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Posted: March 18th, 2017, 6:44 pm
by zico
6/10. 150 minutes which is about half an hour too long.

Another X-men film, starring Wolverine (whose is called Logan) so we already know the basic plot. Essentially it's Clint Eastwood, but with sharp fingernails instead of guns.

Wolverine "Hey, bad guys, just leave me alone, I don't want any trouble".
Various bad guys (usually with guns) "No, we're going to get you".

This is actually quite a strange film, set in the future where Hugh Jackman (Logan Wolverine) is older and crabby, and despite his superpower being miraculous powers of recovery from bullets, he appeared to be unable to shake off a bit of a limp. He's driving limousines around for a living, to raise money to get drugs for Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) to treat his apparent dementia. Apparently no new mutants are appearing anymore, but then a little girl turns up with mutanty powers, and the three of them go on the road, running from a whole heap of bad guys with occasional stops to slash some of the bad guys. There's also a new mutant (to me at least) called Caliban (or possibly Taliban) whose sole mutant superpower appears to be the ability to get sunburnt very easily indeed.

There are some really interesting leisurely scenes about getting older and less capable, and doing worthwhile things with your life, but this being a Wolverine film, there are of course lots of scenes with slashing and blood.

Quite an odd film. Ludicrous hokum and laughable plot mixed in with some interesting scenes. It seems that mutants can kill people very quickly and easily, but can also just be subdued by somebody grabbing them from behind, depending on the "plot" requirements. Another film that appears to have been made by two different directors.
Most film critics seem to love this, but not sure why.