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Bo-Joe Dream Team?

Posted: July 27th, 2020, 12:25 pm
by feder1
Does the team think that Bojo and Joe Wicks could get together to persuade the British public to forgo excess weight for excess fitness?

What about spread betting on Bojo,s weight loss each day?

What about predicting his lowest weight by Christmas? Top Prize - a hamper comprising skipping rope, stretch bands, boxing gloves, cycle clips, water bottle, sack of creatine etc..

Re: Bo-Joe Dream Team?

Posted: August 26th, 2020, 3:14 pm
by feder1
26/Aug 2020

“Boris Johnson has been spotted on a run with a celebrity personal trainer as he continues his fitness bid after recovering from coronavirus.

The prime minister was photographed near Westminster on Wednesday morning with fitness expert Harry Jameson.”

I expect Joe Wicks was too busy.