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Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 15th, 2021, 4:37 pm
by Bubblesofearth
UncleEbenezer wrote:
I see the poll now has a firm majority of Fools having had at least one dose. Which is indeed in line with the news headlines and a predominantly-mature demographic.
I suspect it's an even bigger majority given the poll was started end Feb. I voted 'waiting' but have now had my first jab (AZN).


Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 15th, 2021, 4:48 pm
by murraypaul
The poll is also a little odd, in that there is no way for me to answer it.
I have my first appointment booked, but do not know what jab I will receive (does anyone?), so there is no valid answer.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 15th, 2021, 4:59 pm
by UncleEbenezer
murraypaul wrote:The poll is also a little odd, in that there is no way for me to answer it.
I have my first appointment booked, but do not know what jab I will receive (does anyone?), so there is no valid answer.
Yes, they told me when they invited me for my first jab. Our first (and currently only) Moderna vote was another who mentioned knowing in advance.

You'll presumably be in a position to give a simple answer in the not-too-distant future.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 15th, 2021, 5:04 pm
by murraypaul
UncleEbenezer wrote:Yes, they told me when they invited me for my first jab. Our first (and currently only) Moderna vote was another who mentioned knowing in advance.
I wonder if that is a difference between GP-led invitations and people just signing up through the general NHS website?

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 15th, 2021, 5:10 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Bubblesofearth wrote:
UncleEbenezer wrote:
I see the poll now has a firm majority of Fools having had at least one dose. Which is indeed in line with the news headlines and a predominantly-mature demographic.
I suspect it's an even bigger majority given the poll was started end Feb. I voted 'waiting' but have now had my first jab (AZN).

So did you update your vote?

That's precisely why you have the facility to change your vote. Otherwise it would've been a snapshot, and would've had to close long ago to avoid becoming a totally-fuzzy snap. Of course it's imperfect, but that's in the nature of such things.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 11:47 am
by scotia
scotia wrote:I was phoned by the surgery today - to get my second (AZ) jab next week (at the surgery) - exactly 11 weeks from the first one (I'm in the 75+ age group)
My wife received a blue envelope today for her second (Pfizer) jab next week at the mass-vaccination centre (she is in the 75- age group). That will be 4 days less than 11 weeks from the first.
So we seem to be keeping up with the promised schedule in west-central Scotland.
And we have now both received our second jabs.
Mine - in the surgery - was slightly different from the first. I was asked if I had arrived by car - with myself driving. I answered yes, and the nurse requested that I wait for about 15 minutes, after the jab, before driving - but I could go shopping in the meantime. I was also told that I had been given the AZ vaccine. For the first jab there was no mention of a 15 minute wait, and I had to ask which vaccine I had been given. There were no leaflets either time.
My wife's Pfizer vaccination in the mass vaccination centre was organised as her first - with an area set aside for the 15 minute wait, and leaflets available on both visits.
Side effects? Both times I felt a slight bruising on the site of the jab. For a few days after the second jab my wife felt slightly nauseous and tired.
We were both asked if we would be prepared to participate in any follow up for research purposes - our answer was yes.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 4:38 pm
by Nimrod103
scotia wrote:
scotia wrote:I was phoned by the surgery today - to get my second (AZ) jab next week (at the surgery) - exactly 11 weeks from the first one (I'm in the 75+ age group)
My wife received a blue envelope today for her second (Pfizer) jab next week at the mass-vaccination centre (she is in the 75- age group). That will be 4 days less than 11 weeks from the first.
So we seem to be keeping up with the promised schedule in west-central Scotland.
And we have now both received our second jabs.
Mine - in the surgery - was slightly different from the first. I was asked if I had arrived by car - with myself driving. I answered yes, and the nurse requested that I wait for about 15 minutes, after the jab, before driving - but I could go shopping in the meantime. I was also told that I had been given the AZ vaccine. For the first jab there was no mention of a 15 minute wait, and I had to ask which vaccine I had been given. There were no leaflets either time.
My wife's Pfizer vaccination in the mass vaccination centre was organised as her first - with an area set aside for the 15 minute wait, and leaflets available on both visits.
Side effects? Both times I felt a slight bruising on the site of the jab. For a few days after the second jab my wife felt slightly nauseous and tired.
We were both asked if we would be prepared to participate in any follow up for research purposes - our answer was yes.
For your first jab, were you not given a small card with the vaccine, the batch number, and the date of your second appointment? I thought this was standard. Sounds very unprofessional not to tell you which vaccine you were having.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 6:42 pm
by scotia
Nimrod103 wrote: For your first jab, were you not given a small card with the vaccine, the batch number, and the date of your second appointment? I thought this was standard. Sounds very unprofessional not to tell you which vaccine you were having.
In Scotland the over 75s in the Greater Glasgow area (and possibly elsewhere) were vaccinated at their surgery - and the appointment was made by a phone call from the surgery which offered a next-day appointment. There was no paper work handed out - but my name was noted, and a record was clearly kept since the appointment for the second vaccination was made in the same manner - 11 weeks after the first one. And yes - I had to ask which vaccine was used for the first jab, whereas after the second jab I was told that I had now received two vaccinations using the Astra Zeneca vaccine. But no paperwork.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 6:46 pm
by Lootman
scotia wrote:
Nimrod103 wrote:For your first jab, were you not given a small card with the vaccine, the batch number, and the date of your second appointment? I thought this was standard. Sounds very unprofessional not to tell you which vaccine you were having.
In Scotland the over 75s in the Greater Glasgow area (and possibly elsewhere) were vaccinated at their surgery - and the appointment was made by a phone call from the surgery which offered a next-day appointment. There was no paper work handed out - but my name was noted, and a record was clearly kept since the appointment for the second vaccination was made in the same manner - 11 weeks after the first one. And yes - I had to ask which vaccine was used for the first jab, whereas after the second jab I was told that I had now received two vaccinations using the Astra Zeneca vaccine. But no paperwork.
When I had my jabs I was told to take very great care over the card I was given, and to make copies of it.

I presume this was in anticipation of needing that card in the future as evidence of vaccination. This may be required for admittance into various venues, events, establishments and even countries.

In your situation I would solicit some proof from the surgery.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 9:39 pm
by Bouleversee
I'm inclined to agree with Lootman. I was given a card after my 2st jab stating the name of the vaccine and date and was told to bring it back when I returned for the 2nd at which point it was updated. Nobody told me to take copies but I did. Not having a smart phone, I expect I will need to carry a copy if I ever start socialising again. I should have thought some people might need such evidence of vaccination in order to get/keep a job, never mind for their social life.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 11:35 pm
by scotia
Lootman wrote:
scotia wrote: In Scotland the over 75s in the Greater Glasgow area (and possibly elsewhere) were vaccinated at their surgery - and the appointment was made by a phone call from the surgery which offered a next-day appointment. There was no paper work handed out - but my name was noted, and a record was clearly kept since the appointment for the second vaccination was made in the same manner - 11 weeks after the first one. And yes - I had to ask which vaccine was used for the first jab, whereas after the second jab I was told that I had now received two vaccinations using the Astra Zeneca vaccine. But no paperwork.
When I had my jabs I was told to take very great care over the card I was given, and to make copies of it.

I presume this was in anticipation of needing that card in the future as evidence of vaccination. This may be required for admittance into various venues, events, establishments and even countries.

In your situation I would solicit some proof from the surgery.
Perhaps I should have added that I didn't expect a paper record of my Astra Zeneca vaccinations, nor do I feel that I need one - since I expect them to be accurately maintained in my medical record along with other vaccinations and tests. If the UK government decides to issue vaccination passports to effectively licence certain behaviour, then I assume that they will be in some uniform standard which will not be easily forged. Our NHS should be able to provide the necessary data, although I could see that this may create problems with the verification of non-UK vaccinations.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 26th, 2021, 12:12 am
by UncleEbenezer
scotia wrote: Perhaps I should have added that I didn't expect a paper record of my Astra Zeneca vaccinations, nor do I feel that I need one - since I expect them to be accurately maintained in my medical record along with other vaccinations and tests. If the UK government decides to issue vaccination passports to effectively licence certain behaviour, then I assume that they will be in some uniform standard which will not be easily forged. Our NHS should be able to provide the necessary data, although I could see that this may create problems with the verification of non-UK vaccinations.
Every other aspect of life, they make it easy - sometimes far too easy - to forge things. It would seem odd to introduce anything separate from the cards they issue, unless it's to meet an international standard we haven't withdrawn from.

I wonder what a vaccine passport will look like for someone like our funduffer, whose vaccine is not (yet?) licenced in Blighty but which precluded getting a regular approved vaccine?

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 26th, 2021, 8:24 am
by XFool
scotia wrote:Perhaps I should have added that I didn't expect a paper record of my Astra Zeneca vaccinations, nor do I feel that I need one - since I expect them to be accurately maintained in my medical record along with other vaccinations and tests. If the UK government decides to issue vaccination passports to effectively licence certain behaviour, then I assume that they will be in some uniform standard which will not be easily forged. Our NHS should be able to provide the necessary data, although I could see that this may create problems with the verification of non-UK vaccinations.
I received an NHS text saying my GP practice recommend I download the 'NHS App' (a bit difficult on my non smart phone!) so possibly the thinking is to use that for any Vaccine Passport?

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 26th, 2021, 1:46 pm
by daveh
Nimrod103 wrote:
scotia wrote: And we have now both received our second jabs.
Mine - in the surgery - was slightly different from the first. I was asked if I had arrived by car - with myself driving. I answered yes, and the nurse requested that I wait for about 15 minutes, after the jab, before driving - but I could go shopping in the meantime. I was also told that I had been given the AZ vaccine. For the first jab there was no mention of a 15 minute wait, and I had to ask which vaccine I had been given. There were no leaflets either time.
My wife's Pfizer vaccination in the mass vaccination centre was organised as her first - with an area set aside for the 15 minute wait, and leaflets available on both visits.
Side effects? Both times I felt a slight bruising on the site of the jab. For a few days after the second jab my wife felt slightly nauseous and tired.
We were both asked if we would be prepared to participate in any follow up for research purposes - our answer was yes.
For your first jab, were you not given a small card with the vaccine, the batch number, and the date of your second appointment? I thought this was standard. Sounds very unprofessional not to tell you which vaccine you were having.
No cards for anyone in Scotland (AFAIK) though they were handing out PILs to everyone when I got my AZN jag in Aberdeen. I did as k the vaccinator if we got a card and he said that was not how it was been done in Scotland and everyone I've talked to who is in Scotland has not received a card.

Re: Vaccine straw poll

Posted: April 26th, 2021, 4:47 pm
by Lanark
Island Countries had a huge advantage in the Pandemic, as they could control the arrival of new cases.
Compare Covid deaths per million citizens.

Cyprus: 227
Ireland: 661
New Zealand: 5
Australia: 36
Japan: 46
UK: 1582

Japan has almost double our population (126 million), mostly in more congested cities and is much closer to the initial outbreak in China.
The difference between Ireland and NI is hard to explain!