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You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:23 pm
by Clariman
Can anyone figure this one out? Which test is telling the truth? I'm interested in opinions here, especially if someone is genuinely knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
  • Mid March [corrected] - AZ vaccination no.1 :D
  • Early April - Less than 2 weeks later, I had a positive PCR test for Covid-19* :o
  • Mid May - Had an antibody test. No antibodies present in my blood* :?
  • Mid May - a very confused Clariman :? :roll:
Does this mean that my PCR test was likely to be a false positive?
Or was my antibody test a false negative?
Or did I have Covid-19 but the vaccine meant my body didn't need to produce its own antibodies?
Or was my immune system rubbish at creating long last antibodies on its own?

Given that I felt completely well after testing positive for Covid-19 I am beginning to think the false positive most likely.

* both tests were prompted by the Covid ZOE study app.

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:33 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Clariman wrote:Can anyone figure this one out? Which test is telling the truth? I'm interested in opinions here, especially if someone is genuinely knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
  • Mid Feb - AZ vaccination no.1 :D
  • Early April - Less than 2 weeks later, I had a positive PCR test for Covid-19* :o
  • Mid May - Had an antibody test. No antibodies present in my blood* :?
  • Mid May - a very confused Clariman :? :roll:
Does this mean that my PCR test was likely to be a false positive?
Or was my antibody test a false negative?
Or did I have Covid-19 but the vaccine meant my body didn't need to produce its own antibodies?
Or was my immune system rubbish at creating long last antibodies on its own?

Given that I felt completely well after testing positive for Covid-19 I am beginning to think the false positive most likely.

* both tests were prompted by the Covid ZOE study app.
Under intense interrogation my good lady has divulged that the PCR test is the most accurate and the negative test a month later may suggest you haven't got much defence to C19. However, I'd caution that this information was obtained under duress :lol:

It wouldn't be the first time she was ill informed :roll:


Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:36 pm
by Clariman
AsleepInYorkshire wrote: Under intense interrogation my good lady has divulged that the PCR test is the most accurate and the negative test a month later may suggest you haven't got much defence to C19. However, I'd caution that this information was obtained under duress :lol:

It wouldn't be the first time she was ill informed :roll:

Is she a doctor? Feel free to PM or not reply if you don't wish to share the info

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:37 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Clariman wrote:Can anyone figure this one out? Which test is telling the truth? I'm interested in opinions here, especially if someone is genuinely knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
  • Mid Feb - AZ vaccination no.1 :D
They took control of you. Believe nothing that happened thereafter! :twisted:
  • Early April - Less than 2 weeks later, I had a positive PCR test for Covid-19* :o
There you see. How many weeks was it from Mid Feb to Early April back in the days when your mind was your own?

Oh, and I wonder if the vaccine might have triggered the test? When those PCR tests were hot news, there were no vaccines to interfere with them.
  • Mid May - Had an antibody test. No antibodies present in my blood* :?
Neither from the alleged covid nor from the vaccine ...
  • Mid May - a very confused Clariman :? :roll:
I'm imagining some randomness on the clarinet - maybe the kind of thing that might punctuate a childrens story.

How many weeks is it from vaccine jab 1? Have you had jab 2 yet? If not, was that because of your test?

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:39 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
ReallyVeryFoolish wrote: Again, as a layman - If you have little covid immunity, the infection that a PCR test showed would make you pretty darned ill. Would it not?
Excellent point Sherlock Foolish. I wouldn't want to come up against you in the UK Cluedo Championships :lol: .

I will take this up with my good lady. I could be here all day if she's not going to fess up :shock:

#Layman :lol:

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:44 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Clariman wrote:
AsleepInYorkshire wrote: Under intense interrogation my good lady has divulged that the PCR test is the most accurate and the negative test a month later may suggest you haven't got much defence to C19. However, I'd caution that this information was obtained under duress :lol:

It wouldn't be the first time she was ill informed :roll:

Is she a doctor? Feel free to PM or not reply if you don't wish to share the info
If she's a regular doctor, she only knows what she and all of us have been told. The discipline you're looking for is a medical researcher in a relevant discipline.

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:45 pm
by Clariman
UncleEbenezer wrote:
Clariman wrote:Can anyone figure this one out? Which test is telling the truth? I'm interested in opinions here, especially if someone is genuinely knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
  • Mid Feb - AZ vaccination no.1 :D
They took control of you. Believe nothing that happened thereafter! :twisted:
  • Early April - Less than 2 weeks later, I had a positive PCR test for Covid-19* :o
There you see. How many weeks was it from Mid Feb to Early April back in the days when your mind was your own?
:lol: :lol:
How many weeks is it from vaccine jab 1? Have you had jab 2 yet? If not, was that because of your test?
Vaccine 1 was mid March, not February. Doh! Positive PCR was 12 days after that. Getting vaccine number 2 in next 10 days or so.

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 1:48 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Clariman wrote:
AsleepInYorkshire wrote: Under intense interrogation my good lady has divulged that the PCR test is the most accurate and the negative test a month later may suggest you haven't got much defence to C19. However, I'd caution that this information was obtained under duress :lol:

It wouldn't be the first time she was ill informed :roll:

Is she a doctor? Feel free to PM or not reply if you don't wish to share the info
Nooooo :lol: . She's a Librarian. But as she works with the public they have to some knowledge of tests. She and all the staff have to have two lateral flow test per week. Plus her Dad has had covid after he had his first vaccination. He caught covid whilst in hospital. His symptoms were very very mild.

Is there a logic in there? Wouldn't it just be better to just stay locked up for another year :lol: . My bad. Could it be that the anti-body test is a false negative?

This should be on the quiz board :)


Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 3:08 pm
by Mike4
Clariman wrote:Can anyone figure this one out? Which test is telling the truth? I'm interested in opinions here, especially if someone is genuinely knowledgeable about this kind of thing.
  • Mid March [corrected] - AZ vaccination no.1 :D
  • Early April - Less than 2 weeks later, I had a positive PCR test for Covid-19* :o
This strikes me as perfectly consistent with the fact that the vaccine does not begin taking effect until 14-21 days after administration, AIUI. You will at this point have been no more resistant to COVID-19 than an unvaccinated person.

[*]Mid May - Had an antibody test. No antibodies present in my blood* :?
[*]Mid May - a very confused Clariman :? :roll: [/list]
Again AIUI, if there is one thing simple to understand about our immune system, it is that its complicated. There are multiple mechanisms by which immunity develops and antibodies are just one. We respond in different ways and not everybody has a measurable antibody response.

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 3:15 pm
by Clariman
BTW the antibody test is NOT supposed to identify the vaccine created antibodies. It only identifies one's own natural immune system antibodies. So for whatever reason I have none of the latter.

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 3:27 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Clariman wrote:BTW the antibody test is NOT supposed to identify the vaccine created antibodies. It only identifies one's own natural immune system antibodies. So for whatever reason I have none of the latter.
Ah ha ... a clue 8-) ... d-7270180/

Can you test positive after the COVID vaccine?

World Health Organization (WHO) mentions on its website that the vaccine would not cause a positive test result for PCR or antigen test. “This is because the tests check for active disease and not whether an individual is immune or not,” it states.


Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 4:53 pm
by Bubblesofearth
Clariman wrote:BTW the antibody test is NOT supposed to identify the vaccine created antibodies. It only identifies one's own natural immune system antibodies. So for whatever reason I have none of the latter.
Vaccines do not create antibodies. They stimulate the body's immune system to produce them in much the same way as the virus does.


Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 5:04 pm
by Julian
Clariman wrote:BTW the antibody test is NOT supposed to identify the vaccine created antibodies. It only identifies one's own natural immune system antibodies. So for whatever reason I have none of the latter.
There are different types of antibody tests. Are you saying that the one you took was specifically targeting the antibodies against the N protein i.e. reacting to the shell (nucleocapsid) of SARS-CoV-2 as opposed to the spike?

I don't claim to be an expert but for what it's worth I have tried to read up extensively on this stuff to a level well beyond the popular press and I believe that I have enough scientific background to be able to understand at least to some level some of the info that I am reading although I confess that I still cannot begin to get my head around how gobs of goo (chemical substances) seem to be able to do computation to the level of a Turing machine but I digress.

My thoughts, for what they're worth, are...

On the possibility of actually being positive 12 days after first vaccine dose, that is not at all surprising. This is such a common occurrence that most studies seem to screen out infections within the first 14 or even 21 days after the first dose. You might already have been incubating prior to vaccination or have caught it in the few days after vaccination. You might even have caught it during your vaccination outing. For people who have been sheltering or been extremely cautious the journeys to and from, and the time in the vaccination centre, might have been the riskiest thing that they did that month in terms of potential exposure to an infected person.

On the antibody test then from what you've said above I assume it was an N-protein specific test and since the AZ vaccine is specifically stimulating S-protein antibodies it can't tell you anything at all about what the vaccine has now done for you. To me this now takes us to one of 2 places...

1 - As discussed by others already, the PCR test was a false positive in which case the negative antibody test is entirely consistent even in light of your vaccination.

2 - The PCR test was accurate in which case why was an N-protein antibody test negative?

Well, on (2) above I note that your antibody test was 2 months after the supposed infection. That doesn't seem a hugely long time but I do note that research on Covid-19 immune memory done by Professor Shane Crotty, I would say definitely a credible expert since this research was discussed by Dr Fauci in a US Senate hearing, found that after 6 months the difference between the levels of antibodies between individuals in the study with the best and worst immune memory was a factor of 100 i.e. the person with the lowest level of immune memory had 100 times lower retained antibody levels vs the best responders. It's also worth noting that the memory didn't decay that much so those people with low responses after 6 months didn't have great responses after 1 month either. So if you really were positive at the time of the PCR test maybe the explanation for the N antibody result is that you are somewhere near the bottom of the memory curve and your N-protein antibody levels were too low to be registered even after 2 months.

Chapter and verso on the above is in this somewhat long (54:24) video of an interview with Prof Crotty where the key bit re the above starts at time index 6:22 although for context it might be worth starting at 1:00 (or the beginning!) -

Another possibility is that apparently N-specific antibody tests can have a higher false negative rate than S1/S2 antibody tests so your antibody test being a false negative might be another explanation.

A short article about the different antibody tests and the source of my suggestion above re false-negative test is here - ... ein-340327 - where it specifically says...
Recent studies have shown the N protein-based antibody assays could exhibit a higher false-negative rate compared with the S1 subunit
As I said at the beginning, I am not an expert, simply someone who has tried to get at least a slightly deeper level of background knowledge on this, but some of the above does seem at least potentially relevant to your situation.

- Julian

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 5:11 pm
by GrahamPlatt
Bubblesofearth wrote:
Clariman wrote:BTW the antibody test is NOT supposed to identify the vaccine created antibodies. It only identifies one's own natural immune system antibodies. So for whatever reason I have none of the latter.
Vaccines do not create antibodies. They stimulate the body's immune system to produce them in much the same way as the virus does.

Clariman means he has none of the antibodies which is generated in response to wild virus. Him saying he has "no antibodies" would make him .. dead. He means he has been tested for antibodies to SARS_CoV2 proteins EXCLUDING spike protein, and has none. So, either the PCR test was wrong (unlikely) OR he didn't raise an antibody response to the wild virus the PCR detected. One logical explanation is that he actually had sufficient immunity from that one dose that it prevented him getting infected, even when carrying the virus. Seems unlikely, but when you have eliminated the impossible...

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 5:47 pm
by Julian
GrahamPlatt wrote:
Bubblesofearth wrote: Vaccines do not create antibodies. They stimulate the body's immune system to produce them in much the same way as the virus does.

Clariman means he has none of the antibodies which is generated in response to wild virus. Him saying he has "no antibodies" would make him .. dead. He means he has been tested for antibodies to SARS_CoV2 proteins EXCLUDING spike protein, and has none. So, either the PCR test was wrong (unlikely) OR he didn't raise an antibody response to the wild virus the PCR detected. One logical explanation is that he actually had sufficient immunity from that one dose that it prevented him getting infected, even when carrying the virus. Seems unlikely, but when you have eliminated the impossible...
Or, as I quoted from that blog post linked to in my post above, antibody tests can give false negatives. I've no idea how common that is but that quote seems to at least confirm that it can happen so the other simple possibility is that Clariman might indeed have had a natural infection but his subsequent antibody test gave a false negative result.

- Julian

Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 22nd, 2021, 7:33 pm
by gryffron
Could be an incorrect test result. They do happen
They could all be correct. There is no contradiction here. A positive infection test could be triggered by a very low rate of infection. Especially if you had no symptoms. Such a low-level infection may well have been defeated by T-cell defences before your body had a chance to produce antibodies.


Re: You've had Covid! Oh no you haven't! Well maybe?

Posted: May 23rd, 2021, 2:00 pm
by Julian
gryffron wrote:Could be an incorrect test result. They do happen
They could all be correct. There is no contradiction here. A positive infection test could be triggered by a very low rate of infection. Especially if you had no symptoms. Such a low-level infection may well have been defeated by T-cell defences before your body had a chance to produce antibodies.

Here’s a fairly concise article from New Scientist discussing that “OR” case - ... -football/

From the article …
T-cells could explain some puzzling anomalies in antibody testing. “We have had people with confirmed cases of covid-19. Their antibody tests have come back negative, but their T-cells tested positive. That suggests antibody tests are not telling us the whole picture,” says James Hindley at UK firm Indoor Biotechnologies, which has developed a relatively fast and simple T-cell test.
It would appear that the “Clariman Syndrome” has been encountered before.

- Julian