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30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: December 28th, 2016, 12:20 pm
by redsturgeon

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: December 29th, 2016, 2:10 am
by nimnarb
thx so much....

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 4:32 am
by nimnarb
Just saw "99 Homes" from that list. Very good indeed. Well worth 90 minutes or so.

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 10:21 am
by peterh
Thanks for that - really useful!

I've watched many of the older ones, but saw '71' recently on Prime and enjoyed that.

ps, does anyone check websites at the Telegraph? When you click 'view all', there are 31 thumbnails - because 'Senna' is in twice :D

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: February 14th, 2017, 9:38 am
by iain123
Thanks, very useful.

Watched ‘Room’ last night. Very good film that’s a disturbing, gripping and thought provoking tale about a boy brought up in a room with his kidnapped mother. Sounds like it would be a drag but its anything but. Beautifully acted and follows the book fairly closely, which is also very good.

(for opinion ‘orientation’ - I’m a middle aged man who likes sci-fi)

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: February 14th, 2017, 10:56 am
by AleisterCrowley
I've started watching a few things as I just got one of these Amazon Fire tablets dirt cheap.
A Walk in the Woods (amiable but a bit dull. Redford looks more like Garrison Keillor. He needed a false beard)
Interstellar - just started, first 45 mins, looks hopeful
but...found out I can get all episodes of Seinfeld, so had a binge-watch. "No soup for you!"

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: February 19th, 2017, 8:32 am
by poundcoin
Actually found two quite gripping films to watch on Prime both of a similar WWII genre .
The first was the well known film The Pianist about a Jewish concert pianist who is hidden in various buildings in the Warsaw ghetto by sympathisers , as the Nazis round up and transport the inhabitants away to camps .

The second was Defiance starring Daniel Craig about a group of Russian Jews who took to living in a forest and fighting guerilla warfare against the Germans rather than chance their lives in the ghetto .
Both films obviously a bit gory at times but definitely watchable .

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: February 20th, 2017, 12:08 pm
by PinkDalek
poundcoin wrote:The second was Defiance starring Daniel Craig about a group of Russian Jews who took to living in a forest and fighting guerilla warfare against the Germans rather than chance their lives in the ghetto .
Both films obviously a bit gory at times but definitely watchable .
I watched the last 45 minutes of that one last night on the BBC. I'd seen it before but couldn't recall how it ended.

If you've seen it recently and are up to date on The Man In The High Castle, you'd have spotted "Juliana".

Re: 30 best films on Amazon Prime

Posted: February 28th, 2017, 8:36 am
by poundcoin
Watched 2011 film Source Code last night ,starring Jake Gyllenhaal . Quite gripping if you like time travel type movies .
A soldier wakes up in someone else's body and discovers he's part of an experimental government program adapted to find the bomber of a commuter train and potential destroyer of Chicago with a "dirty" bomb . A mission he has only 8 minutes to complete , which is repeated over and over till he discovers who , out of hundreds of train passengers ,is the bomber .