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Re: [pedant]........[/pedant]

Posted: December 21st, 2016, 12:06 pm
by UncleEbenezer
LadyGagarin wrote: "In certain circumstances, unclear instructions could lead to disaster.
This led to the introduction of Health & Safety legislation."

I presume it is the existence of the noun 'lead', homophonous with 'led' (past participle of the verb 'to lead') that has led to the confusion but I was referring to the present participle of the verb, not to the toxic metal.

What? I came here to be pedantic, not helpful! :P
Had you not explained so eloquently, one might suppose your lead to be inspired by Portia's. Have a virtual rec!

Re: [pedant]........[/pedant]

Posted: December 21st, 2016, 5:44 pm
by jfgw
"Three times more":
If Fred has £100 in the bank and Tony has three times more, Tony has £400.

"Three times less":
If Brian has £600 in the bank and Alan has three times less, Alan has an overdraft of £1200.

Julian F. G. W.