The Matrix Resurrections

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Lemon Quarter
Posts: 2743
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:12 am

The Matrix Resurrections

Post by ReformedCharacter »

I watched and enjoyed the first of the series, walked out of the second near the end and missed the third. I watched this version at home with my OH and son. A lot of the dialogue in TMR seemed to be sotto voce which we found annoying after a while. Keanu Reeves is a likeable actor and he plays his role well, however even without any Xmas intoxicants I found the plot rather confusing. We gave up watching after the mid-point of the film with some disappointment because the original is something of a classic. 4/10 is the most generous I could be, although I expect that some viewers will really enjoy it.


Lemon Slice
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Re: The Matrix Resurrections

Post by CliffEdge »

I enjoy the occasional visit to the moving pictures, provided it's not raining.

Lemon Half
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Re: The Matrix Resurrections

Post by swill453 »

ReformedCharacter wrote:A lot of the dialogue in TMR
Bad acronym to use, as it covers all Matrix films except the first (Reloaded, Revolutions).


Lemon Quarter
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Re: The Matrix Resurrections

Post by Gerry557 »

I had high hopes for this, avoided everything to do with it including the trailers online before hand.

The original was a wow factor 10 for me and is still a go to for demos. Two and three were OK but they had a hard act to follow. Some really good bits within each movie but 7-8 scores.

No 4 seemed to be a bit of a mess, it didn't do it for me. I'm not sure why. Most of the good from 1 wasn't incorporated. The action seemed worse, cut too fast so you missed it and 20 years on you would think filming would have improved. I was even doing the nodding dog in parts it was so boring. Not what I was expecting at all.

Reading more online post watching, I'm not alone. It seems a bit of a marmite movie. Some like it but more seem to be disappointed or unhappy. I can't even think of a clip that I'd like to go back and rewatch.

So 5/10 please try harder.

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