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Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 7:07 pm
by SteadyAim
Hello all,

I've popped in a couple of times this year to glance at investment chat but only just realised there's now a place for cv discussion! So obvious - I should have guessed earlier.

I'm early 50s so coming up to the time when I might get invited to be jabbed (in Scotland). What are some reasons why I might / might not choose to get vaccinated?

I'm currently assuming I will get it; helps the country towards herd immunity, reduces the chances of me getting it badly / passing it on to others, any reaction will probably be minor and almost definitely short-lived ... probably more. Asking to improve my knowledge of the pros and cons. I have another question, but I'll ask that separately.


Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 7:30 pm
by Spet0789
Reasons to get it.
- It reduces your chance of death or serious illness from COVID to near zero.
- You will protect others by being vaccinated.

Reasons not to get it.
- You might have a sore arm.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 7:40 pm
by Mike4
Another reason not to get it:

You are a fully paid up member of The Awkward Squad and anything the government asks you to do, you decide do the opposite.

I think that along with spet0789's post, about sums it up.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 7:56 pm
by SteadyAim
Mike4 wrote:Another reason not to get it:

You are a fully paid up member of The Awkward Squad and anything the government asks you to do, you decide do the opposite.
Aha, that sounds exactly like me! :D

But yeah, I'm happy to disagree when I have a reason to, but this time I expect I'll be going with the govt view. A year ago I was assuming any vaccine would be a bit like the flu vaccine, i.e. not particularly effective, and I might not have had it, but these do seem to work well so I hope to be getting one before long ...

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 7:57 pm
by Midsmartin
Reasons to have it: it might save your life, or a relative's life.

Reasons not to:1) you are a batshit crazy conspiracy theorist.
2) you are prone to extreme allergic reactions.
3) that's it.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 8:03 pm
by Mike4
I've thought of another reason not to have it:

You are pregnant.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 8:05 pm
by kempiejon
All old people die anyway. It's made of monkey blood, where AIDS came from. Vaccines give you diseases. Frankenstein medicine. It makes your arm hurt.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 8:34 pm
by XFool
kempiejon wrote:All old people die anyway. It's made of monkey blood, where AIDS came from. Vaccines give you diseases. Frankenstein medicine. It makes your arm hurt.
Surely you haven't forgotten Bill Gates and his: "vaccine microchip", "vaccine depopulation plan", "global reset agenda" - and likely in league with the "lizard people"?

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 8:44 pm
by kempiejon
XFool wrote:
kempiejon wrote:All old people die anyway. It's made of monkey blood, where AIDS came from. Vaccines give you diseases. Frankenstein medicine. It makes your arm hurt.
Surely you haven't forgotten Bill Gates and his: "vaccine microchip", "vaccine depopulation plan", "global reset agenda" - and likely in league with the "lizard people"?
Actually our masters (lizard people) wont let Bill in. That's why he needs the 6G nanobots in the vaccine. He might be the last hope against our interstellar overlords. Unless they silence us.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 9:04 pm
by tjh290633
kempiejon wrote:All old people die anyway. It's made of monkey blood, where AIDS came from. Vaccines give you diseases. Frankenstein medicine. It makes your arm hurt.
Yes, but we don't have to die before it is our time. We are not all useless and a drag on the country. We are not all gibbering wrecks in old people's homes.

Vaccines work by making your body resist the effects of a disease. Do you want to be resistant or not? Do you want to be a carrier of disease? Not having the vaccination has consequences.


Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 9:07 pm
by kempiejon
tjh290633 wrote:
kempiejon wrote:All old people die anyway. It's made of monkey blood, where AIDS came from. Vaccines give you diseases. Frankenstein medicine. It makes your arm hurt.
Yes, but we don't have to die before it is our time. We are not all useless and a drag on the country. We are not all gibbering wrecks in old people's homes.

Vaccines work by making your body resist the effects of a disease. Do you want to be resistant or not? Do you want to be a carrier of disease? Not having the vaccination has consequences.

Ah OK thanks love.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 9:10 pm
by Julian
All good advice about pros for having the vaccine and on the cons - if you’re worried about it hurting just do what I did, insist on having it done under general anaesthetic.

- Julian

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 9:17 pm
by Lootman
Julian wrote:All good advice about pros for having the vaccine and on the cons - if you’re worried about it hurting just do what I did, insist on having it done under general anaesthetic.
I have had two jabs now. One hurt at the time and one did not. I assume it comes down to the skill of the jabber.

Same with taking blood. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't. Like anything else, skill levels vary.

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 10:08 pm
by Julian
Snorvey wrote:I didn't feel the needle going in at all. Quite amazing.
Mine was the same. I hadn’t had an injection for maybe 45 years until my AZ first jab last week and I spent a while on my walk back from the vaccination centre wondering whether needle or some other injection technology had improved in the last 40 years to the extent that a vaccine injection was almost unnoticeable or if it was just that as an adult I now had far more perspective on what hurts and what doesn’t. Might needle walls now be thinner vs those required to enclose the same hollow bore 40 years ago due to better materials science and/or higher manufacturing tolerances? And/or might better pharmacology mean more concentrated active ingredients leading to lower volume needing to be injected again maybe leading to smaller overall needle diameter leading to less discomfort? I certainly don’t remember injections being such a non-event when I was a child.

Let’s hope my recent positive experiences with injections continues because my next injection might be into my eyeball; I can’t say that I’m looking forward to that one!

- Julian

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 10:48 pm
by SteadyAim
Julian wrote: Let’s hope my recent positive experiences with injections continues because my next injection might be into my eyeball; I can’t say that I’m looking forward to that one!
Yeah, first time I heard about that I was appalled (oldish diabetic guy was telling me) ... and then not long later a relative was having it. Ugh. It seems to go ok, from what I've heard, if that's any reassurance. Personally I eat low a carb diet nowadays and hope not to need that particular intervention!

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 11:56 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Snorvey wrote:I didn't feel the needle going in at all. Quite amazing.

On a similar note I currently have to inject blood thinners into my belly every day (only a few more to go thank f.....) . If I go left of the belly button it nips a bit. To the Right, barely anything at all.

If I go close to the six pack, the blimmin needle won't even go in. 8-)
Bloomin' 'eck! I doubt I could self-administer a jab. I thought there was a Mrs S: don't you trust her with your innards?

Re: Reasons to get / not get the vaccine

Posted: March 10th, 2021, 9:17 am
by NeilW
Snorvey wrote: If I go close to the six pack, the blimmin needle won't even go in. 8-)
Is that after you've consumed the six pack or just because you hit the thick part of the aluminium?