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Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 13th, 2021, 5:23 pm
by swill453
pje16 wrote:
swill453 wrote:My parents in their 80s got the flu jab and booster, each in the same arm, last week. Central Scotland.
Unusual, they nearly always use different arms, in fact when I've had one, I'm always asked which is my dominant arm,
guess some distributors are more considerate than others
As far as I know, one of the main factors is pain in the jabbed arm when sleeping on your side. Having both arms jabbed would make this difficult.

(They were offered the option of one in each arm, but chose same arm.)


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 13th, 2021, 6:09 pm
by pje16
yes Scott, agreed about sleeping
i didn't feel my flu jab in one arrm but did feel the pneumonia one in the other - odd I know
thanks fo your explanation which does make sense

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 8:28 pm
by Stompa
Lootman wrote:Some vaccinations require that you have had no other vaccination in the prior few weeks. Presumably that does not apply to these if they are being offered together.
I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 11:16 pm
by wydffa
With live/non-live vaccines the order in which they are given influences the non-specific effects (positive or negative). It is too soon to know how mRNA vaccines will fit into this and whether it matters. I will not be having mine at the same time, Introduction to the topic below.

Aaby, P., Benn, C.S., Flanagan, K.L. et al. The non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccines. Nat Rev Immunol 20, 464–470 (2020).

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 11:54 pm
by Mike4
Gerry557 wrote:
I think there are a lot more bigger risks out there than being jabbed at the moment.
E.G. catching Covid!!

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 9:03 am
by bungeejumper
Stompa wrote:I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.
Well, I also had my flu jab first thing yesterday morning. I felt fine until about eight hours later, when I suddenly got all the pseudo-flu symptoms - shivering, raised temperature, headache, prickly skin, feeling dizzy. I went to bed feeling pretty rubbish, although it's largely dissipated this morning.

I haven't had that reaction before, or not with a flu jab anyway. (I was rather flattened by my first covid jab back in February.). Either this year's (over 65) jab is a bit more heavy-duty than usual, or my immune system has been depleted by not having so many colds this year? (One, instead of the usual two or three.) Either way, it's not a bad thing that they quizzed you about having any recent jabs.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 9:44 am
by pje16
Stompa wrote:I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.
Why would ANYONE go for another jab within a week of having one or indeed a week after
I think you met someone who didn't know the score :roll:

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 11:37 am
by ursaminortaur
pje16 wrote:
Stompa wrote:I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.
Why would ANYONE go for another jab within a week of having one or indeed a week after
I think you met someone who didn't know the score :roll:
Why ? After all they give children multiple vaccines in a single jab, eg MMR, so why should there really be a problem about giving two vaccines in two jabs close together.

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 11:58 am
by Dod101
pje16 wrote:
Stompa wrote:I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.
Why would ANYONE go for another jab within a week of having one or indeed a week after
I think you met someone who didn't know the score :roll:
The question is rather why not? When I went for my Covid vaccine I was asked if I would like the flu jab at the same time. I took one jab in each arm. The vaccine jab was slightly uncomfortable for 24 hours or so, but the flu jab gave me no reaction.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 12:55 pm
by Newroad
Hi All.

I had Covid in December.

I then had my two AZ Covid vaccines and had my flu jab yesterday. Zero effect from either of the Covid jabs or the flu jab.

What this all means, who knows.

However, in addition to the matters noted earlier, one reason not to have two vaccines (or for that matter, any two medicines of unknown effect) together is if there is a positive or negative reaction, you don't know which one is causing it. There is also the possibility of interaction between them, but that is often well documented.

Regards, Newroad

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 24th, 2021, 1:51 pm
by Julian
Newroad wrote:...
However, in addition to the matters noted earlier, one reason not to have two vaccines (or for that matter, any two medicines of unknown effect) together is if there is a positive or negative reaction, you don't know which one is causing it. ...
That's a good point. Thanks. I have never had a flu vaccination before so, apart from the other considerations mentioned in this thread, I find your additional point quite compelling so that if I do have a reaction I will at least have a better idea as to whether it was related to the flu vaccine and I can file away that data for future years' reference. Additionally my two Covid-19 vaccinations so far were AZ so I expect to get either a Pfizer or Moderna booster which would also be a new vaccine for me and there too I would quite like to get at least one data point to see how I respond to whatever mRNA vaccine I get on the assumption that repeat vaccinations might well be a thing for at least the next few years. Denying myself those two data points by getting both on the same day seems silly especially when I have just discovered that I can book a flu jab on the Boots web site next week.

My 6-months-after-2nd-dose eligibility for my C-19 booster starts in 25 days time so the logical thing for me to do would seem to be to pro-actively book a Flu jab for myself as soon as my schedule allows which would be a week tomorrow which then leaves me a clear 17 days even if I were to be able to get my C-19 booster on the very first day that I become eligible. My plan is hatched I think. Thanks again Newroad for that additional observation that I found particularly pertinent to my own decision making process, and had the side effect of prompting me to be more pro-active about getting a Flu jab. (I had always intended to chase down my C-19 booster at the earliest possible opportunity but was being a bit more laid back about a flu jab.)

Actually, on the booster I heard rumours reported in the news last week that both the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and Boris Johnson are in favour of reducing that 6-months-after-2nd-dose interval to 5 months. With the scientific and political stars seemingly thus aligned I wonder whether my timings above might get changed in the very near future by an announcement about a reduced interval. If that does happen next week I think I would swap things round, proactively try to get my C-19 booster shot ASAP and then if my GP hasn't contacted me book a Boots or other chemist appointment for my flu jab a couple of weeks later.

- Julian

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: October 31st, 2021, 10:18 am
by scotia
I had a flu vaccination and a Pfizer booster (Covid) vaccination this morning at 8:30am. I chose to have one in each arm. I previously had two Astra Zeneca vaccinations.

Slightly off-topic - In my area of central Scotland the vaccination appointments have been a shambles. My original appointment was for 12:30 on Friday in my local town hall. When I got there I was offered an umbrella to stand outside in the rain - the hall was full, and I was told that there would be a wait of one and a half hours. I declined. I was helpfully told by an administrator that in a neighbouring (by car) town there were vacancies on Sunday. But now I found that I could not cancel my declined appointment on-line, and could not make a new appointment - catch 22. So I tried the phone line - but gave up after about 20 minutes listening to a repeated automated message. But later in the evening I got through, and having explained the problem, I was offered an 8:30am (first) appointment today at the neighbouring town hall. There were three vaccination stations operating, and we first 3 customers were seen immediately - with no apparent queue forming behind us. While sitting in the recovery area, I talked to one of the other patients - and his story (at our local town hall) was almost identical to mine - except his original appointment was on Saturday, and he was offered a two and a half hour wait - with at least half an hour outside in the rain. He also had declined. Having spoken to other elderly neighbours, it appears that this situation has been ongoing for over a week. Yet no action appears to have been taken to resolve the problem.
This is in complete contrast to the original Covid vaccinations - where there was no waiting and the vaccinations were carried out at the appointed time.

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 1st, 2021, 9:54 pm
by gadjet
Had my booster covid jab (left arm) and flu jab (right arm) on Saturday. Slight ache in left arm on Saturday night but nothing else.

How long before the booster jab (Pfizer) becomes effective ?


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 2nd, 2021, 5:28 am
by redsturgeon
gadjet wrote:Had my booster covid jab (left arm) and flu jab (right arm) on Saturday. Slight ache in left arm on Saturday night but nothing else.

How long before the booster jab (Pfizer) becomes effective ?

One week.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 2nd, 2021, 10:29 am
by 88V8
OH had her flue & Pfizer booster on Saturday.
Both arms painful on Sunday.
Felt very tired Sunday and Monday, also Monday felt as if she had a mild cold.
Otherwise OK. Way better than the first jab - AZ - where she was nauseous and went to bed for two days.

Me next week.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 3rd, 2021, 8:09 pm
by Clariman
We were sent our flu vaccination appointments for a date 23 weeks after our 2nd covid vaccinations. I phoned to ask if they would give us our covid booster vaccinations at the same time, given that it was just one week before our 24 weeks were up but they said no. However they did allow us to reschedule a joint flu/booster about 10 days later. Happy with that.

Incidentally I think that phone call managed to get us our covid boosters 3 or 4 weeks earlier than it might otherwise have been, given that a family member who got his covid vaccines a fair by before us has just received his covid booster date for early next month.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 8th, 2021, 5:28 pm
by 88V8
Booster + flu Sunday morning.
Both arms sore Sunday evening, OK by Monday evening.
No other apparent effects.


Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 10:31 pm
by Stompa
Stompa wrote:I had my flu jab this morning. I was asked if I'd had another vaccination in the preceding week, and also if I intended having another vaccination in the following week. I don't recall being asked that in previous years.
Well for the sake of completeness I can report that, having had my Covid booster (Moderna) today, I was presented with a written list of questions one of which was 'have you had another vaccination in the preceding week?'.

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 10:38 pm
by AleisterCrowley
I went up the local clinic today to try and get a flu jab on Saturday but they were booked up so likely the following Saturday (20th). I mentioned I'd got my Covid booster next Friday (19th) but this is not a problem apparently (as per many posts above...just adding my 2d worth)

Re: Flu and covid booster jabs together?

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 11:40 pm
by Alaric
scotia wrote: Today I received my NHS appointment letter for the flu and Covid booster jabs at the same time - again Central Scotland.
At today's Covid booster, I was asked whether I had had a vaccination within the previous week, A close run thing, as the flu one had been 8 days earlier.