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The Greatest Beer Run Ever - No give it a chance

Posted: October 6th, 2022, 7:35 am
by Gerry557
I saw the title and instantly dismissed it.

The Greatest Beer Run Ever with Zac Efron. I assumed it would be some frat party type comedy and ignored it but I was wrong.

In fact it's a decent watch based on a true story of a bloke deciding to take some beers to his local friends...... Whilst they are serving in Vietnam during the war.

There is quite a bit of ironic comedy as he sets off without a plan of how to achieve this and turns into a horrors of war type film. It also has Russel Crowe and Bill Murry

Much better than I expected and quite watchable.

It reminds me of someone who scabbed a chopper from the Falklands and managed to blag it all the way back to the UK.

Available on apple TV and some cinemas