Have you had covid?

The home for all non-political Coronavirus (Covid-19) discussions on The Lemon Fool
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This is the home for all non-political Coronavirus (Covid-19) discussions on The Lemon Fool

Have you had covid?

I have had covid and took an official PCR test to confirm
I have had covid confirmed by a home test but not PCR
No votes
I think I have had covid but not confirmed by any test
I don't think I have had covid
Total votes: 69

Lemon Half
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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by pje16 »

AleisterCrowley wrote:Slightly o/t but I find the nose swabbing really painful. Just me?
The throat thing less so, but still surprisingly uncomfortable considering I'm without tonsils and never had an issue with various doctors prodding said tonsils before they were removed
Methinks you're pushing it too far, it doesn't have to reach your grey matter :lol: just go up a little way and roll it around the sides
I have more trouble with the throat I gag every time (still have my tonsils)

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by pje16 »

redsturgeon wrote: I had thought of adding "don't know" but we have the overlap between the "I don't know but I think I might have had it" and "I don't know.
Next we have the "I don't know but I don't think so'" overlap.
Then we have the "how could I possibly know whether or not I have had it asymptomatically, I don't know"
Then the "I had a really bad cold that might have been covid but I don't know.
Then the "I had a positive LFT test but no symptoms so maybe the test was wrong, I don't know"
Then of course we have the positive LFT followed by the negative PCR test so I don't know.
Should we bother with polls
I don't know.
Yes John
I like polls, So thnaks for this one the options very rarely cover all bases
"Then the "I had a really bad cold that might have been covid but I don't know."
I had a cold and could still smell vinegar, so it was a cold, not Covid and not the dreaded man-flu :lol:

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by servodude »

redsturgeon wrote:
dealtn wrote: Yes. That's my answer to the question!
I had thought of adding "don't know" but we have the overlap between the "I don't know but I think I might have had it" and "I don't know.
Next we have the "I don't know but I don't think so'" overlap.
Then we have the "how could I possibly know whether or not I have had it asymptomatically, I don't know"
Then the "I had a really bad cold that might have been covid but I don't know.
Then the "I had a positive LFT test but no symptoms so maybe the test was wrong, I don't know"
Then of course we have the positive LFT followed by the negative PCR test so I don't know.

Should we bother with polls



I don't know.
Sounds like a good case for a "widdy"

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by Pendrainllwyn »

A survey prone to survivorship bias.
Hopefully not.


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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by thebarns »

In the first few months I did not know of one person within our family and friend contact base.

Over the last few months, I’d make a rough estimate of around 1 in every 3 family/friend or someone in their household) having had it, a fair number of whom were double vaccinated.

Unfortunately a double jabbed 50 year old cousin is currently in hospital with Covid.

Aside from that unfortunate/unlucky case, only 1 other person had to be hospitalised.

Having said that virtually all of these family members/ friends are under 60.

Lemon Half
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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by pje16 »

Pendrainllwyn wrote:A survey prone to survivorship bias.
Hopefully not.

Well you can't vote if you've shuffled off this mortal coil :o

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by UncleEbenezer »

redsturgeon wrote:
Should we bother with polls



I don't know.
[*] Buggered if I know.
[*] Eny fule kno.
Pendrainllwyn wrote: A survey prone to survivorship bias.
That's the people who win the NHS lottery in their time of need, and come out saying how marvellous it is.
thebarns wrote: In the first few months I did not know of one person within our family and friend contact base.
So far as I'm aware, I don't know anyone who's had it.

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by Julian »

thebarns wrote:In the first few months I did not know of one person within our family and friend contact base.

Over the last few months, I’d make a rough estimate of around 1 in every 3 family/friend or someone in their household) having had it, a fair number of whom were double vaccinated.

Unfortunately a double jabbed 50 year old cousin is currently in hospital with Covid.

Aside from that unfortunate/unlucky case, only 1 other person had to be hospitalised.

Having said that virtually all of these family members/ friends are under 60.
That's my experience as well. Until the last few months I didn't know anyone directly who has tested positive. I did know one friend of a friend who died during the first lockdown but until recently that was it. In the last few months though I know 3 people who have tested positive, one rather inconveniently when she got her getting-back-into-the-UK test prior to flying back from a holiday so she ended up spending 10 days in a 1-star hotel at the end of the runway at Athens airport.

All three people I know who tested positive are in their late 50s or early 60s. They were also all double-vaccinated with more than sufficient "bedding in" time after the second dose but that means nothing because as far as I am aware everyone I know is double vaccinated so those are the only infections I would ever have first-hand knowledge of except for friends' children. They were all either asymptomatic (the holidaymaker) or had extremely mild symptoms that, were we in more normal times, would have been passed of as a relatively light and brief cold.

I'm an "I think I had it" case based on some unusual (to me) symptoms way back in April last year. I certainly hope it was Covid-19 because I like the sound of the boost that infection-induced plus vaccine-induced immunity is thought to give vs only vaccine-induced immunity although whether my infection, if indeed it was Covid-19, would have been too long ago to have any amplifying effect on the vaccine-induced immunity is I assume fairly unclear.

- Julian

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by 1nvest »

89 year old mother had it back in January, around a week after having had the first Pfizer jab and a few days after she was admitted to hospital for a fall/fractured hip. Very mild symptoms. She was subsequently given a Oxford jab whilst in care, despite repeated declaration of it being due and having had Pfizer for the first jab. More recently, now back home, she's had the Pfizer booster and unlike the first two jabs where she endured very mild/no effects with that third jab she had a day where she felt (and looked like she) was dying.

25 year old unvaccinated son had it back in July pretty much as soon as nightclubs were opened, more a case of a bad cold type week in his case. Neither me or my other son who were all 'back home' due to Covid contracted it despite very close quarters (no masks, no extra/separate cleansing, close proximity/same living room etc.).

Many other cases of his mates also contracting Covid around the same time, where most likely he contracted it from one of them as they passed it around, some single vaccinated, others not, all enduring relatively mild symptoms bar one, who after a Covid jab was hospitalised and near died due to heart inflammation/conditions.

Fortunate that Covid is very mild for most. The handling has been atrocious. Mum contracted it soon after entering hospital and remained on the same ward for four days before being moved into isolation, so she likely contracted it upon entry and remained to pass it on to others on the same ward. The government forced care homes to accept Covid patients, literally threatened those that refused. Lock down ... wasn't, had some paid to stay at home whilst others had no other choice to continue-on even when feeling unwell. Had it been something far deadlier then the UK would have suffered far worse than most whose governments actually governed rather than just manage crises of its own making.

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by pje16 »

Is your Mum ok now
Thanks for sharing
My dad's 91 and messed his hip 3 years ago with fall and that hampers his walking now
Apart from that he's fine, just had his booster so that makes me feel a bit happier

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by 1nvest »

pje16 wrote:Is your Mum ok now
Thanks for sharing
My dad's 91 and messed his hip 3 years ago with fall and that hampers his walking now
Apart from that he's fine, just had his booster so that makes me feel a bit happier
Generally she's fine. She has quite severe osteoporosis so they had to peg and pin rather than replace the hip joint but that seems to have worked well, no pain, mobility is OK ...etc. The main issue are here knees that ideally would have been replaced years back but again osteoporosis prevented that, so she gets around but not as actively as she used to when <88 (when she was still line dancing, daily going off out and around the shops alone etc.). Frailty type more recent mobility making her more house-bound unless assisted. Main factor now is dementia. Mild at present but likely to worsen. Again generally OK, she knows us all etc. but short term memory is relatively poor (long term memory is fine).

In more normal circumstances she'd likely be best in a care home, with morning pick-up's and evening drop-off's, but under Covid even a single outing meant having to isolate for 2 weeks with no visits upon return, worse than imprisonment so not really a option. So as is I do 8am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm, 8pm and midnight daily drop-ins, sometimes on bad days staying all day/night. Fortunately we're just 'down the road' from one another and I'm widowed and recently retired (at age 60). Only child so its all on me but with fallback that my two 20-something single sons who have returned home since Covid could step in to fill gaps. In truth I can cope as-is but would struggle if things were more intense such as if she needed 24/7/365 assistance/care, so ultimately its either ultimately a care home or grim reaper future. 'Hopefully' the latter as she'd rather be at home i.e. hopefully I can continue to care for her at home until the end.

Don't know whether the onset of dementia was natural or Covid induced. Lockdowns and isolations took their toll and had her screaming mad at times that I suspect might have been the cause of her vascular dementia (massive swings in emotions literally blew her mind).

Thanks for asking.

Lemon Half
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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by pje16 »

Thanks for the update
You do have you hands full and what a good son you are
I am so sorry if she has dementia ( i do hope it could be an after effect of covid that will pass in a couple of month or so)
My mum passed way 4 years ago after having dementia for 10 years plus
It is a bas*ard, from my one experience, it is harder on family and friends, they become isolated in their own world (whatever that is) and seem quite content, but you lose them, they end up not knowing who you are
i grieved for my mum about 3 years before she passed
If it is, and it worsens you will NEED help and you sons will see that hopefully
What a cheery post :roll:

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Re: Have you had covid?

Post by stooz »

Well you can all add me to your list of people you know that had covid.

I have just recovered after what could be described as flu like outage for 4 days.
I have been duble jabbed back in March, and it hopefully meant my symptoms wernt as bad as they could have been.
im middle age, healthy and no medical conditions.
PCR confirmed as well as several personal flow tests done at home.

I can ask for a booster but not for 60 days of a clean test or some such figure.

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