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Lemon Quarter
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Post by Clitheroekid »

On Wednesday evening I'm finally going to achieve an ambition I've had for about 40 years - to see Casablanca on the big screen.

It's one of my top 5 films, and I must have seen it at least a dozen times, but TV diminishes every film, and I'm really looking forward to watching it as it was meant to be seen.

We're lucky to have a new Everyman cinema here, and I've been very impressed by it. Not only is it super-comfortable, with waiter service at your seat, but as well as the big releases they show lots of films that the big chains don't, as well as one-off performances like this. They also screen live performances from the Royal Opera House, which are excellent - and somewhat less expensive than the real thing.

So I shall be sitting there with a nice glass of wine, singing along (discreetly) with the Marseillaise - one of my favourite moments in the film - though I suppose for real authenticity they should suspend the no smoking rule for the occasion!

I've emailed them to ask if they could screen The Third Man - my all time favourite, so fingers crossed.

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by redsturgeon »

I'm jealous. We have an Everyman here too, do you have the sofas in yours?


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Clitheroekid »

redsturgeon wrote:I'm jealous. We have an Everyman here too, do you have the sofas in yours?

We do indeed. In fact, the only problem is that the cinema is so comfortable that with a glass or two of wine it's all too easy to drift off to sleep during a film that's less than gripping!

It's certainly a very welcome contrast to the average cinema, and it's persuaded me back into the habit of cinema-going, which is something I'd never have expected.

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Itsallaguess »

Clitheroekid wrote:
I've emailed them to ask if they could screen The Third Man - my all time favourite, so fingers crossed.
Hi CK,

As film fans, we're always aware of those highly-rated films that we've not yet had chance to watch, some more modern than others of course, and The Third Man has always been on my list of films that I really did need to get round to watching.

Anyway, yesterday was the day, and I know now why it's held in such high regard.

A great story, a great cast, great music, and in shooting the film in bombed-out Vienna, one of the greatest settings for a film that I've ever seen.

If it were a more modern film, I would have sat there looking at all the great shots, with all their great lighting, and perhaps thought how 'derived' it all seemed, but it's clear now, having seen many of those same shots in much more up-to-date films, just how influential The Third Man has been since it's 1949 release.

The Harry Lime 'reveal' felt as exciting as when we first saw Jaws appear half-way through that film!

Has there ever been a more knowing smirk than the one Orson Welles produced in that scene?

Great stuff - and I only wish I was able to see it at a cinema myself.



Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Clitheroekid »

Itsallaguess wrote:
Clitheroekid wrote:
I've emailed them to ask if they could screen The Third Man - my all time favourite, so fingers crossed.
Hi CK,

As film fans, we're always aware of those highly-rated films that we've not yet had chance to watch, some more modern than others of course, and The Third Man has always been on my list of films that I really did need to get round to watching.

Anyway, yesterday was the day, and I know now why it's held in such high regard.

A great story, a great cast, great music, and in shooting the film in bombed-out Vienna, one of the greatest settings for a film that I've ever seen.

If it were a more modern film, I would have sat there looking at all the great shots, with all their great lighting, and perhaps thought how 'derived' it all seemed, but it's clear now, having seen many of those same shots in much more up-to-date films, just how influential The Third Man has been since it's 1949 release.

The Harry Lime 'reveal' felt as exciting as when we first saw Jaws appear half-way through that film!

Has there ever been a more knowing smirk than the one Orson Welles produced in that scene?

Great stuff - and I only wish I was able to see it at a cinema myself.


I'm really pleased you enjoyed it, welcome to the club! :D I'm still hoping that the excellent Everyman chain will show it, and I'll let you know if they do.

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by PinkDalek »

Clitheroekid wrote:I'm really pleased you enjoyed it, welcome to the club! :D I'm still hoping that the excellent Everyman chain will show it, and I'll let you know if they do.
The teaser video here THE THIRD MAN (70TH ANNIVERSARY) + SPECIAL CONTENT ... al-content contains, near the end, an 'In cinemas this Autumn'.

I'd contact them and ask if that was last Autumn. If it was, we missed it! :)

PD (disclosure: long time shareholder!)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Clitheroekid »

PinkDalek wrote:
Clitheroekid wrote:I'm really pleased you enjoyed it, welcome to the club! :D I'm still hoping that the excellent Everyman chain will show it, and I'll let you know if they do.
The teaser video here THE THIRD MAN (70TH ANNIVERSARY) + SPECIAL CONTENT ... al-content contains, near the end, an 'In cinemas this Autumn'.

I'd contact them and ask if that was last Autumn. If it was, we missed it! :)
Don't keep me in suspenders - did you get a reply?

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by PinkDalek »

Clitheroekid wrote:
PinkDalek wrote:[I'd contact them and ask if that was last Autumn. If it was, we missed it! :)
Don't keep me in suspenders - did you get a reply?
When I wrote ‘I’d’ I trust you didn’t assume I wrote ‘I’ll’!

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Clitheroekid »

PinkDalek wrote:
Clitheroekid wrote: Don't keep me in suspenders - did you get a reply?
When I wrote ‘I’d’ I trust you didn’t assume I wrote ‘I’ll’!
I'm afraid your trust was misplaced!

The film was made in 1949, so the 70th anniversary, which this was commemorating, was last year.

Unfortunately, the local Everyman only opened in October, so I must have missed it by just a couple of weeks :cry:

However, I've emailed them to ask if they'd consider a screening to commemorate the 71st anniversary!

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by PinkDalek »

I might do likewise this end or even phone Investor Relations!

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by PinkDalek »

Clitheroekid wrote:However, I've emailed them to ask if they'd consider a screening to commemorate the 71st anniversary!
I missed that part but did you get a reply?

Whilst on the subject of Everyman, do you bother signing up for their weekly emails?

Mine arrived today with a link to where they are re-opening this Saturday:

We are very excited to announce that from 4th July we will begin to reopen our venues in a few staged phases.

We are now taking bookings at the following venues: Chelmsford, Gerrards Cross, Esher, Horsham, Barnet and Hampstead. We will be opening an additional 5 venues from 10th July, with the remaining venues opening soon after.

Our new venue Everyman Chelsea is also set to open in late July.

Looks like you may have to wait a little, unless you travel to the Deep South.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Clitheroekid »

No, no reply as yet. I am on their email list, but I've not seen anything specific about the local Everyman re-opening.

However, from the generic website it looks like they'll be re-opening in July at some point, so maybe at that point I'll hear back from them.

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by dealtn »

Clitheroekid wrote:No, no reply as yet. I am on their email list, but I've not seen anything specific about the local Everyman re-opening.

However, from the generic website it looks like they'll be re-opening in July at some point, so maybe at that point I'll hear back from them.
Ours opens this Friday.

Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by PinkDalek »

dealtn wrote:Ours opens this Friday.
The list of openings has been updated (since I named the 6 earlier):

We are very excited to announce that 11 of our venues are now open with the rest set to follow later in July.

We are now taking bookings at the following venues: Barnet, Chelmsford, Esher, Gerrards Cross, Hampstead, Harrogate, Horsham, King's Cross, Leeds, Oxted and Stratford-Upon-Avon

Our new venue Everyman Chelsea is also set to open on 24th July.


Lemon Half
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Itsallaguess »

Clitheroekid wrote:
On Wednesday evening I'm finally going to achieve an ambition I've had for about 40 years - to see Casablanca on the big screen.

It's one of my top 5 films, and I must have seen it at least a dozen times
Hi CK,

Appreciate this is a relatively old thread now, but Casablanca has been on my list of 'oldie-must-sees' for a while now, and I finally got chance to watch it last week, and what a great, great film it is.

Much has been written about it over the years, of course, but I really came here to say that one aspect that I've seen little recognition of is just what a fantastic performance Claude Rains gave, playing Captain Louis Renault, and I was stunned to learn that whilst he was nominated for the 1943 Best Supporting Actor award, he shockingly didn't go on to win it...

Next up for me on my 'oldie-must-sees' list is Laurence of Arabia, although at nearly 4 hours, I might have to break that one up into a couple of separate sittings!



Lemon Slice
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Re: Casablanca

Post by doug2500 »

What a treat you have ahead.

The full Lemon
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Re: Casablanca

Post by Dod101 »

And then of course there is Dr Zhivago.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Casablanca

Post by 88V8 »

Itsallaguess wrote:Next up for me on my 'oldie-must-sees' list is Laurence of Arabia, although at nearly 4 hours, I might have to break that one up into a couple of separate sittings!
I saw that at the cinema, one sitting. It was a while ago :(

A few years ago saw Bladerunner at the cinema. Films are just... better.... on the big screen.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Casablanca

Post by doug2500 »

I'd love to see 'North by Northwest' in the cinema.

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