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Re: India variant

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 12:23 pm
by stockton
XFool wrote:
Lootman wrote:So that plane could be made 10 times safer if you are willing to pay 10 times the price to fly to Paris.
Could it? Does it really work like that?
No. Twice as safe for ten times the fare could be closer to reality.

Re: India variant

Posted: June 15th, 2021, 11:15 am
by 88V8
So here we are with restrictions for another month... or more.... and the govt rightly being blamed for allowing India to remain accessible for weeks, and indeed giving returnees three days' notice of the red-listing which allowed 20,000 to rush back bringing the variant with them.

But let us also remember that it is the poor vaccine uptake amongst these alien groups in the UK that has aggravated the spread. ... groups.pdf

The “vast majority” of people in Bolton who have been admitted to hospital after contracting the Indian variant of coronavirus had been offered a vaccine but hadn’t taken it, Matt Hancock has said. ... 35405.html

How might one summarise it.... Still in lockdown?... blame BoJo and BAME.

Funny that the Beeb forgets to mention this latter point.


Re: India variant

Posted: June 15th, 2021, 11:18 am
by pje16
Of course, no blame to the idiots who refused the vaccine :roll:

Re: India variant

Posted: June 15th, 2021, 4:18 pm
by 9873210
Of course we should blame the 60% of the population who were never offered the opportunity to be completely vaccinated three weeks ago. They should have known better than to wait their turn.

Re: India variant

Posted: June 15th, 2021, 5:34 pm
by murraypaul
88V8 wrote:How might one summarise it.... Still in lockdown?... blame BoJo and BAME.
You could also blame people living in deprived areas and those in low-skilled jobs, who have broadly the same level of vaccine 'hesitancy', and the same %age of people who have declined a vaccine.

Some food for thought.
Adding up the ONS data for people who have been offered a vaccine, whether they accepted or not: (Figures as of 23rd May)
White: 76%
Mixed: 53%
Asian: 61%
Black: 61%

Adding up have been offered and accepted, and would be likely to accept:
White: 94%
Mixed: 88%
Asian: 92%
Black: 79%

The Asian/Asian British population want to be vaccinated at almost the same rate as the white population, they just haven't been offered yet. (ONS show positive vaccine sentiment as White: 94%, Asian: 93%)