Friends lost through vaccination.

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Lemon Quarter
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Re: Friends lost through vaccination.

Post by csearle »

I saw our leader basically saying that vaccine passports are fraught with ethical problems. So I am confident that the issues are being discussed at the highest level. C.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Friends lost through vaccination.

Post by Bminusrob »

Having read through this thread, I am shocked but not completely surprised at the level of anti-vax feeling which exist. Do these people just not believe that tens of thousands of people have died, and many more been seriously all, and only saved through medical intervention. What is the difference between this medical intervention and vaccination?

We are talking about a seriously contageous disease, which has run rampant through this country and the rest of the world, and will continue to do so unless we take positive action to stop it.

I am starting to see the benefit of vaccine passports. That way, those who have been vaccinated, and can prove it with a vaccine passport, can live a relatively normal life; pop to the pub for a pint or eat out, go to sports events, theatre and concerts, use public transport and go shopping. Those who choose not to be vaccinated will have to live a (much) more restricted life. No pub, no eating out, no sports events, theatre, concerts, and if the NHS is under pressure, confined to house arrest.

As you may conclude, I have no sympathy for the anti-vax flat earthers. As for the OP, you are much less likely to die from Covid than your erstwhile friend. It's not your funeral.

The full Lemon
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Re: Friends lost through vaccination.

Post by Lootman »

funduffer wrote:It is classic Boris Johnson. He doesn’t have a view, and will blow with the wind of whichever opinion prevails. So prevarication will continue for now and the decision he finally makes will be the only one left to take, based on the arithmetic of Tory MP’s and public opinion.
If by not having a view, you mean that he does not have an ideological pre-disposition or a fixed world view, then I tend to take that as a good thing rather than a bad thing.

I want the PM to listen to others, take account of the public mood, and then make informed decisions. I expect him to change his mind and change direction if things are going better or worse than expected. I do not want or expect him to come in with all the answers and then rigidly stick to them.

More than anything I expect a politician to shut up and listen, and not be a know-it-all. They are our servants.

Lemon Half
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Re: Friends lost through vaccination.

Post by Mike4 »

Lootman wrote:
I want the PM to listen to others, take account of the public mood, and then make informed decisions. .
Me too, but he fell at the first hurdle when it came to coronavirus.

These days though, there are some straws in the wind that humility has replaced hubris to a small degree, thank God.

Lemon Quarter
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Joined: December 7th, 2016, 9:09 pm

Re: Friends lost through vaccination.

Post by Urbandreamer »

Bminusrob wrote:I am starting to see the benefit of vaccine passports. That way, those who have been vaccinated, and can prove it with a vaccine passport, can live a relatively normal life; pop to the pub for a pint or eat out, go to sports events, theatre and concerts, use public transport and go shopping. Those who choose not to be vaccinated will have to live a (much) more restricted life. No pub, no eating out, no sports events, theatre, concerts, and if the NHS is under pressure, confined to house arrest.
I take it that you assume that nobody below the age that anyone has had their second jab should be serving in a pub, singing or performing in a concert, serving food, travelling to work....

Otherwise your argument is somewhat moot.

Given that 50% of those over 18 in this country have had their first jab, and vaccine's are not offered yet to most of those under 50, science or numbers don't seem that important to your desire to imprison the few who have refused. Or your demand that people carry proof they have done something that they have not been allowed/offered or that they have been offered and refused.

To comment more would be VERY political. About what sort of country we want to live in. What I would accept and what I would fight to prevent. Which has nothing to do with the pandemic at all.

As I implied, the numbers don't support your argument that some paternal state needs to imprison people or forcefully treat them. Sufficient people have accepted the medical advice. Personally I believe, and those I speak to support this, most of those who can't yet get their vaccine, want it. The few who refuse can "free ride" upon the rest of us. Just like the many who make other "mistakes".

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