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Indian cricket

Posted: March 16th, 2021, 10:53 am
by cinelli
At the moment there is a series of cricket matches in Ahmedabad. For the first two games, about 65,000 spectators were admitted which is 50% of capacity. There was little evidence of social distancing and few masks were worn. This was true even in the VIP areas where people could have chosen to space themselves out. The Indian authorities do not seem to be taking the pandemic seriously. Only three countries have had more deaths than India.

Rather late in the day, the remaining three games will be played behind closed doors.


Re: Indian cricket

Posted: March 16th, 2021, 11:13 am
by bluedonkey
Not disagreeing with you. I was struck how empty the stands looked for the 4th test. Even so, people did seem to choose to sit close together. Perhaps not all the stands were opened up.