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Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 12:39 am
by csearle
Returned home this evening from another pub: The Duke of York in Tunbridge Wells. I like this pub because of the beer and the staff (Hophead, and nice youngsters).

So tonight one youngster wanders to his seat without a mask along with his masked mate. The staff ask him to wear a mask when he is not at his table. All good. I carry on reading my book and drinking. Said youth goes to the loo, a long-ish walk, no mask. Staff say nothing.

Another youth wanders in (ignoring the one-way-system in place) heads down into he cellar. I manage to point out to him that he needs the next door and the loo is upstairs and that actually he should be wearing a mask.

Later he comes down and is very aggressive to me (as if I was the one ignoring the government guidelines). I point out that six people died today and several people more are mourning the loss of their loved one because we are still trying to get over this pandemic. He is not impressed but retires to his table.

I carry on reading until I am interrupted by the same youth telling me I shouldn't be so "lary" and is only calmed down by the staff telling to sit down at his table, shut up, and drink.

I spent the remainder of my time emailing the manager of the pub, Glenn, about the incidents and asking him if he was concerned about such people intimidating his clientele and whether I should escalate this to the chain (Fullers) or not. I don't want to because I wish Glenn and his staff well, but on the other hand why should some selfish youths be allowed to totally disregard the guidelines and get away with it. C.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 1:30 am
by servodude
I see the word
csearle wrote:guidelines
isn't that most of the issue? suggestions by weasels for weasels

even with "rules" there's a pernicious sense of entitlement that leads many think they are exempt
- it's normally best to just blame the parents and move on

In the case here though mentioning it to the landlord as you've done seems like it might be productive and I wouldn't escalate it unless you get an unsatisfactory response
- certainly tolerating aggressive patrons isn't going to help them in the long run
- and they do have the right to refuse service, as long it's not because of a short list of discriminations; being a loudmouthed unmasked gobby prick isn't on that list the last time I looked

I'm sure most conscientious owners/managers would appreciate feedback on their covid policy; it might encourage them that it's worth the staff enforcing it

- sd

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 2:21 am
by Mike4
servodude wrote: I'm sure most conscientious owners/managers would appreciate feedback on their covid policy; it might encourage them that it's worth the staff enforcing it

- sd

I very much doubt it. Most pub landlords (or managers) will happily take the money from whoever walks in the door on the day willing to spend a pile, and do what they can to manage the twunts as they get ever more pished and keep on spending.

If they upset the Fool in the corner buying one pint an hour, "So what, he is spending less than the twunt" is their secret attitude, I suspect.

Nice whisky, this....

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 2:34 am
by servodude
Mike4 wrote:
servodude wrote: I'm sure most conscientious owners/managers would appreciate feedback on their covid policy; it might encourage them that it's worth the staff enforcing it

- sd
I very much doubt it. Most pub landlords (or managers) will happily take the money from whoever walks in the door on the day willing to spend a pile, and do what they can to manage the twunts as they get ever more pished and keep on spending.

If they upset the Fool in the corner buying one pint an hour, "So what, he is spending less than the twunt" is their secret attitude, I suspect.

Nice whisky, this....
Yeah that is always a possibility
- but as Chris appears to be on first name terms with him it could be just what the guy needs to know that the staff's efforts are worth it?

even a lacklustre manager should be able to understand that tolerating aggressive punters is not a good long term strategy?
- unless of course it's one of "those" pubs
- in which case, next time, glass the guy and point out his mask would have limited the damage?

whisky sounds like a plan
- sd

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 9:17 am
by bluedonkey
It's always tricky getting into contentious discussions when drink is involved.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 9:25 am
by pje16
Unfortunately there are some complete w*nkers around
Well done for trying to make them see sense, but some people skulls are too thick to penetrate :roll:

Pharmacy rules

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 10:18 am
by bungeejumper
It's not just pubs, unfortunately. I went into my local small pharmacy yesterday to collect my usual prescription, and a woman came in behind me and stood there 18 inches from the back of my neck, without a mask. I'll agree that the back of my neck is not the body part I normally use for inhaling, but I was a bit miffed all the same.

Then I noticed that the assistant wasn't wearing a mask. And nor was the pharmacist, who stepped round the counter and handed me my pills. It's entirely possible that I've missed something - I've almost stopped trying to keep up to date with the changing regs - but should that have happened?

Maybe I'll go back in there tomorrow with a fake hacking cough, and see if they notice?


Re: Pharmacy rules

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 10:42 am
by pje16
bungeejumper wrote: Maybe I'll go back in there tomorrow with a fake hacking cough, and see if they notice?
Unbelievable, what planet are these people on !
Yes, great idea, cough way and watch their faces

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 1:06 pm
by pje16
It's true there are a load of brain dead morons about
This is from the latest Transport For London email

Between 4 July 2020 and 7 June 2021:

193,766 people were stopped by TfL enforcement officers, to put masks on before boarding
12,479 people were prevented from boarding and 2,843 were ejected from the service

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 6:06 pm
by sg31
My local Asda made a big thing about having security on the door to check people were wearing masks. They were as good as their word. The security guard was there...he wasn't wearing a mask. Neither were half the staff, half the rest had their nose uncovered.

I've not been back since.

Lidl and Aldi have warning messages about customers must wear masks or be refused entry, Most of the staff don't wear masks and nobody polices the maskless customers.

Basically most people don't abide by the rules. I just avoid them.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 7:51 pm
by csearle
I think it is normal for people *not* to wear masks at their workplaces but for most clientele to be expected to do so.C.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 7:53 pm
by csearle
By the way Glenn emailed me back rather irritated that on his first day off in ages it hadn't gone smoothly. He promised to take that matter in hand. C.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 8:10 pm
by moorfield
Double the price of every drink at the tills, and offer mask wearers a 50% discount ?

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 8:15 pm
by csearle
Hopefully the whole miserable episode will soon be behind us. C.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 10:19 pm
by anon155742
I went somewhere for lunch and they were extremely aggressive with their mask policy and I found it unpleasant. It was a small place, maybe 12 tables, and reservations only.

I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 11:01 pm
by Mike4
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch and they were extremely aggressive with their mask policy and I found it unpleasant. It was a small place, maybe 12 tables, and reservations only.

I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
What an [expletive deleted].

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 10th, 2021, 11:11 pm
by servodude
Mike4 wrote:
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch and they were extremely aggressive with their mask policy and I found it unpleasant. It was a small place, maybe 12 tables, and reservations only.

I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
What an Pink marshmallows.
I believe they have a reserved spot next to "those that talk at the theatre"

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 12:16 am
by mike
anon155742 wrote:I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
Good grief, what appalling behavior - it is written as though this was a deliberate revenge act.

If we can't make our reservations, please let the pub or restaurant know. When you see stories like this, your heart goes out to the landlord and staff.
Staff at a Bewdley [Worcs] pub were left frustrated after scores of punters failed to turn up to their booked tables over the Bank Holiday weekend.
But 52 people didn't turn up for their bookings on the day, which meant the recently reopened pub had to turn away walk-in visitors and crucial weekend revenue.
"It's been a very testing 12 months and no pub is coming out of this unscathed. We are all feeling the same frustrations."
The pub will also look to introduce a deposit based booking system in response to the problem. ... -no-shows/

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 7:12 am
by Dod101
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch and they were extremely aggressive with their mask policy and I found it unpleasant. It was a small place, maybe 12 tables, and reservations only.

I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
With people like you is it any wonder they are a bit aggressive? What were you trying to prove?


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:20 am
by 88V8
At the moment, pubs and restaurants should be defending themselves against thoughtless prats by taking a per-head non-refundable deposit with table bookings.
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch ....I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
Is this a new version of virtue-signalling?
