Vitamin D Update

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Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by redsturgeon »

Dod101 wrote:In any case I think that vitamin supplements are unnecessary if you eat healthily and get outside as often as possible. As it happens I could live off seafood (although I do not) and it seems that mushrooms are also a good source of Vitamin D. I like and eat both seafood and mushrooms several times a week and walk about 10,000 steps at least four times a week. That gives me the vitamin D that I need, at least i hope it does. Most days I am outside for some of the time even if not walking.


In the UK the sun is not strong enough for half of the year for you to make vitamin D which is the main source usually. I had my blood level taken last year and although I spend a lot of time outdoors too and wear shorts most of the year, my vitamin D level were very very low.

A few weeks on high strength pills rectified that and I actually felt much better too with less muscle aching. Mushrooms are over rated as a vit D source and they really need to be left in sunlight to raise vit D. Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.


The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

redsturgeon wrote:
Dod101 wrote:In any case I think that vitamin supplements are unnecessary if you eat healthily and get outside as often as possible. As it happens I could live off seafood (although I do not) and it seems that mushrooms are also a good source of Vitamin D. I like and eat both seafood and mushrooms several times a week and walk about 10,000 steps at least four times a week. That gives me the vitamin D that I need, at least i hope it does. Most days I am outside for some of the time even if not walking.


In the UK the sun is not strong enough for half of the year for you to make vitamin D which is the main source usually. I had my blood level taken last year and although I spend a lot of time outdoors too and wear shorts most of the year, my vitamin D level were very very low.

A few weeks on high strength pills rectified that and I actually felt much better too with less muscle aching. Mushrooms are over rated as a vit D source and they really need to be left in sunlight to raise vit D. Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.

I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?


The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

Mike4 wrote:
The trouble seems to be that given D3 costs pennies to make, there is no money to be made in running peer-reviewed double blind trials to prove it helps with Covid.
I find that very difficult to accept. If t so cheap there is all the more reason for some lab somewhere to be researching its effects. Imagine the headline.

Covid breakthrough. And it costs pennies.

The Oxford University lab that invented what is now known as the AstraZeneca vaccine has no commercial interest in the vaccine
and yet they ran the trials etc so if Vitamin D has such a beneficial effect, they or someone like them would surely be promoting it. Why would they not?


Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by redsturgeon »

Dod101 wrote:
redsturgeon wrote:
In the UK the sun is not strong enough for half of the year for you to make vitamin D which is the main source usually. I had my blood level taken last year and although I spend a lot of time outdoors too and wear shorts most of the year, my vitamin D level were very very low.

A few weeks on high strength pills rectified that and I actually felt much better too with less muscle aching. Mushrooms are over rated as a vit D source and they really need to be left in sunlight to raise vit D. Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.

I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?

I assume that is irony.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by RockRabbit »

Dod101 wrote:I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?
They do - the NHS.

"Government advice is that everyone should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement during the autumn and winter." ... vitamin-d/

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

jackdaww wrote:.
my father in law took a teaspoon of codliver oil daily - he made it to 99.

i take a codliver oil capsule most days - hopefully harmless and probably beneficial .

but dont over do it - it seems too much vitamin A and D can be toxic.

My father in law had several glasses of whisky a day and live to be 89 but I would not recommend that. I used to take Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules daily but stopped about five years ago and feel no different than before.

Dr Campbell sounds well informed but so? And of course the choice of name and title suggests a reassuringly Scottish medical doctor background which it seems is not the case so to that extent is somewhat misleading. If he has a PhD that entitles him to be called a doctor but it could be in plastics, like a friend of mine. He formally entitles himself Dr which I always find rather misleading since people assume that means he is a medical doctor.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other but it does seem to me that it would be unwise to hitch future actions based on views expressed on YouTube since I assume the actual video is, like most of YouTube, interlaced with paid for ads.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Bouleversee »

Dod asked: "Having just arrived from Mars, what on earth is this all about?"
If you read the thread from the beginning and follow the links you will see that the video is a further report on the latest research papers re the importance of maintaining a high level of Vitamin D and its benefits, including in relation to Covid infection.

Dod also said: "In any case I think that vitamin supplements are unnecessary if you eat healthily and get outside as often as possible. As it happens I could live off seafood (although I do not) and it seems that mushrooms are also a good source of Vitamin D. I like and eat both seafood and mushrooms several times a week and walk about 10,000 steps at least four times a week. That gives me the vitamin D that I need, at least i hope it does. Most days I am outside for some of the time even if not walking."

I also eat lots of oily fish, eggs and mushrooms and spend an awful lot of time outside maintaining, with increasing difficulty, my large garden and even took the daily dose of Vit D recommended by the NHS when I remembered (most days) during the winter so was surprised to find that when tested I was seriously deficient in Vit D, rectified by a crash course at an extremely high rate. If you have never even had your Vitamin levels tested, I really don't see how you can be so confident that your level is good enough without supplementation and pooh pooh research which claims evidence that a much higher intake of Vit. D and minimum blood level is necessary to maintain good health and mitigate the consequences of a Covid and other respiratory infections, as well as other diseases, and that the amount of supplementation varies from person to person for a number of reasons which are explained in the video. I have increased my Vit D consumption to 3 mg a day but have no idea what my blood level is currently as it is not routinely tested. I had made an appointment for a private test just before Covid hit but that was cancelled and the service has not resumed. I imagine the staff have been too busy administering the vaccines. As the research now says that too much Vit D is not harmful if calcium is not taken with it (my pills don't include calcium) I shall up my dose a little more. Should further research contradict these recent findings, I will think again, but the rationale behind it makes sense to me as would routine testing once in a while, particularly as one gets older and absorption is less, However, since routine testing of any time stops at age 74, the elderly may still be left out in the cold.

I think everyone who has followed the research covered in the video will be getting tired of going over the same ground over and over again so will leave it there and suggest people actual listen to the video and explanations before raising further queries.

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by XFool »

redsturgeon wrote:Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.
Easily done, I would think.

Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by redsturgeon »

XFool wrote:
redsturgeon wrote:Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.
Easily done, I would think.
We could have a feW Innuit users...

Lemon Slice
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by RockRabbit »

XFool wrote:
redsturgeon wrote:Liver is good...but avoid polar bear liver which contains so much vitamin D that it is toxic.
Easily done, I would think.
Hmm, a bit Inuit exclusionary don't you think? :)

Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by mc2fool »

Dod101 wrote:The Oxford University lab that invented what is now known as the AstraZeneca vaccine has no commercial interest in the vaccine and yet they ran the trials etc
Dunno if you saw the (BBC?, Ch4?) programme on the development of the Oxford vaccine last year, but in it Sarah Gilbert said that they had the vaccine designed in Jan 2020 within 48 hours of receiving the genome, and she then spent the next three months trying to get funding to run the human trials. It was clear that getting the funding was much more of an effort than the technical aspects of developing the vaccine itself.

"But in early March, Gilbert was still scrounging for money. “If we don’t have the money now, we can’t get the vaccine manufactured now and we can’t get the trials done,” she told me at the time. “We needed the money a month ago.”" ... ont-runner

Also of relevant interest: ... -pandemic/ and ... 24985.html

The latter article being about how, despite their success with the covid vaccine, her lab is "struggling to raise funding for their work developing jabs against other infectious diseases".

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Lootman »

Dod101 wrote:I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?
My doctor has recommended Vitamin D supplements for me for at least a decade now.

By the way, congratulations on reaching the dizzy heights of Full Lemonhood.

Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by monabri »

When asked, she gave a figure for the funding level required ...a trivial sum ( c. £1m) compared to the money squandered.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by MrFoolish »

Dod101 wrote:I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?

The medical profession tends not to experiment on people with long-term nutritional dietary experiements, as it is seen as unethical.

Instead, they rely on observational studies (people filling in forms from memory, saying what they ate last month) which are notoriously unreliable.

Also, not much money is available for studying nutritional supplements as they can't be patented by drugs compainies.

So I would not rely on doctors being ahead of the curve on these matters.

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

Lootman wrote:
Dod101 wrote:I must say that I have never knowingly had me vitamin D level checked so I have no idea what it is. Surely if it really were an issue some of these clever doctors would have been promoting the supplement?
My doctor has recommended Vitamin D supplements for me for at least a decade now.

By the way, congratulations on reaching the dizzy heights of Full Lemonhood.
Thanks. Did not notice that! No gongs or anything though as far as I can see.

I have not seen a doctor since I had a hip replacement 5 yeas ago. Maybe I should take vitamin D if at least will do no harm. Don't like putting artificial stuff into my body though. I guess a vaccine is just that.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by MrFoolish »

Dod101 wrote: I have not seen a doctor since I had a hip replacement 5 yeas ago. Maybe I should take vitamin D if at least will do no harm. Don't like putting artificial stuff into my body though. I guess a vaccine is just that.

... as is an artificial hip :lol:

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

mc2fool wrote:
Dod101 wrote:The Oxford University lab that invented what is now known as the AstraZeneca vaccine has no commercial interest in the vaccine and yet they ran the trials etc
Dunno if you saw the (BBC?, Ch4?) programme on the development of the Oxford vaccine last year, but in it Sarah Gilbert said that they had the vaccine designed in Jan 2020 within 48 hours of receiving the genome, and she then spent the next three months trying to get funding to run the human trials. It was clear that getting the funding was much more of an effort than the technical aspects of developing the vaccine itself.

"But in early March, Gilbert was still scrounging for money. “If we don’t have the money now, we can’t get the vaccine manufactured now and we can’t get the trials done,” she told me at the time. “We needed the money a month ago.”" ... ont-runner

Also of relevant interest: ... -pandemic/ and ... 24985.html

The latter article being about how, despite their success with the covid vaccine, her lab is "struggling to raise funding for their work developing jabs against other infectious diseases".
I replied but it seems to have disappeared. Yes I did see the programme and I also have her book, Vaxxers, written with her colleague Dr Catherine Green. In it she tells us that by the end of April 2020 they had over £22 million committed but that the previous 3 months had been extremely stressful, trying to raise the funding. They went ahead with their work anyway. This is of course nothing new. Research labs the world over are always seeking funding; the difference this time was the urgency of the situation.


PS Sorry this is now 'way off topic.

Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by mc2fool »

Dod101 wrote:I replied but it seems to have disappeared. Yes I did see the programme and I also have her book, Vaxxers, written with her colleague Dr Catherine Green. In it she tells us that by the end of April 2020 they had over £22 million committed but that the previous 3 months had been extremely stressful, trying to raise the funding. They went ahead with their work anyway. This is of course nothing new. Research labs the world over are always seeking funding; the difference this time was the urgency of the situation.


PS Sorry this is now 'way off topic.
It's not really OT, Dod, 'cos my point was that you were asking that if, as the Oxford folks had no commercial interest in the vaccine and yet they ran trials, so why wouldn't someone like them be promoting vitamin D? And I was pointing out that even with the world at its most critical health juncture for a century the Oxford folks had a real struggle getting funding for the vaccine, so what chance would a non-critical "mere" vitamin D trail stand of being funded? Not saying it shouldn't be, just looking at the reality...

The full Lemon
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Dod101 »

mc2fool wrote:
Dod101 wrote:I replied but it seems to have disappeared. Yes I did see the programme and I also have her book, Vaxxers, written with her colleague Dr Catherine Green. In it she tells us that by the end of April 2020 they had over £22 million committed but that the previous 3 months had been extremely stressful, trying to raise the funding. They went ahead with their work anyway. This is of course nothing new. Research labs the world over are always seeking funding; the difference this time was the urgency of the situation.


PS Sorry this is now 'way off topic.
It's not really OT, Dod, 'cos my point was that you were asking that if, as the Oxford folks had no commercial interest in the vaccine and yet they ran trials, so why wouldn't someone like them be promoting vitamin D? And I was pointing out that even with the world at its most critical health juncture for a century the Oxford folks had a real struggle getting funding for the vaccine, so what chance would a non-critical "mere" vitamin D trail stand of being funded? Not saying it shouldn't be, just looking at the reality...
Good point. Anyway, I have just bought some vitamin D tablets, As long as I do not overdose on them they can do me no harm at least. The pharmacist tells me we should all take them during the winter months at least.


Lemon Half
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Re: Vitamin D Update

Post by Mike4 »

Someone in this thread asked about how to get one's Vitamin D levels tested.

I had mine tested back in Feb this year using these people:

My result in Feb 2021 was 99.6 nmol/L. FYI I've been taking 5,000 iu of D3 daily for 18 months, when I first started reading reports of how important it is for regulating the immune response.

And as if by magic John Campbell published another video on the subject of Vitamin D today, in discussion with Doctor Michael Cohen, a GP in Israel. Also asking why the rest of the medical world is not recommending it given the weight of evidence in its favour. ... hnCampbell

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