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YouTube Talent

Posted: November 11th, 2016, 4:05 pm
by TawnyOwl
In the great days of YouTube, 10 years or more back, I was much entertained watching the videos of talented amateurs. However when Google took over they became lost. Sadly few of my old favourites remain.

Entirely by accident I've come across a new young talent and she really is good. Take a look -


Re: YouTube Talent

Posted: November 12th, 2016, 6:29 pm
by bitstrange
Thanks! She's incredible! :-)

Re: YouTube Talent

Posted: April 7th, 2017, 4:27 pm
by TawnyOwl
When I first posted this the video had less than 200k views. Now six months on it's hit 1 million. I love Led Zep but not so much the image. Ayla plays my favourite bits so very well I'm inclined to listen to this now rather than put up with Plants posturing. Whether she'll succeed in her own rite is debatable.

Re: YouTube Talent

Posted: April 7th, 2017, 7:36 pm
by CryptoPlankton
TawnyOwl wrote:When I first posted this the video had less than 200k views. Now six months on it's hit 1 million. I love Led Zep but not so much the image. Ayla plays my favourite bits so very well I'm inclined to listen to this now rather than put up with Plants posturing. Whether she'll succeed in her own rite is debatable.
She could play that guitar part at 15 - Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was 25. I think that says quite a lot... :D

Re: YouTube Talent

Posted: April 9th, 2017, 1:42 pm
by TawnyOwl
I don't know why I used 'Rite' instead of 'Right' in my previous post. Oh Dear, never mind.

Only time will tell whether Ayla who is undoubtedly hugely talented in the art of playing the guitar will succeed.

Re: YouTube Talent

Posted: April 27th, 2017, 5:36 pm
by TawnyOwl
If you liked Ayla you'll probably like the 'MonaLisa twins'

OK they've been around for some years and are no longer amateur. This time it's two girls who can not only play but sing as well. They're from that hotbed of popular music. Austria. Yes Austria, but they're good, very good. Nowadays apparently based in Liverpool. I'm surprised they haven't achieved greater success but modern pop music is a strange thing.

Old fashioned rock and roll - Johnny B Goode,

Austrian Girls doing a Beatles harmony cover, don't be silly. But it's so good - Drive my Car.

An old favourite of mine 'Bus Stop', a video production.

There's masses of stuff on their channel, all of good quality.