Dilemma on diet anti candida

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Dilemma on diet anti candida

Post by Claytondop »

Can anyone assist me to having a tiny question.
A split yr ago, I was diagnosed with a candida fungus
I would like to try some diet program against Candida.
On the internet, a lot of information about this situation.
Although experiences generally diverge. And I didn't find the right selection for me personally.
Possibly the forum participants can would suggest an established diet or maybe a few tested recipes against candida?
I'll be really many thanks for almost any assistance


Lemon Half
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Re: Dilemma on diet anti candida

Post by bungeejumper »

Since nobody else has responded yet:

Just about everybody has candida in their bodies, just about all of the time. It only becomes a problem when it goes into overgrowth, or when it gets into (ahem) places where it isn't welcome, including the mouth. You can get a test done to see how much of it is in your small intestine.

There are prescription medicines that can help - I can't speak for any over-the-counter remedies. As for dietary remedies, though, my wife's experience was that finding out what foods to avoid was a long process of trial and error. Everyone seems to respond differently.

In her case, banishing gluten (a known cause of coeliac disease), drinking soya milk, but eating live yoghurt, while also cutting down on bread-like products (there go the Friday night pizzas, dammit :( ) were all effective. On the unsuccessful side, a bunch of expensive doctors advised her to avoid all vegetables, which not only failed to improve matters but gave her a "bad stomach". She hasn't touched any alcohol, drinks gallons of water, and is now down to a few, relatively mild spells of the complaint. Mostly she's in remission, and the general agreement is that it will eventually pass.

Please be aware that there are some doctors who think that the whole candida thing is a load of old "female hysteria" :twisted: , and who really don't take it very seriously at all. We met one of those ourselves. If you should meet another one, don't let it get you down. Nil carborundum.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dilemma on diet anti candida

Post by jackdaww »

a few years ago i lost a half stone - my bmi is now 18.

i had loads of tests including endoscopy .

nothing was found , so no explanation .

i tried going gluten free for 6 months - qite easy but no improvement .

now , having less and less energy i wondered about candida albicans .

i have heard that many doctors attach no signifance to this condition - if it exists!

i asked my gp for a gut cadida test - she said there isnt one ! and surmised its my age !

ive since belatedly realised that GP visits for this are a waste of time - its off their radar/agenda.

so i am non the wiser , we are on our own , doing self diagnosis .

i have read that beneficial supplements are - yoghurt , cider vinegar , aloe vera and garlic.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Dilemma on diet anti candida

Post by feder1 »

Have you seen this?

The first item is don,t eat sugar. It feeds some ailments.

We have managed 13 days eating nothing with added sugar (nor alcohol or cheese) and lost weight of course.


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