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The girl on the train

Posted: March 18th, 2017, 6:49 pm
by zico
9/10. Suspense thriller with Emily Blunt (who is terrific in this).

Saw this on a plane recently and thought it was great. There isn't really any way to review it or even to say why I liked it without some element of plot spoiler, so I won't, but just recommend you see it for yourself. A word of caution, film critics are lukewarm about it, though I think it may depend on how quickly or otherwise you realise what's actually happening in the plot.

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 18th, 2017, 8:43 pm
by redsturgeon
zico wrote:9/10. Suspense thriller with Emily Blunt (who is terrific in this).

Saw this on a plane recently and thought it was great. There isn't really any way to review it or even to say why I liked it without some element of plot spoiler, so I won't, but just recommend you see it for yourself. A word of caution, film critics are lukewarm about it, though I think it may depend on how quickly or otherwise you realise what's actually happening in the plot.
Have you read the book?


Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 19th, 2017, 12:37 am
by zico
No, haven't read the book, so it was all new to me.

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 19th, 2017, 12:24 pm
by LadyGagarin
I have read the book and admire Emily Blunt but haven't seen the film yet. TBH I was a little put off by the casting director so blatantly going against the description of Rachel in the novel.

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 20th, 2017, 12:03 am
by zico
I don't think the film would have anything like the same impact if you've read the book beforehand. The plot kept me guessing, but maybe I'm just slow on the uptake!

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 20th, 2017, 11:46 pm
by nimnarb

turned it off after 10 minutes...........stated to fall asleep. :roll:

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 21st, 2017, 7:40 am
by redsturgeon
zico wrote:9/10. Suspense thriller with Emily Blunt (who is terrific in this).

Saw this on a plane recently and thought it was great. There isn't really any way to review it or even to say why I liked it without some element of plot spoiler, so I won't, but just recommend you see it for yourself. A word of caution, film critics are lukewarm about it, though I think it may depend on how quickly or otherwise you realise what's actually happening in the plot.
I really enjoyed most of the book, until I'd worked out the various twists and turns and then it just became run of the mill. So I am doubtful that, already knowing the plot, the film will be that enjoyable for me. Strangely I think I will be intrigued to see how they have managed the translocation from London to New York though and Emily Blunt is not how I imagined the main character from the book.


Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 23rd, 2017, 11:41 am
by JMN2
Kindle book currently costs £4.99...I assume there is a twist in the plot, similar to Gone Girl Gone etc by Gillian Flynn?

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 23rd, 2017, 12:29 pm
by redsturgeon
JMN2 wrote:Kindle book currently costs £4.99...I assume there is a twist in the plot, similar to Gone Girl Gone etc by Gillian Flynn?
I think someone should write a crime thriller with no twists in the plot at all and call it "Obvious".

It would be a great read, you would be on tenterhooks during the whole thing...waiting for the inevitable twist in the plot that never comes.


Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 23rd, 2017, 2:51 pm
by JMN2
redsturgeon wrote:
JMN2 wrote:Kindle book currently costs £4.99...I assume there is a twist in the plot, similar to Gone Girl Gone etc by Gillian Flynn?
I think someone should write a crime thriller with no twists in the plot at all and call it "Obvious".

It would be a great read, you would be on tenterhooks during the whole thing...waiting for the inevitable twist in the plot that never comes.

Come on John, you know what I meant - not a twist like in a Father Brown novel, but a twist like these modern bestsellers seem to have, MASSIVE and MIND-BOGGLING and OH MY GOD!

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 23rd, 2017, 2:56 pm
by redsturgeon
JMN2 wrote:
redsturgeon wrote: I think someone should write a crime thriller with no twists in the plot at all and call it "Obvious".

It would be a great read, you would be on tenterhooks during the whole thing...waiting for the inevitable twist in the plot that never comes.

Come on John, you know what I meant - not a twist like in a Father Brown novel, but a twist like these modern bestsellers seem to have, MASSIVE and MIND-BOGGLING and OH MY GOD!
It's not quite Sixth Sense though. :D


Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 23rd, 2017, 2:58 pm
by JMN2
Anyway, I bought it, I need a break from Bernie Gunther.

Re: The girl on the train

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 12:06 pm
by simoan
I've never read the book but my other half had and said it was brilliant. Watching the film I can see that it would make a good book but the film was terrible - at no point do you empathise with any of the characters which IMHO is essential in these kind of films. I can see why you may enjoy watching it on a plane, or if you had the sunk cost of having paid for a cinema ticket, but at home I had a load more interesting things I could do, so I left my other half to it and listened to some music instead.

All the best, Si