My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Fitness tips, Relaxation, Mind and Body
Lemon Half
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Re: My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Post by redsturgeon »

Yes the Concept 2 is the rower of choice and will last forever. For home use the water rowers are good though, my BiL has one and likes it.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Post by ReformedCharacter »

Snorvey wrote:Ever decreasing rewards....

A year ago, a one hour rowing session would burn 120 more calories than it did today.

Mind You, 2 years ago (when I first got the machine) I couldn't even row for half an hour.....
Good for you Snorvey. Presumably you're not doing so much work in the hour as you did a year ago. Personally I think it's the exercise that does you good not counting the calories. I'm finding that I have to do more exercises now that I'm getting on a bit, exercises for a dodgy knee, exercises for a back problem... At least they help!


Lemon Slice
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Re: My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Post by tikunetih »

Snorvey wrote:Ever decreasing rewards....

A year ago, a one hour rowing session would burn 120 more calories than it did today.

How's the work being calculated?

As you get fitter, you should be able to perform more work per unit of time.

Lemon Slice
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Re: My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Post by tikunetih »

Snorvey wrote:
tikunetih wrote:

How's the work being calculated?

On my fitbit.

As you get fitter, you should be able to perform more work per unit of time.[

I have to pace myself on an hour long session - I want to be able to make it to the end! So it's likely I'm not going as hard as I could, although I'm covering more distance (as calculated by the rowers computer).
The fitbit's using HR & weight presumably?

The "more work" question I suppose comes down the whether the greater distance travelled more than offsets the lower mass being moved (or maybe the distance cal already takes account of mass?). My strong guess is that for a given intensity of perceived effort you'll be doing more work, ie burning more calories, now than when you began and were less fit, and that the fitbit number is misleading. One of the bonuses of getting fitter (become more powerful) is being able to burn more calories in a workout.

This is the standard pattern seen with bike turbo trainers (where the work done can be measured accurately via a power meter rather than relying on a proxy like HR with lookup tables).

If you have access to a time machine then you could do a 1hr test on your mate's C2 (if that's got power measurement?) back when you were unfit and compare to a similar test now!

Lemon Quarter
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Re: My journey to health and wellbeing - July 2017 - to date

Post by vrdiver »

Snorvey wrote: For something to last through to dinnertime, for me at least, it's got to be oats. I've haven't eaten oats since I was a child and that was Ready Brek (not the healthiest version of oats I know). Raw, basic, uncomplicated oats soaked overnight (in milk or water) with a handful of nuts and half a dozen prunes are brilliant for controlling your hunger pangs though.

So, two weeks into my oats experiment and I find I can skip lunch quite easily.
Thanks for posting that. A timely reminder to switch to my "winter breakfast". I need to drop a few pounds, so oats it is...


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