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Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 28th, 2022, 6:19 pm
by terminal7
Goodness gracious great balls of fire - RIP


Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 8:05 am
by Mike4
........ tumbleweed moment .........

No great loss to humanity from what I've seen written about him.

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 11:13 am
by staffordian
Mike4 wrote:........ tumbleweed moment .........

No great loss to humanity from what I've seen written about him.
Yes, a strange dilemma.

Some crimes and actions send an artist's work into oblivion, others are overlooked or tolerated. Or even ignored.

Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and Jerry Lee Lewis. Any significant reason they are treated differently?

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 5:08 pm
by DrFfybes
Rather oddly there was apparently a report of his death on TMZ a couple of days earlier.

I wonder if the shock killed him?

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 9:17 pm
by Mike4
staffordian wrote:
Mike4 wrote:........ tumbleweed moment .........

No great loss to humanity from what I've seen written about him.
Yes, a strange dilemma.

Some crimes and actions send an artist's work into oblivion, others are overlooked or tolerated. Or even ignored.

Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and Jerry Lee Lewis. Any significant reason they are treated differently?

In what way are those three treated differently?

Aren't all three regarded as kiddie fiddlers?

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 10:13 pm
by servodude
Mike4 wrote:
staffordian wrote: Yes, a strange dilemma.

Some crimes and actions send an artist's work into oblivion, others are overlooked or tolerated. Or even ignored.

Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and Jerry Lee Lewis. Any significant reason they are treated differently?

In what way are those three treated differently?

Aren't all three regarded as kiddie fiddlers?
Jurisdiction I think would be the main difference

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 29th, 2022, 10:28 pm
by staffordian
Mike4 wrote:
staffordian wrote: Yes, a strange dilemma.

Some crimes and actions send an artist's work into oblivion, others are overlooked or tolerated. Or even ignored.

Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and Jerry Lee Lewis. Any significant reason they are treated differently?

In what way are those three treated differently?

Aren't all three regarded as kiddie fiddlers?
Quite, but JLL's music is still played on the radio and TV, whereas GG's music might as well not have been written, RH's music and art never features anywhere, and Jimmy Saville apparently never introduced TOTP as far as repeats etc are concerned.

Not for a minute suggesting it should be, but why then does JLL's get shown in the same way as artists with no such baggage.

I get the practical reason for banishing them; it cuts off their royalties, but those for JLL must have rolled in unhindered.

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 9:54 am
by Mike4
staffordian wrote:
Mike4 wrote:
In what way are those three treated differently?

Aren't all three regarded as kiddie fiddlers?
Quite, but JLL's music is still played on the radio and TV, whereas GG's music might as well not have been written, RH's music and art never features anywhere, and Jimmy Saville apparently never introduced TOTP as far as repeats etc are concerned.

Not for a minute suggesting it should be, but why then does JLL's get shown in the same way as artists with no such baggage.

I get the practical reason for banishing them; it cuts off their royalties, but those for JLL must have rolled in unhindered.
Ah I see, thanks.

None of this had really penetrated my consciousness as I don't have a telly and don't listen much to music radio (other than 6 Music, and he NEVER gets played on that!)

Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 10:20 am
by terminal7
I am beginning to regret starting this thread.


Re: Jerry Lee Lewis RIP

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 10:36 am
by staffordian
terminal7 wrote:I am beginning to regret starting this thread.

Sorry if I've derailed the thread.

I like his music, though I've probably only heard one or two of his oft repeated hits, and was for many years unaware of the scandals surrounding his private life.

I guess many "wild" rockers are less than spotless if truth be told.