JFK: The Smoking Gun - Prime - Freevee

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Lemon Half
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JFK: The Smoking Gun - Prime - Freevee

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

I'm aware there have been numerous theories surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy and a gazillion documentaries examining these.

I won't say much about this documentary as it would possibly be a spoiler for anyone who's interested.

The documentary was made in 2013 and I don't recall seeing it before now. It's just short of 1 & 1/2hrs long and does contain some graphic images of the injuries to Kennedy's head.

If you haven't seen it before or read the book Mortal Error, I'd highly recommend watching this documentary. If you do want to watch it my advice would be don't Google it or the book before you watch it. I didn't and it took me in a direction I least expected.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm going to give the documentary a 10. I think the evidence presented does have great credibility.

I'd add that this isn't an invitation for someone to come along and tell me or others that the evidence has been proven to be a load of rubbish. Please take that to another board. This is simply a recommendation to watch something which I found interesting and feel others may too.

Of course, if you do watch it, please come back and let others know if you would recommend it too, without giving spoilers to the "storyline" please. Thank you.


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