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Kong Skull Island

Posted: April 21st, 2017, 10:16 am
by todthedog
Watched this with some trepidation, I always feel sorry for the ape! The film takes place in the 70's just at the end of the war in Vietnam. John Goodman plays a scientist who gets government money to join with a geological survey team to explore a previously uncharted island, which has shown up for the first time on satellite images.
It is a proper action adventure, but not an endless stream of explosions, it re-enforces the view that travel by helicopter probably the most unsafe mode of transport. It has a proper script with a story. Not overwhelmed by monsters but there are some good ones. The CGI is very clever, and it has nice touches of gallows humour. Nowhere does it drag, I was very agreeably surprised.

Re: Kong Skull Island

Posted: April 21st, 2017, 1:11 pm
by Slarti
How would you say it compares with the other Kong movies?


Re: Kong Skull Island

Posted: April 21st, 2017, 1:24 pm
by todthedog
Leaving aside Fay Ray!

Of the modern adaptations this was a good yarn, not great drama. Kong was there as the headline act, but it was a story of an expedition gone wrong. It really is not man V ape. I thought it was the best of the ones I've seen but I've not seen them all.