Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

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Lemon Half
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

I started with some mild pain in my lower left abdomen about a year ago. I thought it may be a "grumbling appendix".

I went to the doctors and over the last year have had
  1. Lots of blood tests
  2. An MRI scan (looking for a Spigelian hernia)
  3. An Ultrasound Scan
  4. A "retching" endoscopy
  5. Prostrate examination - fifteen fingers :roll:
They have found nothing except a Hiatus Hernia and have ruled that out as the source of the pain. So the diagnosis by default is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I've taken Buscopan and it eases the pain marginally. But it doesn't remove it. And often the pain's quite intense. I am going to see my GP next week to see if there's another medication she can prescribe.

But in the meantime I'd genuinely welcome any advice from anyone who's suffered with the illness please. The pain is really disrupting my life now - and I can't work out how to stop it. I hasten to add I know the difference between a little discomfort and pains that are becoming unmanageable.

Thank you


Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by monabri »

Perhaps 'Obbekjaers' peppermint oil capsules (gelatin capsules, bit squishy containing oil of peppermint ) from somewhere like Holland and Barratts or Amazon? ... way&sr=8-2

Have a read of the reviews. Note, these are the 200mg strength..

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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by EssDeeAitch »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:
But in the meantime I'd genuinely welcome any advice from anyone who's suffered with the illness please. The pain is really disrupting my life now - and I can't work out how to stop it. I hasten to add I know the difference between a little discomfort and pains that are becoming unmanageable.

Thank you

Try ditching caffine, chillies, lentils and onions until you see the doctor. Giving up caffine especially has been a great help to my son in law. That is a tough one to give up but it really can help so may be worth a try. Good luck, I really hope that you find a solution soon.

Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

EssDeeAitch wrote:
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:
But in the meantime I'd genuinely welcome any advice from anyone who's suffered with the illness please. The pain is really disrupting my life now - and I can't work out how to stop it. I hasten to add I know the difference between a little discomfort and pains that are becoming unmanageable.

Thank you

Try ditching caffine, chillies, lentils and onions until you see the doctor. Giving up caffine especially has been a great help to my son in law. That is a tough one to give up but it really can help so may be worth a try. Good luck, I really hope that you find a solution soon.
Will do ... many thanks :)


Lemon Pip
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by Cornytiv34 »

Actimel bio yoghurt drink daily and occasional blue cheese recommended by my doctor and it worked for me.
Good luck, it can be miserable.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by richfool »

EssDeeAitch wrote: Try ditching caffine, chillies, lentils and onions until you see the doctor. Giving up caffine especially has been a great help to my son in law. That is a tough one to give up but it really can help so may be worth a try. Good luck, I really hope that you find a solution soon.
Yes, I would agree with all of the above. I have also heard of chocolate causing flare ups with some people; and don't eat too much fruit.

GP's tend not to be so knowledgeable about such matters. You really want your GP to refer you on to a Gastro-enterologist, (can be long waits) who would likely want to do a colonoscopy to check all is well in that area.

Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by monabri »

I've had #(4) 'Retching' endoscope done in the past is NOT "up there" on my top fun things to do! :( I bet the alternative "examination" mode is not fun neither ;)

Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by bungeejumper »

monabri wrote:I bet the alternative "examination" mode is not fun neither ;)
It's not so bad if you survive the chemical "depth-charge" preparation. And no retching. If in doubt about discomfort on the day, just opt for the sedative. I usually do. :)

But colonoscopy is not a particularly good way of identifying IBS - rather, its main use is in looking for other conditions that look/feel similar, but aren't. (Colitis, diverticulitis, etc.) Can still be a useful investigative tool, though.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by TheMotorcycleBoy »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:I started with some mild pain in my lower left abdomen about a year ago. I thought it may be a "grumbling appendix".

I went to the doctors and over the last year have had
  1. Lots of blood tests
  2. An MRI scan (looking for a Spigelian hernia)
  3. An Ultrasound Scan
  4. A "retching" endoscopy
  5. Prostrate examination - fifteen fingers :roll:
They have found nothing except a Hiatus Hernia and have ruled that out as the source of the pain. So the diagnosis by default is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I've taken Buscopan and it eases the pain marginally. But it doesn't remove it. And often the pain's quite intense. I am going to see my GP next week to see if there's another medication she can prescribe.

But in the meantime I'd genuinely welcome any advice from anyone who's suffered with the illness please. The pain is really disrupting my life now - and I can't work out how to stop it. I hasten to add I know the difference between a little discomfort and pains that are becoming unmanageable.

Thank you

They do say "you are what you eat". However, after being poisoned by the local Bangladeshi take away joint about 3 years back, I switched to having soya milk in my brekky cereal (still have cow milk for hot drink). Basically the Dr. said that dairy is quite a load to digest so I should minimise the dairy, till the splats cleared up. Anyway, I've stuck with the regime (i.e. much less dairy) and I feel pretty good for it, along with the next diet modification......

I realised about 1.5 years that whilst brown bread and bran are healthy for guts, they were starting to make me feel quite bloated. So I basically decided to minimise/cut out gluten. So I have oatbased cereal for breakfast, gluten free bread to make toast etc.

Those 2 things along with veg, fruit, lots of water, no more strong coffee, plenty of exercise have made me feel a lot better. I also nowadays just minimise what I eat portion size, and hardly have any red meat, have more fish, more salad etc. People might say "boring", but if I'm pain free and healthy, then gimme boring any day of the week.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by staffordian »

I was diagnosed (by my GP but with no tests to confirm diagnosis) with IBS several years ago, and managed it with tablets. When I retired the symptoms eased which reinforced my belief it was probably stress related.

However similar, but more severe symptoms returned a few months ago and after initially prescribing tablets, which had no effect, my GP then referred me to a specialist. After requesting a CT scan, the specialist found bowel wall thickening. She then ordered a colonoscopy which confirmed the initial suspicion of diverticular disease, which is basically pockets which form in the bowel wall. They can't be treated, but generally they don't lead to anything more serious.

I note you've had an MRI scan and an ultrasound scan, not sure how the former compares with a CT scan, but diverticular disease displays similar symptoms to IBS and it might be worth checking if this possibility has been considered.

Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

Just a quick thank you to all the advice and help offered. It has paid off.

My GP prescribed amitriptyline at a very mild dose to help with the stomach pains and I am seeing a gastroenterologist as a follow up to my endoscopy. I also ordered some probiotics which arrived on Thursday. Whilst I have some residual discomfort in my tummy it's not overwhelming and it does suggest that either or both of the medications is having a positive impact.

I think it's the probiotics that are helping the most as I had a double dose of antibiotics about three months ago to remove a H Pylori infection from my stomach. I suspect that also trashed my good bacteria and a bit like a new born I need to get good bacteria into my stomach for it to function correctly.

We're going to Tenerife tomorrow and I'm very pleased that I will be able to join in with my daughter when we go to Siam Water Park. Then it's just a case of carrying old muscles :oops:

Thanks again


Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by bungeejumper »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote: I suspect that also trashed my good bacteria and a bit like a new born I need to get good bacteria into my stomach for it to function correctly.
Not really being picky, honestly, but it's your small intestine where you want the probiotic bacteria, not your stomach. Which is just a boiling vat of acid really. :)

The reason the difference between the two is important is that only a minority of the good live bacteria you eat will ever make it through the stomach alive - the rest are killed along the way by the stomach acids. You can improve their survival ratio by eating some kind of fats along with your probiotics, because the fats will help to shelter them from the acid attack.

I've often been told that I'm wasting my time eating low-fat probiotic yoghurt, when what I should really be having for breakfast is the full-fat stuff. Not having any particular gut bacteria problems, I ignore this advice because I just prefer the taste of the low-fat variant. Still, it does explain why some health weirdos squirt yoghurt up their bottoms, rather than ingesting it by mouth! :lol:

And on that arcane note, have a great holiday. Sounds like you deserve it.


Lemon Half
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »


We had a lovely holiday and Dad (moi) held up well at Siam Water Park - we went on three separate days. We also went to Loro Park. And the latter proved to be little turning point. I had an ice cream at about 2pm in the afternoon - turns out as the ice cream foretold that I am lactose intolerant :roll:

All milk based products have been removed from my diet. Including - digestive biscuits, cheesecake and even cheese and onion crisps.

I've still got some pain in my lower abdomen but that's slowly decreasing as I've increased my amitriptyline to 20mg.

Thank you all for your posts - a little less grumpy AiY 8-)


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Anyone Help?

Post by TheMotorcycleBoy »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:Update.

We had a lovely holiday and Dad (moi) held up well at Siam Water Park - we went on three separate days. We also went to Loro Park. And the latter proved to be little turning point. I had an ice cream at about 2pm in the afternoon - turns out as the ice cream foretold that I am lactose intolerant :roll:

All milk based products have been removed from my diet. Including - digestive biscuits, cheesecake and even cheese and onion crisps.

I've still got some pain in my lower abdomen but that's slowly decreasing as I've increased my amitriptyline to 20mg.

Thank you all for your posts - a little less grumpy AiY 8-)

Myself and my youngest are slightly intolerant to milk protein. Stopping cow's milk in breakfast and going to soya milk, definitely beneficial. I also cut major sources of gluten from my diet, by having oat based breakfast cereals and GF bread. Have noticed a massive improvement.

I also noticed about 5 months ago that I was starting to get the feeling of (self diagnosed, I periodically felt very slight burny subcutaneous sensation just below the right side of ribcage) hiatus hernia. I'd weighed myself, and came in at 12st and since I'm only 5'8", and have naturally slim frame, I decided to lost some weight. Once my weight was down to 11.5st the hiatus feeling went. Am now 10.5st and feeling quite smug. Touch wood that the hiatus hernia episode is gone....I had a groinal hernia in my late 30s (showing off old karate skills to my kids :oops: ) and definitely don't want another hernia of any description.


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