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My contribution to someone,s wellbeing.

Posted: June 11th, 2020, 3:26 pm
by feder1
On some long holidays I have been obliged to take the scissors to the wife,s thatch and hack away until there was a large amount of it on the floor.

The problem was compounded by leaving things until way too late when nothing short of a hedgetrimmer would have done a proper job.

This time in lockdown I decided to steel myself and do it as soon as possible and every month. Little and often.

Today, the second shearing took place and judging from her reaction I have contributed hugely to her well being again!

Some of our female friends are looking like angora goats or musk ox and must be really suffering when the weather is warm so I felt that a bit of video advice on cutting hair was needed before I approached the problem. Luckily a few tips have proved invaluable.

My model was Demi Moore in G.I Jane but we haven,t got there quite yet. It will need some gentle persuasion.

I can sense the neighbours eyeing the outdoor shearing operation with envy from behind net curtains, but my unfotunately my arms aren,t 2 m long. Maybe Ian Duncan Smith,s 1 m suggestion today will help.