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Test and Trace

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 7:41 pm
by Sunnypad
I was wondering if anyone can shed light on this
I don't want to ask a venue because I'll get a standardised answer

When I look at booking tickets for anything, as well as all the details needed to book a ticket, which by default contains contact information, venues seem to be asking for me to fill in forms for Test and Trace.

So can we assume that if, for example, a possible outbreak was thought to be linked to Sunnypad's Symphony Music Hall, it's no longer the case that they will ask the venue for the data, but they will have it all centrally held?

Also, with pubs and restaurants, is that the same?

I didn't go out much last summer and was never the person who booked. Perhaps it's been like this all along and I didn't know? It certainly wasn't a great experience.

With pubs who are prepared to write down the info, are they going to be filling in the info I give them into some sort of app or database?

Thank you.

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 10:37 pm
by Mike4

My take on it is ... "have you been vaccinated?"

If you have, your chances of catching anything are vastly reduced and even if you do, the chances of it being serious for you are vastly reduced too. So book anything you like and tell them anything they need.

But if not double-vaccinated, stay away. Keep yerself to yerself.

Just my personal opinion though, others may disagree.

(Grammar edit....)

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 11:03 pm
by Sunnypad
No offence Mike

I'm asking about the data and policy around it.

I have been vaccinated but that's not the point at all. I am asking about the collection of data.

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 11:10 pm
by Mike4
Sunnypad wrote:No offence Mike

I'm asking about the data and policy around it.

I have been vaccinated but that's not the point at all. I am asking about the collection of data.
Can you prècis your question perhaps? Coz I'm not getting it!

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 20th, 2021, 11:28 pm
by Sunnypad
When you've given a venue all your contact details
Why are you asked to fill out a separate from giving all your contact details for the same event, to a different organisation?

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 7:06 am
by swill453
My supposition is:

- If you "check in" with an app then the details go centrally somewhere...

- If you write your details on a paper form, it will stay with the venue unless there's a Covid outbreak, at which time Test&Trace will gather the forms and use them.


Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 7:24 am
by servodude
swill453 wrote:My supposition is:

- If you "check in" with an app then the details go centrally somewhere...

- If you write your details on a paper form, it will stay with the venue unless there's a Covid outbreak, at which time Test&Trace will gather the forms and use them.

That's about how I understand it
Some places have outsourced the responsibility of tracking patrons
- which means they don't have to maintain a database
And it's all about trying to do the best by society - despite what your average libertarian culture warrior (seriously they should get out more) might tell you - (if that rubs anyone up ; sorry snowflake ;))
- sd

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 10:40 am
by Sunnypad

This still doesn't explain why some places are asking for the data twice?

I'm going to have to ask them I guess.

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 10:44 am
by swill453
Sunnypad wrote:This still doesn't explain why some places are asking for the data twice?

I'm going to have to ask them I guess.
I'd imagine that Test&Trace don't have the resources to interface with the myriad of venue booking systems out there, so just mandate that their own form has to be filled in.


Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 10:49 am
by BigB
Sunnypad wrote:Thanks

This still doesn't explain why some places are asking for the data twice?

I'm going to have to ask them I guess.
The 2nd set of data at the venue is confirming that you were actually there on the date and time. The first is your booking and just confirms you intend to go somewhere on a date/time perhaps.

The 2 sets of data won't always match. The 2nd set of data should also include names of guests (that might not have been required to make the booking). The 2nd set of data will be the key set for the tracing.


Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 11:47 am
by Sunnypad
Thanks BigB

I will see what more I can find out

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 12:16 pm
by Loup321
I went to Hampton Court Palace in half term, and had given all my details on my booking. They asked me to scan the QR code for the Track and Trace app, but I couldn't because I don't have a mobile phone. They had no paper forms to fill in, but reluctantly let me in when I pointed out that they had my details, and had just scanned the QR code for my booking so knew I was there.

I emailed my feedback, and this is what they said:
Thank you for sending your feedback regarding the use of the Test and Trace system at Hampton Court Palace.

We appreciate that not everyone is able to scan in to register themselves through the system and we are also able to contact visitors via the details attached to their booking if a notification needs to be sent. We apologise if this was not made clear during your visit and will be checking with staff to ensure they are explaining this option to visitors on arrival.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
So the additional collecting of details when you arrive is not needed.

Last summer, I had booked a table in one restaurant, and they just asked if I had booked, and took no further details. They didn't even check my name against a list of bookings. Just took my word for it. In another restaurant where my friend had booked, she had to give all her details again when we arrived before we could be seated. There is no consistent approach. Perhaps the app could be faster at tracing people and linking things up, but my understanding is that the details from a venue or person's visits as recorded in the app are manually sorted through by someone, and there is a person doing everything. So double counting requires double work.

My friend's daughter (age 9) tested positive for the virus, and the household (4 people) were getting about 20 phone calls a day, as each person was a contact of each of the other people, for a few days. The callers were quite upset not to be able to actually speak with the younger sister, but she was only 3 months old and the father refused.

It is a bit of a mess, but the Track and Trace was brought in quickly and venue owners have different interpretations of the rules / guidance. As you are seeing.

Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 12:31 pm
by servodude
Sunnypad wrote:Thanks BigB

I will see what more I can find out
Hey Sunny
Don't worry about the track n trace stuff..
Have a good trip out
You deserve it!


Re: Test and Trace

Posted: May 21st, 2021, 6:56 pm
by Sunnypad
Thank you Loup

It is probably even dependent on which member of staff you get!