TV Documentary - My5 - Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

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Lemon Half
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Joined: February 7th, 2017, 9:36 pm

TV Documentary - My5 - Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

This is an incredible documentary series in my opinion. There are 6 series.

You don't have to like dogs to enjoy it. Graeme Hall helps dogs in need of help, usually from their owners. These aren't owners who don't feed their pet or look after them or abuse them. No. These are owners who don't quite interact with their dogs in a way that helps their dog to behave normally.

A lot of the programmes are a bit of rinse, wash repeat, but they remain enjoyable nonetheless.

But what really made me feel it was worth endorsing was the episode I watched tonight. Well actually we all watch it.

A couple were having problems with their border collie. We have a border collie. She's great. The problems with their border collie started when they got a second dog, a Jack Russell.

The border collie started to look at its own image in mirrors, glass and windows. Border collies are prone to obsessive behaviours but witnessing this behaviour was certainly a first for me.

I don't want to spoil anyone's viewing experience, if you want to watch. But I can assure you that Graeme found out why the collie was behaving like it was and within about 30 minutes had the behaviour completely stopped.

For dog lovers or not I really would like to endorse this documentary. It's just good homely TV and not what you would expect.

Oh ... if you have issues with your dog you can hire Graeme for a mere £875/day if you live in Yorkshire or more if your address is outside Yorkshire. But trust me you will get real value for money.

Graeme is in a league of his own.

Thank you

Take care


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