Hospital Experiences

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Lemon Quarter
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Hospital Experiences

Post by ReformedCharacter »

I suffered a seizure in the early hours of last Monday whilst in the Emergency Dept. of my local hospital. I was glad to be released last night and am feeling mainly OK apart from a rather sore back; apparently it took 8 people and a large dose of Ketamine in the backside to restrain me. I awoke to find myself in the Intensive Care ward with a group of mainly elderly gents most of whom were stroke survivors.

I cannot speak too highly of the nurses and the standard of care which I and the other inmates received. I would guess that approximately half of the nurses were born in other countries. I will never forget the broad smile of a nurse entering my ward early in the morning at the beginning of a 12 hour shift; it's the little things that matter sometimes. Most of the other patients in the same ward needed feeding and had to have their waste products cleaned away.

At no time were the staff anything but respectful and good humoured, frankly I don't know how they manage this given the relentless and sometimes unpleasant nature of their work. It made me realise that you don't have to go to heaven to meet angels.


Lemon Quarter
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Joined: November 4th, 2016, 8:26 pm

Re: Hospital Experiences

Post by Howard »

Good experience as it turned out! So glad you are seeing the positives of what must have been a very worrying time.

Best wishes for a full recovery.

Take it easy!


The full Lemon
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Re: Hospital Experiences

Post by Dod101 »

I have had a lot to do with hospitals over the last few years and yes sometimes I wonder how the individual nurses keep going considering all the usually negative publicity the NHS gets. In a real problem situation they are usually excellent.

And unlike a lot of GPs I think they see it as a true vocation otherwise they could not keep going.

I hope all goes well with your health.


Lemon Half
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Re: Hospital Experiences

Post by bungeejumper »

Too true. It's been six years since I found myself in hospital, for the first and only time in my life, and boy, was I in a bit of trouble as it turned out. A nagging cough and severe chest pain had led to an X ray that showed I had acute pneumonia and was losing part of my nearside lung. They hauled me straight in to my local major hospital, whose reputation had been none too good until they eventually dumped the useless chief executive. And yes, I was treated on an A&E trolley in a corridor most of the time I was being assessed. There's nothing new under the sun, is there?

The respiratory ward staff couldn't have been more amazing. Attentive, cheerful, good food ( :o :o :o ), and they also knew when to leave me alone and give me some privacy. All this in a ward of eight beds, two of whose occupants were clearly CTD (medical expression = "circling the drain"). And they considerately didn't tell me until I was discharged that they'd initially thought they might lose me too. I still have five holes in my lung, but the fact that I can still walk 100 miles cross-country (and do, most summers, although I can't run) is a testament to everything I owe them. It's rare that you get a public opportunity to say thanks. That's a pity. They deserve better.


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