The Father

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Lemon Pip
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The Father

Post by forgotusername »

Saw a preview last night. Brilliant film, moving, tender, sad, poignant, confusing in places, but a depiction of the life of a man suffering from dementia. Having had personal experience of this situation, so many incidents accurately touched my own memories. Would be a difficult film to watch for anyone currently or recently coping with the issue.
Anthony Hopkins performance is unbelievably believable. Olivia Coleman too, genuine love for her father in difficult circumstances, a superb piece of acting.

In a world of films where substance often comes a poor second to style and special effects, The Father is measured, beautifully portrayed and above all reality, if you can bear the emotional burden.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: The Father

Post by nimnarb »

Very well summarized. I have also witnessed this in the past and now in the present. The way the film purposely confuses their audience in the early stages but is actually being painfully processed by Sir Anthony himself and makes you realize the sheer agony and suffering this individual is trying to cope with from one minute to the next is quite brilliantly formulated therein.
Gripping and even though it’s a film, this goes on daily amongst us. Spoiler…..Won’t spell it out but the lasting description of the trees, branches etc was and is so true.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: The Father

Post by Gerry557 »

I didn't really like the film, watched it this weekend.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie. It's a difficult watch. I think it does a great job in doing what it does and its quite clever. Anthony Hopkins is very good but when was he ever bad.

It not the sort of movie I would relish re watching.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: The Father

Post by zico »

Just watched this and agree it's a really good film, though Mrs.Zico had to explain to me afterwards exactly what had been going on, and how it actually all made sense.

Lemon Half
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Re: The Father

Post by Itsallaguess »

forgotusername wrote:
In a world of films where substance often comes a poor second to style and special effects, The Father is measured, beautifully portrayed and above all reality, if you can bear the emotional burden.
I watched The Father last weekend, and it's a definite 10 out of 10 for me.

At an age where our parents are sadly beginning to show more regular signs of mental decay, I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to cope with the emotionally intense subject matter, but it's all just so well handled in terms of how things are portrayed to the viewer, that I came away much more sympathetic and understanding of the hugely confusing issues related to later-stage dementia, and I think for that reason alone I would make a claim that this is one of those 'important films'...

An absolutely fully deserved Oscar success for Anthony Hopkins, but Olivia Coleman also gave, for me, the best performance of her career as well, but massive credit to the film-makers here too, because the story is told in such a way as to fully immerse the viewer into the experience that Anthony is going through.

For 95 minutes, we live life through his decaying lens, with a clear understanding of the confusing issues he's facing each waking hour.

A must see.



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