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The Grey Man

Posted: July 24th, 2022, 1:23 am
by nimnarb
Netflix no expense spared, Bourne Trilogy/007 hit man shoot em all flick. Eat your heart out Rambo 2022 style.

Hmmm.. Ryan Gosling and other well known stars. Over 2 hours long. I ran over 8 miles on the spot so kept fit whilst all and sundry got killed and passed the time.

Critics not amused. Some good action scenes albeit super hero, impossible to kill me stuff but overall I quite enjoyed it and may have lost a few pounds and still alive. :mrgreen:

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: July 24th, 2022, 1:31 pm
by Gerry557
I can't believe I didn't recognise Captain America with his tash.

Wasn't as good as expected but had some good moments. OTT action so you need to disconnect brain and just go with it.

I may give it a second watch know I know what it is. I was expecting something a bit more slick.

Don't watch the trailer, I think it might spoil the movie. Yes it rips off ideas form lots of other movies that mainly all did it better but I suspect I'll still watch the sequel.

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: July 24th, 2022, 2:32 pm
by forgotusername
Terrible. Caricature villain, bomb proof hero. I prefer films where the story is partially credible. This one isn't.

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: July 24th, 2022, 8:23 pm
by nimnarb
forgotusername wrote:Terrible. Caricature villain, bomb proof hero. I prefer films where the story is partially credible. This one isn't.
Totally agree............normally, and then I thought, what is credible today? From Superman to Batman to Antman, to whatever man and onto Marvel stuff, how credible is all of that? Bring back the Six Million Dollar Man, technology might make some things plausible and then again, nothing has to be credible anymore does it, as who's a film, meant to entertain and depends on all of our stretches of imagination.

I loved when young Fantastic Voyage 1966, the film is about a submarine crew who are shrunk to microscopic size and venture into the body of an injured scientist to repair damage to his brain. Stephen Boyd (died far too early at 45 of a massive heart attack)who also was Ben Hur's nemesis.

Oh Jerry Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars! :lol:

I will get me coat.

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 5:56 pm
by zico
I quite enjoyed it, though as usual, snappier dialogue would be top of my wish list. They tried to put funny lines in, but just not that funny. Seemed to be put together by a huge committee of writers, so lots of variation in pace and tone.

It requires a huge suspension of disbelief to accept terminally laid-back Ryan Gosling as a dangerous action man maverick.

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 6:57 pm
by monabri
It just didn't do it for me. Comic book villain ( Capt America) who looked as though he'd be more at home with the Village People.

"He blew off his exfil"...yep, I can believe that! ( about 18 mins in)...

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 6:59 pm
by bluedonkey
It just didn't work. Despite the hyperactive action, it didn't really connect.

Re: The Grey Man

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 7:21 pm
by Laughton
Oh dear! Another where we gave up after about 15 minutes.

Does everyone below mean that they could actually make out what was being said?? :roll: