
Reviews, favourites and suggestions
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Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1147
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 4:10 pm


Post by nimnarb »

So I thought I would give this a go after all the Oscar Saga. Just not a film for me at all. Slow, boring, predictable. I really don't know what all the fuss is about. This subject has been done before, albeit more up to date. Sorry, but a complete waste of 2 hours or so..others might find it the total opposite.

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 2931
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 12:12 pm

Re: Moonlight

Post by zico »

5/10 from me.

This is the sort of film you appreciate more thinking about it afterwards, rather than at the time you're watching it. Something different, with a 3-part story following a guy growing up in a tough drugs-ridden neighbourhood and how he copes. It's either painfully slow and drawn-out, or beautifully and leisurely told and deeply involving, depending on your viewpoint - for me, it was mainly just far too slow. There's lots of fancy camera work, with the camera moving round and round a scene, or getting right into the heart of a fight, and drawn-out shots of people's faces, which starts off being rather irritating, but does help in telling the story in a particular style, and trying to give an insight into how the characters are feeling. Quite good on the uncertainties of adolescence, where boys are fumbling their way through who they are, and what's expected of them from their peers.

I liked the way that a beautiful uplifting soundtrack is used as a background to illuminate scenes of joy and discovery, which contrasts with the grim urban background. It avoids the obvious cliches about life in a tough neighbourhood, and makes it a story about people just like you and me doing a mixture of good and bad things to manage as best they can in an awful environment. Dialogue is difficult to follow at times, but it's easy enough to pick up on the gist of what's happening.

I think this film getting Best Picture at the Oscars is a bit of a reaction to the OscarsSoWhite controversy from last year, but it's good that a film like this is getting recognition, as it's about a part of society and culture that very rarely gets shown in cinemas.

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