Becoming Elizabeth and The Serpent Queen

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Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 7th, 2016, 9:05 pm

Becoming Elizabeth and The Serpent Queen

Post by Eboli »

I recently finished both of these that appear on Prime Video via Lionsgate (and possibly elsewhere).

From the points of view of acting, pace and drama The Serpent Queen has the edge. It gives a great account (yes, not always accurately) of Catherine de'Medici and her fascinating life in sixteenth century France - we forget sometimes that French history of that century is just as fascinating as the intrigues of our Tudors. The first series culminates with Catherine reaching the height of her power as regent on the accession of Charles IX. Highly recommended. A second series has been confirmed that should take us up to the St Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 1572 (so wonderfully portrayed in the film, La Reine Margot).

Becoming Elizabeth deals with the 11 year 10 month chunk of Tudor history not often portrayed starting with the death of Henry VIII (in January 1547) and ending with the accession of Elizabeth I (November 1558). Again only the first series is available (taking us up to the execution of Edward Seymour in 1552 and the seeds of the alteration of the Henrican line of succession). There is still some doubt whether the second series will be finished. This is a fairly accurate romp through the history with some exquisite costumes. Though Tom Cullen (as Thomas Seymour) is probably the most recognisable actor in this first series there is some good acting here from John Heffernan (as Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset) and Remola Garai (as Mary Tudor). Recommended

Each of the 8 episodes in both first series are about 50 minutes.


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