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Lemon Quarter
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Post by nimnarb »

First time in years nobody has brought this up. So have a few minutes to go before they announce, and I vote Elvis to take the big one. Got it right with Coda last year, so let's see.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by nimnarb »

Duh! Wasn't even nominated. As you were!

Lemon Half
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Re: Oscars?

Post by pje16 »

Luvvies time
for yet more self-congratulatory back slapping :roll:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Gerry557 »

I don't think I'm in sync with those involved in the Oscars. I often think some of the winners were not entertaining.

I struggled with all at once, the big winner. It took two attempts to get through it. I have moaned about the poor Atmos soundtrack on Maverick yet it won last night for sound. Probably my favourite film and I liked the song that was nominated too. I haven't checked out the others so can't compare.

Enjoyed Elvis and All Quite too and have a couple of films yet to watch, Tar and Whale. The missus likes to see all the dresses but it's started to become a political mouthpiece.

I didn't watch it just saw the headlines this morning. I take it there was no controversy apart from the colour of the carpet change.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Tedx »

pje16 wrote:Luvvies time
for yet more self-congratulatory back slapping :roll:
I preferred the face slapping.

I see Everything Everywhere is free on Amazon Prime. S'pose I might watch it.

Lemon Half
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Re: Oscars?

Post by pje16 »

Tedx wrote:
I see Everything Everywhere is free on Amazon Prime. S'pose I might watch it.
I might have a look as well – thanks @Tedx as I didn't know it was on Prime.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by AF62 »

Tedx wrote:I see Everything Everywhere is free on Amazon Prime. S'pose I might watch it.
Don't bother.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Tedx »

AF62 wrote:
Tedx wrote:I see Everything Everywhere is free on Amazon Prime. S'pose I might watch it.
Don't bother.
Yeah, I seen bits on Norton and it didn't exactly grab me. Whereas 'Elvis' (which I also haven't seen yet) did. Particularly when they showed a pretty stunning clip of Butler in rehersals.

I note it's the first Asian female Oscar winner. I dont think that had anything to do with it though.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by AF62 »

Tedx wrote:Whereas 'Elvis' (which I also haven't seen yet) did.
Its a thoroughly enjoyable film and I recommend it even to those who may not like his music.

The trouble with the Oscars this year is that there has been damn all decent out in the cinema so stuff like EE which would never have been considered in normal circumstances ends up wining.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Tedx »

Tedx wrote:
AF62 wrote: Don't bother.
Whereas 'Elvis' (which I also haven't seen yet) did. Particularly when they showed a pretty stunning clip of Butler in rehersals.

Lemon Half
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Re: Oscars?

Post by pje16 »

AF62 wrote:
Tedx wrote:I see Everything Everywhere is free on Amazon Prime. S'pose I might watch it.
Don't bother.
Started it at lunchtime
the fight scene 30 mins in, is great :)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Hallucigenia »

pje16 wrote:Luvvies time
for yet more self-congratulatory back slapping :roll:
It's an awards ceremony - of course there's back-slapping, that's like complaining that the Grand National is a bit horsey.
What do you expect of an awards ceremony, and why do you feel the need to comment on it if you clearly don't like them?
Gerry557 wrote:I often think some of the winners were not entertaining.
A "good" film doesn't have to be "entertaining" - Schindler's List was a bit light on gags for instance, didn't mean it wasn't "good".

And it's tough for the Academy given the way the industry is at the moment, with superhero films trampling over everything else at the box office and a lot of smaller mainstream stories that might once have been doing $30-100m in cinemas, struggling to break out of the indy circuit and get into multiplexes, or being made as boxsets on TV instead. At least Everything Everywhere is an entertaining film that has already done over $100m at the box office, it's not like some of the obscure stuff that's won in recent years like Moonlight.
Gerry557 wrote:it's started to become a political mouthpiece.
Actually IMO it's less political now than at some previous times.
Gerry557 wrote:I didn't watch it
Don't you think that rather invalidates your criticisms?

I did watch it - or half watched, half-dozed - for the first time in ??20?? years, I guess since it was last on terrestrial TV?? It's an awards show - if you don't like awards shows, then you won't like this one. Yes it's long (and for us it's at a daft time of night, although them being on summer time and us not gets us an extra hour). But of its type, it was done well - Kimmel's a pretty slick host (apart from the cringe moment in the audience with Malala), and some of the best moments were the quiet ones - the "hopelessly devoted" Travolta introducing the In Memoriam section, the opening of Gaga's song (even if I wasn't that thrilled by some of the others).

Lemon Half
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Re: Oscars?

Post by pje16 »

Hallucigenia wrote:
pje16 wrote:Luvvies time
for yet more self-congratulatory back slapping :roll:
What do you expect of an awards ceremony, and why do you feel the need to comment on it if you clearly don't like them?
Deep apologies, I will now restrict my posts to topics that I like :roll: :
Whoops, just broke my pledge ;)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Oscars?

Post by Gerry557 »


Actually I found Schindler's List to be entertaining. Lots of movies have dark or disturbing subjects.

As for the I didn't watch it comment, followed by your invalidates your criticisms, I disagree. I have prior experiences that I was commenting on. Like I said, I hadn't seen the latest one so didn't know if there were any of the similar issues.

I haven't seen world war two or the sinking of the Titanic but can have opinions and comment on it.

You may be correct about a change in political comments. I think a lot was said about Trump who has gone now.

It might have been worth watching it live if Ricky Gervais was the host.

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