Ghosts (US)

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Ghosts (US)

Post by dundas666 »

My family and I really enjoyed the original uk Ghosts comedy series on the BBC by the same people who did Horrible Histories. Then we heard there's an American remake on BBC3 and I was very skeptical. How could they remake our beloved uk Ghosts - surely they'd ruin it. :evil:

But we gave it a go, and it's actually really good - in fact we're enjoying it just as much. Around half the ghosts are very similar to the UK series, the the other half quite different. The characters aren't quite as well done, but it's close, however the episode plots are much more interesting. Best of all, there are 18 episodes in the first series, instead of just 6 in the uk series.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Ghosts (US)

Post by DrFfybes »

Thanks for this - we'd seen it and enjoyed the UK version, but had not bothered with it as often they are a barely rehashed remake (see the appalling English version of Professor T compared to the original).

We shall give it a go, we're nearly out of Young Sheldons so need another bunch of 30 min fillips.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Ghosts (US)

Post by kempiejon »

I tried the first couple eps of the US series having quite enjoyed the UK version, even though it's not really my sort of show/humour and I think I prefer what little I ave seen of the US offering.

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