Bright Light Alarm for sleep/wake problems

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Lemon Pip
Posts: 79
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:35 am

Bright Light Alarm for sleep/wake problems

Post by hermit100 »

I have sleep issues, am currently taking melatonin and my consultant has recommended that I also use a 'bright light' alarm clock which appears to be a thing that mimics sunrise. I've had a look online, there are a lot available ranging from fairly cheap to somewhat expensive. I can't afford to get a really pricey one and have no idea which model(s) are best. Does anybody use one of these that you would recommend? Also, if you do use one, do you need to have the light very close to the bed or is it bright enough to have it on the other side of the room? I don't keep my alarm clock within reach or I just turn it off in my sleep, I have it where I have to get out of bed to turn it off (still doesn't work, I hit 'snooze' at least twice without actually waking up. For those days when it's vital that I get up I have a back-up alarm out on the landing, really struggle with the whole waking up thing). Thanks.

Lemon Pip
Posts: 79
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:35 am

Re: Bright Light Alarm for sleep/wake problems

Post by hermit100 »

Thanks Snorvey. The newer version is in the pricey bracket but might be worth paying if it actually works. I'm hoping to pay no more than £50-£60, would very much like to pay less tho' am not sure the cheap ones would be very good.
I'd need an actual alarm sound I think, unless I set another alarm, radio has never woken me up, nor birds (even the pigeons clattering about on the roof), nor light for that matter which I did say to the consultant but she thought it was still worth getting one.

Lemon Pip
Posts: 79
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:35 am

Re: Bright Light Alarm for sleep/wake problems

Post by hermit100 »

Ha ha, haven't listened to Radio 1 for about 40 years. I can well believe it.

Wind-ups no good for me, I often don't wake up before they've wound down again, I have one mains-powered one (with backup battery, beeps loudly), on the other side of the bedroom, and one battery one (that will keep going until the batteries run out, crescendo beeping) outside the room altogether. I used to have a *very* clangy wind-up one, years ago, but I got too used to it and frequently failed to wake up. I think if I get one of these sunrise jobbies then at least one of the others will still be in use, just in case.

Someone can come into the room and talk to me whilst I'm asleep and (I'm told) I will reply but I'm not awake and have no recollection of it when I do wake up.

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