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Captain America Civil War

Posted: April 21st, 2017, 9:19 am
by todthedog
To start there are more super heroes than you can shake a stick at,there will soon be more heroes than people to be rescued. The world has had enough, the unregulated 'heroes' are causing more deaths and destruction than the threats from which they are saving the world. They are asked to sign (assuming they can all write) an accord by which they agree any action must be sanctioned by the UN. One half, rich clever man and red lips lass, signs. The other half led frisby shield man, and birdy chap say they must be free from political interference.

The baddie has gained control over metal arm man who has previously been brainwashed to obey his every command. Metal arm man is framed for an explosion, no super hero powers can see through the real perpetrator's rubber mask. This sets off a civil war between the avengers,and brings in a few more 'avengers' explodey arrow man, and really tiny man who becomes really big man, telekinesis girl, and not forgetting walk through walls red faced robot and spider lad. Naturally being super heroes they can't be killed,regretably, but can cause destruction on an epic scale. The action then switches to the lab where metal armed man was brainwashed. At which point .......yawn.

If you can't think of anything better to do with more than 2 hours of your life you are really lacking special powers.