ITV X A spy among friends

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Lemon Pip
Posts: 63
Joined: February 19th, 2019, 2:29 pm

ITV X A spy among friends

Post by forgotusername »

Anyone else watched this? I found the acting very good and the story illuminating about the attitudes of the English "upper classes" at that time. The timeline jumped about a fair bit from current to some point in the past then back to current. It made for a degree of confusion as to exactly when the events were happening. Overall though, a worthwhile watch imo.

Sadly, I'm totally unimpressed with ITV X. I found the user interface clunky in comparison to other streaming services and they appear not to have enough adverts to fill the appointed slots. Instead of showing a message about the program restarting soon, one is treated to a black or a blue screen while the advert slot runs its course. The adverts they do have get shown on every break which is tedious.

Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 6th, 2016, 2:15 pm

Re: ITV X A spy among friends

Post by Laughton »

As you say, "made for a degree of confusion". Far too confusing for me (and I grew up and have a fair understanding of the events at the time and the names involved).

I gave up before the end of the first episode.

I'd be interested to know what younger viewers made of it (do we have any of those on here?).

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