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Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 11:36 pm
by vrdiver
Lootman wrote:
Mike4 wrote: Only takes say, 0.1%
Very good odds then. :D
... of spreading the virus! :o

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 11:41 pm
by Lootman
vrdiver wrote:
Lootman wrote: Very good odds then. :D
... of spreading the virus! :o
If you think 1 in 1,000 is high odds then we should play poker together.

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 11:56 pm
by vrdiver
Lootman wrote:
vrdiver wrote: ... of spreading the virus! :o
If you think 1 in 1,000 is high odds then we should play poker together.
You misunderstand. it's not your odds I care about, but those of the virus as it piggybacks on all you travellers.

Care to play poker that way round? ;)

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 12:04 am
by Lootman
vrdiver wrote:
Lootman wrote: If you think 1 in 1,000 is high odds then we should play poker together.
You misunderstand. it's not your odds I care about, but those of the virus as it piggybacks on all you travellers.

Care to play poker that way round? ;)
Right now you need a very recent negative test result to fly into the UK.

So if you had a choice of mixing with 1,000 recent air arrivals and 1,000 random people in your neighbourhood, you should choose the former.

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 12:09 am
by Mike4
Lootman wrote:
vrdiver wrote: You misunderstand. it's not your odds I care about, but those of the virus as it piggybacks on all you travellers.

Care to play poker that way round? ;)
Right now you need a very recent negative test result to fly into the UK.

So if you had a choice of mixing with 1,000 recent air arrivals and 1,000 random people in your neighbourhood, you should choose the former.
BBC tonight is reporting tonight a thriving trade in faked negative test result certificates.

Now why would there even be a market for such a thing, other than to incoming infected travellers?

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 12:15 am
by vrdiver
Lootman wrote: So if you had a choice of mixing with 1,000 recent air arrivals and 1,000 random people in your neighbourhood, you should choose the former.
But that's not the choice. The choice is to NOT let 1,000 random arrivals disperse into the general population, or to let them.

And as Mike4 says, it would seem that not all of them are quite as "clean" as a negative test certificate would suggest...

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 12:17 am
by Lootman
Mike4 wrote:
Lootman wrote: Right now you need a very recent negative test result to fly into the UK.

So if you had a choice of mixing with 1,000 recent air arrivals and 1,000 random people in your neighbourhood, you should choose the former.
BBC tonight is reporting tonight a thriving trade in faked negative test result certificates.

Now why would there even be a market for such a thing, other than to incoming infected travellers?
I saw that. The requirement for a negative test result is very recent and was enacted near simultaneously by a number of countries including the UK and the US. This has led to a massive increase in demand without a corresponding increase in supply. Moreover the standard "free" NHS test doesn't count and people are being asked to pay 100 or 150 quid for the "right kind" of test.

So it was perhaps inevitable that something like this might happen. Free instant tests in airport departure lounges would kill that and streamline the process, and we may get there but not just yet.

Also a valid vaccination certificate should in time become sufficient for travel, and other things.

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 10:33 am
by 88V8
Lootman wrote:...... a valid vaccination certificate should in time become sufficient for travel, and other things.
The forgers will be rubbing their hands.

... other things... do you think tarts will be requiring that their customers produce a certificate? :)


Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 10:39 am
by vrdiver
88V8 wrote: ... other things... do you think tarts will be requiring that their customers produce a certificate? :)
I don't think Test & Trace is going to get a lot of up-take in that particular business!


Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 3rd, 2021, 9:40 am
by Newroad
Morning All.

Latest on this is looking OK for WA: ... e/13114524

However, they have other problems as an aside: ... 1/13115670

Regards, Newroad

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: February 6th, 2021, 7:21 pm
by Newroad
Evening All.

Last one on this topic unless it rears its head materially again ... e/13128776

Looks like they got it sorted, through luck or judgement (I suspect an element of both).

Regards, Newroad

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: November 13th, 2021, 4:07 pm
by Newroad
Afternoon All.

It's been a while on this one - I hope planning a re-opening counts as a material change.

Australia's Eastern States either have re-opened or are in the process of doing so.

Here is the latest from the West: ... /100598486

Regards, Newroad

Re: Snap lockdown in Western Australia

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 7:52 am
by servodude
Newroad wrote:Afternoon All.

It's been a while on this one - I hope planning a re-opening counts as a material change.

Australia's Eastern States either have re-opened or are in the process of doing so.

Here is the latest from the West: ... /100598486

Regards, Newroad
Crikey. I knew WA were behind in the vaccine roll out but not hitting 90% fully vaxed till Feb is a bit of a surprise.

Even Tassie are on track to reach it by mid December; they should be at 90% single dose over 12 tomorrow and presumably everyone will come back for the second one!? (I've got a sailing booked a few days later so fingers crossed)
