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Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 12th, 2021, 12:46 pm
by MDW1954

I have some limited skills in the statistical language R, and also in spreadsheets.

You have mentioned that you track a number of REITs on a spreadsheet. I am toying with the idea of automatically producing such a spreadsheet, and I'm curious about which variables you capture and track on that spreadsheet, as that will tend to dictate the direction and starting point for such a project.

Any information that you can share would be welcome, and gratefully received.

My intention would be to make the resulting spreadsheet freely available to anyone who wanted it.


Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 13th, 2021, 4:27 pm
by MDW1954
Actually, this request has been overtaken by events. I had a couple of hours spare, so I've built something already.

I used Google Sheets, because it has a few basic finance functions already, and supplemented it with data scraped from the AIC website (specifically, NAV and yield). Basically, you input a date, and the spreadsheet goes off and downloads data from Google Finance, and scrapes other data from the AIC website.

It's also easier for people to use than my other likely line of attack -- an R dataframe converted to Excel.

So... I'm now looking for a couple of folk to take a look at it, and play with it.

If you're willing, PM me with the Google email address linked to your Google account.

If people like it, I'll find some other way of making it available, perhaps by uploading it to the financial software site run by users kiloran and itsallaguess, which hosts some other TMF- and TLF- user-developed tools.

The spreadsheet currently covers every REIT listed on the AIC website, which is quite a few. So potentially, a fairly useful tool.


Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 18th, 2021, 2:17 pm
by WifeinFrance
Sorry MDW.....SKYSHIP here

I've been locked out for days with no way to communicate with the site operators; so had to re-register under my wife's details.

Would like to restore my own hopefully Administrators will see this & assist.

In the meantime, to answer your earlier, my Spreadsheet records:

EPIC, Sp, NAV, Discount, Dividend, Yield, Debt Cost, LTV%, WAULT, then portfolio sector mix: Off.; Ind.; W/hse; Ret.: Ret.W/hse; Spec/Alt.

The Discounts & Yields are colour coded in range brackets.

Hope that helps...


Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 18th, 2021, 9:22 pm
by MDW1954
I'll sort that out.

If you'd like to share a Google account email address, I can show you the spreadsheet as it stands, and we can maybe communicate by PM about data sources for the (relatively few) things that your spreadsheet includes, that my one doesn't.


Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 18th, 2021, 11:21 pm
by MDW1954

You should be in receipt of a message from admin Stooz, although I don't know which account he's sent it to.

Please report back re: progress, etc.


Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 19th, 2021, 11:01 am
by richfool
Hope to hear from you soon Skyship. In the meantime, keep your chin up, and here's a tune from Bonnie Tyler to help tide you over:

Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 22nd, 2021, 8:49 am
by WifeinFrance
Richfool - "Lost in France" - excellent - problem is, now can't get it out of my head!

Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 22nd, 2021, 8:50 am
by WifeinFrance
Still no message from Stooz. If he sees this, please message my original email address...

Ahh - found in my Junk box - so ok stooz, will now respond. Thnx...

Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 23rd, 2021, 8:09 am

Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 23rd, 2021, 8:15 am
Almost there...WORKS - have my own profile restored. Thnx Stooz.

Re: Question for SKYSHIP

Posted: September 23rd, 2021, 1:19 pm
by MDW1954
SKYSHIP wrote:Almost there...WORKS - have my own profile restored. Thnx Stooz.
Excellent! Let me know if you'd like to take a look at that spreadsheet.

I can email it to you very readily.
