Strictly - musicals

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Lemon Quarter
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Strictly - musicals

Post by zico »

We’re told it’s Musicals night tonight, but that assertion is undermined rather by a pro routine centred around Anton trying to sing. 2016 has given us Brexit, Trump, the passing of many famous celebs and now Anton singing – haven’t we suffered enough? Apart from Anton trying to be a very poor man’s Brucie, there are lots of references to various musicals with the costumes – Judge Rinder could probably get all the references. Tess has put both shoulder straps of her dress onto the same shoulder, and Claudia is wearing a lace nightie.

Ore & Joanne (Foxtrot). Ore is playing the character of Willy Wonka which he claims is his favourite character ever. They visit the West End show to get tips from the real Willy Wonka. The best thing about this is Ore’s costume – green top hat, and lots of other bright colours. Their routine starts with Ore striking a pose, walking down some steps and then doing a spot of gentle foxtrot. Oh great, loads of backing dancers, who are dressed in ridiculous flower costumes (because Willy Wonka owns a chocolate factory? – maybe they’re Roses) and probably hoping desperately that their friends aren’t watching. Len says “Willy Wonka – what a stonker” (Presumably he’d have used “plonker” for a poor routine). Judges tell Ore how generally great and wonderful he is, but also talk about specific faults and wobbles. That’ll be 4 nines then, for a total of 36. Brendan is dressed in Joseph’s coat of many colours, has a stuffed toy sheep under his arm and sings T&C, with backing vocals from our couples.

Judge & Oksana (Samba). They’re dancing to that Samba classic “Oh what a night” from the Jersey Boys musical. Another theatre trip visit where Judge is instructed in the finer points of being a Jersey Boy, and how to be cool. He obviously wasn’t listening to any of it, as he throws herself wholeheartedly into the dance. Curate’s egg – some bits great (hips, energy, fun) other bits less so (flat-footed, bit awkward). He’s always enjoyable to watch, but this really isn’t his best dance. Bruno and Craig pick up on the flat-footed stuff, and Len tells him “You came out and you gave 100%” which is Len code for “not much cop”. 7 from Craig, and a total of 31 for Judge.

Louise & Kevin (Quickstep). Excruciatingly bad VT as our happy couple visit a deserted Western cowboy ranch in Slough, dress up as cowboys and Kevin does a terrible impression of a cowboy. Louise is supposed to be Calamity Jane, she wears the Doris Day outfit and smiles a lot. We have extra cowboys and saloon girls to get in the way on the dance floor. This looks a pretty easy routine and massively within Louise’s comfort zone. Darcey praises her “great characterisation” saying she invoked the spirit of Calamity Jane. Not from where I was sitting, she didn’t. Other judges say how great she always is, and Bruno pops in a sneaky 10 to give Louise 37.

Claudia & AJ (Salsa). They’re dressed as a mixture of cats and rabbits. Dancing to “Lion King” music, so apparently they’re meant to look like lions. Presumably the Lion King isn’t on in the West End, so they look at lions in London Zoo to prepare for their routine. Their song is "I just can't wait to be king" that cheery song from the lion cub about how great it'll be when his father dies, as then he'll become king. There’s a lot going on in this routine and Claudia is definitely loosening up a bit, but the main problem is that AJ and Claudia look like two people each doing their own routine which occasionally involves them being near each other. Darcey likes that Claudia is showing a bit of character, and suggests she develops her character even more next time. Happy judges and another 10 from Bruno to give Claudia 37.

Danny & Oti (Tango). They dance to the Dreamgirls song “One Night Only”. Danny has a glittery blue jacket and Oti a blue dress with huge bits of floaty material on the sleeves – not so much wrist-hankies as wrist-towels. It's a bit too floaty for a tango. Lots of tricky stuff in this, and at one point they join with the backing dancers to form a 6-person tango line. It’s obviously good, but somehow not very engaging. Craig complains about the lack of heel leads, while Darcey gushes over Danny’s top-line. 10’s from Darcey and Bruno give Danny a score of 38 and he’s top of the leaderboard.

Short programme tonight as they aren’t making the celebs do two dances per show until next week, so the pros do an extra group dance. West Side Story is the theme, and this is really good, even though it has a spot of the always cringeworthy dance-fighting between two rival male dancing gangs.
Not the best show ever, and the backing dancers really don’t help on the small dancefloor. At least none of them tripped up the main couple. I think it’ll be Ore and Judge in the bottom two for tomorrow. Hopefully Claudia has done enough to stay in.

Sunday Results Show

A Cabaret/Chicago mix-up routine from our pros to start which is all very good. Claudia is out-glamming Tess by coming on in a bright red dress, while Tess has well, just something weird - wearing two skirts at once, with the inside skirt half-visible. We get the usual round-up reminder of all the dances, and little extra bits showing the couples bouncing into an interview room to shout “woo-hoo, a 10” at the camera. AJ blots his copybook by bounding in first and letting the door slam back in Claudia’s face. Ouch.

Claudia is first through and is very pleased indeed. Scary music time is the only time you’ll ever see Louise not smiling, but she’s next through and her customary smile returns. Ore is in the bottom two and doesn't seem surprised. Elaine Paige is on next, singing “Don’t cry for me Argentina” in what sounds like a dangerously high key for her. Elaine sang this brilliantly in the late 1970’s, but time has taken its toll, and there’s quite a few dodgy notes around.

It’s now between Danny and Judge, and inevitably the Judge is also in the dance-off. He immediately waves to the crowd as he knows he’s going home and so does everyone else. Ore’s routine looks less good than first time, and Judge does exactly the same as first time round. It’s unanimous from the judges and Judge is out. He compliments the judges, saying what a good job they do – which is probably a Strictly first. He then says nice things about Oksana which has her in tears.

So it’s now down to four excellent dancers. Presumably next week is the last chance for the judges to influence the finalists and after that it’s a popularity contest.

Lemon Pip
Posts: 78
Joined: November 21st, 2016, 1:54 pm

Re: Strictly - musicals

Post by coleyfish »

Nice one Zico

I'm with you on the backing dancer thing.

They distract and detract from the dance completely.

Louise to win, Danny second and then it depends on whether AJ and Claudia have a big routine up their sleeve - if they do then Ore is toast.


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