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Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:24 am
by servodude
88V8 wrote:At the moment, pubs and restaurants should be defending themselves against thoughtless prats by taking a per-head non-refundable deposit with table bookings.
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch ....I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
Is this a new version of virtue-signalling?

EDIT: agree with the deposit thing...a couple of my preferred places have been doing this the past year and it's really cut down on their problems

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:34 am
by swill453
88V8 wrote:At the moment, pubs and restaurants should be defending themselves against thoughtless prats by taking a per-head non-refundable deposit with table bookings.
anon155742 wrote:I went somewhere for lunch ....I booked a table for 7pm the following Saturday and didnt bother turning up
Is this a new version of virtue-signalling?
No, it's just an anti-something. Not far removed from complaining the vaccination makes you magnetic so the 5G towers can find you.


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 3:59 pm
by anon155742
It was non violent protest.

In this day and age of Extinction Rebellion shutting down warehouse entrances or smashing bank windows it is a minor act to display my political beliefs.

Its just the way things are going in our low trust society....

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 4:02 pm
by Itsallaguess
anon155742 wrote:
It was non violent protest.

In this day and age of Extinction Rebellion shutting down warehouse entrances or smashing bank windows it is a minor act to display my political beliefs.
Perhaps next time though, might it be better to protest against those that are actually setting these rules, rather than those poor businesses that are simply trying to implement them?



Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:21 pm
by moorfield
I am going to stick my neck out here, in the interest of balanced discussion (very "BBC" of me ).

I was on the receiving end of the "wear your mask" brigade this evening in a pub with my daughter, sister and her son (the first time we have seen them since Christmas 2019). My nephew, 17 spotty and scruffy and a tad surly, is very deaf and has been learning to lip read through the lockdowns. We weren't wearing our masks and he was able to follow our conversation perfectly well.

Cue some chuntering from two fellas at the next table, let's call them the Gomman Brothers to preserve their anonymity. They had been in some time watching the cricket, were well refreshed, and clearly making my sister uncomfortable. (And I earwigged were also discussing shares at one point - LFs perhaps?)

Anyway one snide chunter too far I thought I'd have a polite word to explain my nephew's predicament, which concluded with Gomman #1 telling me not to be "lary". At which point I recalled reading this and could only smirk at the irony. As we left (wearing our masks btw), I pointed out to the landlord where his offensive and intimidating clientele were sitting.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:36 pm
by didds
Hold on... were these two ... people... expecting you all to be wearing masks while seated at a table in a pub?

that's not what is required?


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:52 pm
by moorfield
didds wrote:Hold on... were these two ... people... expecting you all to be wearing masks while seated at a table in a pub?

that's not what is required?


Precisement. I am pointing out of course that it is not just ignorant youths like those described above that frequent pubs.

I feel sorry for the put upon hospitaility industry having to police all this. The sooner we accept the virus is endemic and get on with it the better, imho. But now it's looking like another 4 weeks of procrastination.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 9:59 pm
by didds
So THEY were masked at their table... how on earth did they drink their drinks with a mask on if so?


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 11th, 2021, 10:52 pm
by moorfield
didds wrote:So THEY were masked at their table... how on earth did they drink their drinks with a mask on if so?


Not quite but they were in "chin hammock" mode and my sister and nephew had walked in maskless. I was stretching my point a little, they were just trying to be funny I think but were p*ssed and not.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 3:16 am
by servodude
Itsallaguess wrote:
anon155742 wrote:
It was non violent protest.

In this day and age of Extinction Rebellion shutting down warehouse entrances or smashing bank windows it is a minor act to display my political beliefs.
Perhaps next time though, might it be better to protest against those that are actually setting these rules, rather than those poor businesses that are simply trying to implement them?


I'm failing to see the politics in all this?

The restaurateur was intentionally deceived so that he'd suffer a loss of earnings; how is that in any way a political protest? Did the pink marshmallow rock up on the night and wave through the window to let them know what was meant?

Surely it's just a cowardly act of spite backed up with some hypocrisy about a "low trust society"

What am I missing here?

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 9:56 am
by Mike4
servodude wrote:
Itsallaguess wrote: Perhaps next time though, might it be better to protest against those that are actually setting these rules, rather than those poor businesses that are simply trying to implement them?


I'm failing to see the politics in all this?

The restaurateur was intentionally deceived so that he'd suffer a loss of earnings; how is that in any way a political protest? Did the pink marshmallow rock up on the night and wave through the window to let them know what was meant?

Surely it's just a cowardly act of spite backed up with some hypocrisy about a "low trust society"

What am I missing here?
After I'd posted my ar$e comment which got marshmallowed out, I too wondered this. More specifically I thought it such a pointless act unrelated to the claimed political protest that perhaps it was a troll post by a new poster, made to provoke a reaction and I'd fallen for it. But the OP has been here a couple of years on checking.

Also, the profanity filter seems supremely pointless. We have one in 'The Combustion Chamber" too, and inventing alternative spellings for profanities has turned into a national sport over there.

(Edit to finesse a point.)

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 11:32 am
by Lootman
I went to a pub the other evening with my eldest son. The guy on the door took one look at our masks and said: "we don't do any of that s__t here". We removed our masks and entered. Nobody in the pub had masks, including the staff. It was a mask-free pub and presumably everyone there was happy with that.

Might the solution here be to have masked and unmasked pubs? As long as everyone is happy with the status then it would work, and nobody risks being offended by seeing someone else who is doing the opposite of what they are doing.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 11:58 am
by swill453
I see just about 100% compliance with masks here in Scotland, in pubs, shops and public transport. Admittedly I don't go to that many pubs at the moment.


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 12:06 pm
by Mike4
I'd have thought that anyone going into pubs must be fundamentally skeptical about the value of masks, given it is impossible to drink or eat whilst wearing one.

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 12:27 pm
by redsturgeon
Moderator Message:
This topic has drifted into Covid and CAN territory and certainly out of Snug territory. I will now move it to one of the other places

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 1:03 pm
by anon155742
servodude wrote:
Itsallaguess wrote: Perhaps next time though, might it be better to protest against those that are actually setting these rules, rather than those poor businesses that are simply trying to implement them?


I'm failing to see the politics in all this?

The restaurateur was intentionally deceived so that he'd suffer a loss of earnings; how is that in any way a political protest? Did the pink marshmallow rock up on the night and wave through the window to let them know what was meant?

Surely it's just a cowardly act of spite backed up with some hypocrisy about a "low trust society"

What am I missing here?
It was a "nudge"

According to our elites that is the way you change behaviour these days

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 3:40 pm
by 88V8
anon155742 wrote:
servodude wrote:Surely it's just a cowardly act of spite backed up with some hypocrisy about a "low trust society"
What am I missing here?
It was a "nudge"
According to our elites that is the way you change behaviour these days
So after not turning up, you rang and explained why you didn't turn up? Or were they expected to guess?
You could have written a letter. Or gone, and then reviewed them on Tripadvisor.
As it is, you've changed nothing except acquiring the label of self-absorbed tit.


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 4:06 pm
by pje16
Mike4 wrote:I'd have thought that anyone going into pubs must be fundamentally skeptical about the value of masks, given it is impossible to drink or eat whilst wearing one.
My local pub has it sorted
at the table no mask, get up to go to the loo, put your mask on and EVERYONE follows it
Staff have masks and serve you at the table

Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 4:42 pm
by Dod101
pje16 wrote:
Mike4 wrote:I'd have thought that anyone going into pubs must be fundamentally skeptical about the value of masks, given it is impossible to drink or eat whilst wearing one.
My local pub has it sorted
at the table no mask, get up to go to the loo, put your mask on and EVERYONE follows it
Staff have masks and serve you at the table
There is nothing to 'sort'. I thought that was the rule. I was in a fairly busy town centre restaurant last evening and that is how everyone behaved as far as I could see.


Re: Another pub.

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 4:46 pm
by Dod101
anon155742 wrote:It was non violent protest.

In this day and age of Extinction Rebellion shutting down warehouse entrances or smashing bank windows it is a minor act to display my political beliefs.

Its just the way things are going in our low trust society....
Do you think that the pub landlord saw or was able to work out a connection between your displeasure and his 'punishment' at your hands. More likely he was just annoyed at another no show. With respect, it was just stupidity on your part and will change nothing.
