pretty straight forward.
I should have been clearer, I wasn't talking about the date. I remember when only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated, how did it become everyone?
It was always everyone. I suspect you interpreted the policy of vaccinating the most vulnerable first, with "only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated".

It was never the case that only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated. 100% of the population of the world is vulnerable to it because it is (was) a new virus to which no-one has any resistance so everyone needs vaccinating. Once everyone needs vaccinating it makes sense to prioritise the most vulnerable first.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 6:21 pm
by Sunnypad

Not what Hancock said ... cock-covid

To be clear, I believed restrictions would last at least as long as the Coronavirus Act.

What I was completely unprepared for was the reaction of what seems like the majority of people.

I'm sorry, I haven't phrased this well but I am utterly baffled and quite terrified for the future.

I hope the mods will be okay with me saying....if you share my view, and if you are a woman (sorry but it's always men who message on boards), I'd love someone to vent with so if you feel the same and want a chat, feel free to PM me.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 6:34 pm
by Mike4
Sunnypad wrote:Mike4

Not what Hancock said

To be clear, I believed restrictions would last at least as long as the Coronavirus Act.

What I was completely unprepared for was the reaction of what seems like the majority of people.

I'm sorry, I haven't phrased this well but I am utterly baffled and quite terrified for the future.

Well as any fule kno, Hancock has only the flimsiest of understanding of coronavirus technicalities, so trusting or believing what he says is a fool's errand. He only says things designed to serve him politically and the truth is usually the first casualty.

I believe restrictions will last as long as it is politically expedient to have them, then they will be dropped. The main political expediency is performance of the NHS. If it looks at risk of getting overwhelmed, restrictions will be toughened and vice versa.

The reaction of most people is to protect themselves personally from getting infected. A few people think the whole thing is a conspiracy to 'control' them. (God knows why, but they do.) The reaction of our politicians is to do and say whatever it takes to stay elected.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 6:42 pm
by Sunnypad
Mike "I believe restrictions will last as long as it is politically expedient to have them, then they will be dropped. The main political expediency is performance of the NHS. If it looks at risk of getting overwhelmed, restrictions will be toughened and vice versa."

That's what stuns me - how it can still be politically expedient.

As a family we know quite a few NHS staff and they are quite scared at the moment and not of covid.

If all this was to protect the NHS, pass me the sledgehammer.

Sorry I keep saying it, but thank whoever that dad didn't live to see this, that's one small mercy...actually the only one
I can think of...

Over and out.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 7:52 pm
by XFool
Sunnypad wrote:
nmdhqbc wrote:i don't really follow this stuff in great detail but even i knew from when he announced it that those dates were never set in stone. just if all goes to plan this it what will happen. well things did not go to plan so as they said upfront the dates change. pretty straight forward.
I should have been clearer, I wasn't talking about the date. I remember when only the vulnerable had to be vaccinated, how did it become everyone?

It has always been "everyone", it still is - indeed, "everyone" actually means everyone in the world.

They started with the most vulnerable, that is the oldest, and have been steadily working down through the age scale ever since.

I confess to a certain amazement that anyone really can have missed all of this. Where have you been the last 6 months?

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 9:59 pm
by Sunnypad

I keep an eye on the data and the law

So at present we have about 0.016% of the country testing positive

That's a major increase in the last couple of weeks.

In my local postcode, we have 7 cases which is a 250% increase on last week.

I did hear the vicar say "no one is safe till the whole world is vaccinated" which I thought was unfortunate. There are elderly members if the congregation who won't hug their grandkids now.

I'm in a quandary at the moment because I see the insanity of the conspiracy groups but frankly I see insanity in the acceptable line as well. And one group will provide practical support (they have already) and one group will not.

There must be some sane "middle way" folk.

Re: Fool me once....

Posted: June 17th, 2021, 10:23 pm
by Nimrod103
Sunnypad wrote:XFool

I keep an eye on the data and the law

So at present we have about 0.016% of the country testing positive

That's a major increase in the last couple of weeks.

In my local postcode, we have 7 cases which is a 250% increase on last week.

I did hear the vicar say "no one is safe till the whole world is vaccinated" which I thought was unfortunate. There are elderly members if the congregation who won't hug their grandkids now.

I'm in a quandary at the moment because I see the insanity of the conspiracy groups but frankly I see insanity in the acceptable line as well. And one group will provide practical support (they have already) and one group will not.

There must be some sane "middle way" folk.
A fatuous remark by the vicar. Life is full of risks. You can either face them head on, or convert to Islam and then you don't have to worry about risk because Allah determines everything, including when and how you die, so just lay back and forget about it all.

Not everyone in the World will ever be vaccinated. Indeed, in the UK there is a major debate raging about whether children and teenagers should be vaccinated. The argument is that vaccination (and all invasive treatments) are given to help the patient. But young people will not die or get very sick* from Covid, so vaccinating them is not to help them, but to help build herd immunity which protects older people. It is ethically very deep water. I think it very unlikely the Western World will vaccinate children on a large scale.

*Some younger people will die and get sick from Covid, but the number of disease victims is likely to be much smaller than the number of young people who die or get sick from the side effects of the vaccines.