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The Undeclared War

Posted: July 14th, 2022, 9:46 pm
by XFool
Anyone watching the rather intriguing The Undeclared War on C4? This week's episode was mainly in Russian as most of the action took place in Russia.

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 14th, 2022, 10:24 pm
by XFool
...Just an add on* (so to speak!). When I said "mainly in Russian" I really meant pretty well entirely in Russian.

Anyway, another of these hilarious after programme announcement: "If you have been affected by any of the issues..."

Yeah! That'll come in real handy if I'm an FSB employed double agent - after being kidnapped by FSB operators to put pressure on my rich dad to get me to work for the FSB in a programme designed to undermine western countries before starting a war - who is having an affair with a women working in the same Russian troll factory as myself while she is working undercover for an anti Putin Russian news site and has just been offered a job working in London by a Russian state propaganda news agency.

Well, it happens. :)

* You have been paying attention, no?

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 10:17 am
by Gerry557
I saw a bit last night. Flicked on to check out if it was worth a watch. I thought Id just hit a particular spot that was subtitled, guess not.

As for the "If you have been affected by any of the issues..."

I missed that bit but can understand the irony. It might be worth a spoiler warning though.

Im not sure it convinced me yet but it has Simon Pegg. I might wait a while to see if there are more positive comments before a revisit.

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 1:51 pm
by AF62
Have only watched the first episode so far, but the multiple scenes of ‘person searching through a library or archive room’ to replicate searching for something online has got boring really, really quickly.

I know watching people type into a computer and then fake streams of stuff appear on screen isn’t thrilling, but although this might have appeared a good idea in the writers room, it isn’t. It really isn’t.

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 2:33 pm
by monabri
I've bingewatched so I've seen the series. I thought the first 2 episodes were so-so but things picked up . I wasn't convinced by Ms Khalique-Brown in the role and the "mind castles " malarkey coupled with her "uncertainty" about her sexuality....nah! I thought things stepped up with "Vadim" ( German Segal) as the main focus of the episode. I was also unsure about the plot line for Mark Rylance's character....especially in the final episode ( unbelievable).

Thought provoking but forgettable as a storyline.

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 27th, 2022, 9:26 pm
by AF62
Well it picked up slightly, although the tedious and superfluous ‘searching through a library’ scenes continued.

But the ending. Pathetic.

I had to actually check online the series had actually finished and I hadn’t overlooked the final episode.

Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 27th, 2022, 11:51 pm
by chrissyr
So the last episode left you waiting for the next - then job done.
I enjoyed it good how to you respond without looking that you responded


Re: The Undeclared War

Posted: July 28th, 2022, 4:59 pm
by AF62
chrissyr wrote:So the last episode left you waiting for the next - then job done.
As there has been no announcement of a second series, then if that was the logic then they could have saved some money and stopped at the end of the first episode.