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Hold your Breath, The Ice Dive

Posted: May 4th, 2022, 4:49 am
by nimnarb
Made me want to have a hot bath and how anyone in their right minds would want to do this is beyond me. Not sure if on Netflix UK. around a 40 min documentary about a woman in Finland who holds the world record under ice for 50 metres and now wants the men's world record, oh and she doesn't wear a wet suit.

Re: Hold your Breath, The Ice Dive

Posted: May 29th, 2022, 11:18 pm
by DiamondEcho
William Trubridge, a British free-diving champ. Diving the arch of the Blue Hole in Dahab Egypt on just one breath; first time it was done. Many have tried, most (even on SCUBA) have died. There are some better quality and broader documentaries on it, but here's a taster

To a SCUBA diver who has dived in Egypt a a lot incl the Blue Hole (just NO WAY considering doing the Arch), divers such as him are just off the scale in self-control. There's a point it's self-knowledge, very meditative, the longer you dive the more it gets like that; less what's out there, more what's in there, every dive checking in on it :)