A Place in the Sun

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A Place in the Sun

Post by Outandup100 »

I often have to watch this programme under duress because family members like it.

Regarding several of the presenters. I firmly believe they must be related somehow to the show's producers or to people in authority at the listing tv channel. I do not believe that these presenters actually passed auditions to secure their jobs.

I am referring in particular to 1) Laura Hamilton, 2) Sara Damergi, 3) Johnnie Irwin.

The two women are: utterly false, unbelievably condescending and patronising, not too bright to put it mildly, and facetious beyond words.

They speak to the clients like a nursery school teacher addressing her/his charges. They refer to the clients, most of whom are old enough to be their parents, as "you guys." (People in the UK who refer to other people as "you guys", are always untrustworthy, patronising pillocks. Think Tony Blair).

Irwin is all of the above and a bumptious, jumped up little b***** to boot.

Of course the so called clients are mostly not much better themselves. They say things like "that wouldn't work", when referring to things like a house's exterior or the view from the back garden. What the hell are they talking about? "Wouldn't work" in relation to what? Their brains? Which don't seem work at all. They probably only go on this pathetic programme to show the people that know them how much money they've got.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Clariman »

Wrong board? Did you mean to post here http://www.lemonfool.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=71 ? ;)

I enjoy the programme but you can't take it too seriously. If you want patronising property presenters then Kirsty and Phil on Location, Location, Location take top prize. I cannot watch that programme.

In the end these are entertainment shows that work (in some way) for the presenters, house-buyers and the viewers. What's not to like?!


Lemon Quarter
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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by didds »

Prole TV for proles. Its a variation of voyeurism, along with so much other TV programming. Its cheap to make - the buyers are free, the estate agents are free. One OB tech crew and some video editing back at the shop, jobs a good 'un.

All the time people keep watching it rather than real programming that provides jobs for script writers, actors, directors, producers, tech crews, editors etc then this genre will flourish.The irony being the stations need this cheap stuff to pad out 24 hour TV. So in the long term its cost neutral over real programming for a reduced schedule.

its that simple.

I accept I am in a minority of one wrt this! LOL.


Lemon Slice
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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Redmires »

Cheap TV. You've hit the nail on the head. Another cheap trick, especially on commercial TV is to pad out the program with "after the break" and then "before the break". Along with the introductory 2 minutes of "in this weeks program" and then "in next weeks program". I've never timed with a stop watch but I suspect 1 hour programs are down to about 35 minutes of original material these days.

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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Outandup100 »

Add Scarlette Douglas to the list. Her of the silly frocks.

The three women speak a dialect all their own.

e.g: "So what do you guys think of this proppertay (emphasis on 3rd syllable) then"? "Don't worry if you don't like it, cos I have plenty of other proppertays (emphasis on 3rd syllable) to show you guys".Always followed by a patronising, toothy grin such as one might use to mollify a toddler.

Come to think of it, these 3 women would actually make excellent presenters on Watch With Mother if it was still shown

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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Outandup100 »

Had to sit through this again, this morning.

This morning's show starred Scarlette Douglas.

Scintillating dialogue included:

Potential buyers: "We might rent it out for half the year."
Response from SD: "You might rent it out for half the year"? "WOW"!

Potential buyers: "We like sitting on the balcony with a glass of wine."
Response from SD: "You guys like sitting on the balcony with a glass of wine"? "WOW"!

Potential buyers: "Sometimes we go to Sainsbury's, instead of Tesco's, for the weekly shop." (I made that up, but you get the drift)

If only you could get TVs with vaporising pistols attached.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Slarti »

Outandup100 wrote:Had to sit through this again, this morning.

Were you tied to the chair, with your eyes stapled open? :twisted:


Posts: 41
Joined: November 14th, 2016, 10:15 am

Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Outandup100 »

Were you tied to the chair, with your eyes stapled open? :twisted:


As good as.

Seriously though, OMG, a real life A Place in the Sun fan :cry:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: A Place in the Sun

Post by Slarti »

Outandup100 wrote:Were you tied to the chair, with your eyes stapled open? :twisted:


As good as.

Seriously though, OMG, a real life A Place in the Sun fan :cry:
More like a real life "leaving the room when she wants to watch something terrible" fan.


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