Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

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Lemon Quarter
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by zico »

A space has been created on the Science board, so I'll post future thoughts on modelling on that board, instead of here. ... 74#p297374

Lemon Pip
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by feste »

Hi redsturgeon,

Re your 23 March post on loss of sense of smell, you may be interested in :

Amidst all the coronavirus 'noise' here's a signal that may be relevant/useful : ... f=xXHv7I37

Tracking Coronavirus By Smell Test Is Risk Manager's Project Now - Bloomberg
My father now knows nine people who have been killed by the coronavirus. He’s 83 and entirely sound of mind and body. He rides his bike many miles every morning around Audubon Park in New ...
The author, Michael Lewis, is best known for his books The Big Short, Liar's Poker and the Fifth Risk (a prescient description of the hollowing out of the US government agencies in the Trump administration) .

The underlying tracker is

For anyone with spare time, it might be of interest to take part in the test....


Lemon Half
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by redsturgeon »

Here is a very detailed technical paper looking at the latest guidelines for the management of Covid19 patients in ICU.

Some may be interested to read this.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by Gaggsy »

feste wrote:The underlying tracker is
Website now closed
On careful consideration, we have decided to end the Sniff Out Covid initiative.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by ReformedCharacter »

downsvalenursinghome wrote:Hello, guys, new here from the UK. As we know that Coronavirus has spread widely so it's our duty to take care of ourselves and our lives. Stay home is the better option to overcome this virus especially for the elder one. We have Nursing Home Care in UK for elders and dementia patients, Dorking, Surrey, UK.

In order to minimize the risk to our residents, we are stopping all outside entertainment, including the hairdresser. In case a resident becomes infected with the virus, we plan to quarantine them within the nursing home, with the specific allocated staff attending to the resident. Residents will not be attending hospital appointments unless absolutely necessary. All families and friends are welcome to ring and enquire about the well-being of your respected relatives and we are happy to answer any of your questions. Looking forward to this group
What is the scale of fees for a place in your establishment? Could you post a link to your last CQC inspection please?


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

test,my last posts are missed

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

about hidroxichloroquine, now doctors are discovering that it's better to give it at the beginning of the sickness.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by sg31 »

look wrote:about hidroxichloroquine, now doctors are discovering that it's better to give it at the beginning of the sickness.
Can you provide a source for that?

All the information I've found on the subject is 'unreliable'. I've not seen any results from properly organised double blind experiments. Just a number of doctors who have given it to patients and think it might have helped.

We all hope that this treatment works, I'm sure we all hope a treatment works, any treatment, but we do need evidence to justify using it on large groups of people.

Lemon Half
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by redsturgeon »

sg31 wrote:
look wrote:about hidroxichloroquine, now doctors are discovering that it's better to give it at the beginning of the sickness.
Can you provide a source for that?

All the information I've found on the subject is 'unreliable'. I've not seen any results from properly organised double blind experiments. Just a number of doctors who have given it to patients and think it might have helped.

We all hope that this treatment works, I'm sure we all hope a treatment works, any treatment, but we do need evidence to justify using it on large groups of people.
I would guess that there has not been enough time yet for any double blind studies to be completed, so all evidence will be anecdotal at this stage.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

redsturgeon wrote:
sg31 wrote: Can you provide a source for that?

All the information I've found on the subject is 'unreliable'. I've not seen any results from properly organised double blind experiments. Just a number of doctors who have given it to patients and think it might have helped.

We all hope that this treatment works, I'm sure we all hope a treatment works, any treatment, but we do need evidence to justify using it on large groups of people.
I would guess that there has not been enough time yet for any double blind studies to be completed, so all evidence will be anecdotal at this stage.


Sg31, I'm sure this treatment works and I'm sure there plenty of guys that want that it doersn't works.
More in the next post.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

Continuation of the answer to Sg31:

In Brazil, there is a company called Prevent Senior. This company accept only oil people as customers. The customer pays a fixed amount every month and the company pays all their health bills The company has 3 hospitals.

The company was the first victim of the coronavirus. The first patient they gave hidroxicholoroquine was the mother of one of the owners!!!!!!
About this fact I suggest a reflection. Certainly the mother was in a very bad point, he would not use the mother for prevent exposing other patients to unkown consequences.

Until the last day I read about the issue, they used it in 500 (five hundred) patients. And they are very satisfied. They are not only satisfied that patients didn't go to death, but also that they dont need expensive equipment to breath.

Aren't 500 patients (all old) enough to give a bit of confidence?

I didn't find a link in english.

Lemon Half
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by redsturgeon »

look wrote:Continuation of the answer to Sg31:

In Brazil, there is a company called Prevent Senior. This company accept only oil people as customers. The customer pays a fixed amount every month and the company pays all their health bills The company has 3 hospitals.

The company was the first victim of the coronavirus. The first patient they gave hidroxicholoroquine was the mother of one of the owners!!!!!!
About this fact I suggest a reflection. Certainly the mother was in a very bad point, he would not use the mother for prevent exposing other patients to unkown consequences.

Until the last day I read about the issue, they used it in 500 (five hundred) patients. And they are very satisfied. They are not only satisfied that patients didn't go to death, but also that they dont need expensive equipment to breath.

Aren't 500 patients (all old) enough to give a bit of confidence?

I didn't find a link in english.
Any link will do.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

John, here is a link in portuguese. ... loroquina/

Lemon Half
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by redsturgeon »

look wrote:John, here is a link in portuguese. ... loroquina/
Thank you.

Google translate is an easy tool to use.

From the study, 500 patients have been treated, 300 have been discharged.

What we need to know is what would have happened without the drugs given though.

It may be that these drugs are useful, they may not be. This is why we need proper trials. Nobody wants to stop the use of useful drugs by doctors but also we don't want to give people false hope or take away supplies of drugs from other patients who would have benefitted from their licensed use.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by look »

500 have been treated, some in the hospital, some at home,
he didn't said how much in the hospital and how much home.
300 were discharded from de hospital (cured)

So, the numbers are incomplete, the guy said he can't reveal numbers about deaths now, only when the research is finished.

But he said the results were robust, that's important.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by sg31 »

It is at this stage anecdotal evidence. When proper trials have been carried out we will know if Hydroxychloroquine is effective as a treatment. I certainly hope it is effective, we need a treatment as soon as possible.

So far there have been a number of trials that produced positive outcomes and others that show the opposite. Until proper peer reviewed double blind trials take place we just can't be sure.

There are a number of other treatments that seem to be effective, this gives details of some of them

That was written a couple of weeks ago. Not long in normal timescales but it might be out of date by now , things are moving very quickly.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by Midsmartin »

The French are worried about rpossible high rates of cardiac side effects of hydroxychloroquine ... 19-studies

The jury is definitely still out until results of properly controlled studies are in.

Lemon Pip
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by alphab1 »

I wish President Trump did not advocate the use of Hydroxychloroquine as forcefully and as repeatedly as he has been doing.

Most of the media in the US are not impartial where Trump is concerned, with NYT and Washington Post being two of the famous newspapers not particularly fond of the President ;-). If you do a Google search for the use of this drug for Covid the top results will most likely be those critical of its use. The WHO is China friendly but since the US President is advocating the use - which is partly and rather strangely based on successful results in China - it has taken an opposite stance.

The fact is that these are early days yet but double blind randomized trials will take many months. There are many doctors in the US and France who are treating Covid patients with this drug quite successfully and they routinely appear in the evening programs on the Fox news channel giving details, but a lot of people will view this with suspicion. Unfortunately they have not published their findings yet.

Such is the degree of polarization in the US politics. Meanwhile, we may be missing an opportunity to stop the spread of the virus and its use to save human lives. I am not a medical doctor or a specialist, but feel bad that a possible cure is not being given as much support as it deserves, particularly when we are in the middle of such a virulent pandemic.

Some relevant articles on this topic: ... 5/fulltext ... 8/fulltext ... -19-begins


Lemon Half
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by redsturgeon »

I think that in the medical and scientific community the relevant people are looking at all possible means of ameliorating the effects of C19. The over hyping of any particular drug regime is not helpful to this process and unfortunately Trump is one of the main culprits in this regard. It is not the job of newspapers or reporters or politicians to speculate on unproven drugs or treatment based on anecdotal evidence.

There is no MSM conspiracy to stop the "truth" coming out. Please put the tin foil hats away. Remember that Trump is also an anti-vaxxer. Let the medics and scientist do their job.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Coronavirus Health - Health and Wellbeing

Post by SalvorHardin »

redsturgeon wrote:I think that in the medical and scientific community the relevant people are looking at all possible means of ameliorating the effects of C19. The over hyping of any particular drug regime is not helpful to this process and unfortunately Trump is one of the main culprits in this regard. It is not the job of newspapers or reporters or politicians to speculate on unproven drugs or treatment based on anecdotal evidence.

There is no MSM conspiracy to stop the "truth" coming out. Please put the tin foil hats away. Remember that Trump is also an anti-vaxxer. Let the medics and scientist do their job.
Are we talking about the same Donald Trump? From April 2019

"They have to get the shots’: Trump, once a vaccine skeptic, changes his tune amid measles outbreaks" ... s-measles/

"President Trump on Vaccines: From Skeptic to Cheerleader" ... cines.html

So many people are desperate for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to fail solely because Trump has pointed it out. If Obama had done the same they'd probably have been saying what a visionary he is.

Many doctors have been using hydroxychloroquine with the antibiotic azithromycin and have been getting decent results. Sure, this doesn't meet the double blind standards of the FDA but meeting that standard is going to take years.

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